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  1. DrakeMaiden

    Reading The Signs, Awareness Around You..

    It would be nice to have neighbors who were helpful while carrying on a conversation, instead of expecting your attention in lieu of your getting things done. . . (they always see you out working and figure you are fair game). Your example is more like how people used to get together as...
  2. DrakeMaiden

    Reading The Signs, Awareness Around You..

    LOLOLOLOLOLOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :lau Thank you, I needed that laugh! See, I have this neighbor who is always out walking her dog and if she sees you outside trying to be industrious, all she wants to do is chit chat. I don't even look up at her anymore and if she is out there I will...
  3. DrakeMaiden

    Kefir Cocktail instead of coffee...

    Thanks for that info, Wifezilla. :D I will try it with my milk kefir.
  4. DrakeMaiden

    Radioactive Debris Coming To West Coast..?

    I only read the first page of this thread so far, but I wanted to share a document I found from Physicians for Social Responsibility relating to the recent radioactivity releases. I found the following interesting: Tangentially, I thought it was interesting that the author mentions that he...
  5. DrakeMaiden

    Kefir Cocktail instead of coffee...

    I want to know about the coconut milk kefir too . . . I gave up milk. What type of coconut milk are you using?
  6. DrakeMaiden

    Food Prices, Shortages & Inflation - The Trash Index

    I was at the feed store last weekend and the price of feed is up again. It had been a few years since the price went up last, so I was getting used to the flat price. Oh well. :P Gives me incentive to start thinning the flock.
  7. DrakeMaiden

    when making mayo--what oil do you use?

    I only bothered to look for the avocado oil in the biggest, most diverse grocery store in my area. I kind of doubt that most grocery stores would carry it. I only found it in a small bottle too . . . just enough to make one recipe of mayo . . . for about $10. It is probably more expensive...
  8. DrakeMaiden

    when making mayo--what oil do you use?

    Last year LdyChef2K suggested using avocado oil. I tried it and it is really good that way . . . but it is more expensive. :/
  9. DrakeMaiden

    At home births and midwives

    When I made my decision to have a home birth, I had to know what sort of complications could happen and what could be done by the midwife, should such a complication arise. Of course, there is always the chance something could come up that the midwife couldn't handle, so I was glad we were...
  10. DrakeMaiden

    Pop music!! What gives with the lude lyrics??? RANT warning.

    LOL This thread cracks me up. Let me first say that I totally understand why you are upset, BBH. I think I would be upset too . . . especially if I had a young impressionable teenage daughter. I went through it too as a kid. The classic rock, sure, heavy metal, yeah, but that is pretty...
  11. DrakeMaiden

    Bubblingbrooks Journey - Salut!

    If there is anything I've learned it is that persistence pays off. :)
  12. DrakeMaiden

    yer a real country gal when...

    :lol: Me too.
  13. DrakeMaiden

    Quail_Antwerp: Words from the Barnyard...

    Congratulations on making it to the 2nd trimester. I remember that as the point where my energy picked back up finally. :) I also remember that I would buy organic strawberries every time I was out having a prenatal appointment. Well, that's not true . . . I made my husband buy them for me...
  14. DrakeMaiden

    Should I add potassium iodide to MY emergency store?

    What are the side effects of KI? I haven't heard, but everyone is talking about them . . . . I am currently taking 100% RDA of KI in the multivitamin I am taking. Would that protect me in an emergency? I guess that depends upon what my iodine status is? The RDA is pretty small . . . 150...
  15. DrakeMaiden

    Bubblingbrooks Journey - Salut!

    Very sweet picture. The little one looks like she fits right in! Wishing you good luck with your new project :) and I hope your illness blows over quickly! It has been a long winter. Spring will be a wonderful time of year to begin raising your new little one. Congratulations!
  16. DrakeMaiden

    Radiation Plume to hit Cali Tomorrow!

    I understand why it is a concern, but it might be helpful to have a visual aid . . . if you look at this meteorologist's website , he talks about the issue and has a map of Chernobyl's fall-out. Gives a little perspective. :)
  17. DrakeMaiden

    DrakeMaiden to the puppy phone!

    :D Thanks, Slightlyscrambled.
  18. DrakeMaiden

    DrakeMaiden to the puppy phone!

    Thanks everyone. :D She is a Great Pyrenees. We aren't sure if she will have the darker face markings or if they will fade like her mother's did. LOL Yes, doesn't she look sweet and innocent?!!! We, of course, know better. ;)
  19. DrakeMaiden

    DrakeMaiden to the puppy phone!

    :frow Hey Dace & Framing Fowl! Sorry I was MIA for the last week or so. I have had my hands full! That might even be an understatement. The new puppy is adjusting well. At first I was wondering what exactly I had been thinking, bringing a puppy into the mix. She came with all the...