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  1. Up-the-Creek

    Ew! My blister is full of pus

    Abi ! How do you stand to go barefoot in the winter??? In the SNOW?? If I don't have my fur lined snow boots with two pair of socks I would freeze! Maybe Im just getting old! :lol: :old
  2. Up-the-Creek

    Let's count our Blessings

    I wake up everyday thankful that I have a very healthy and happy family and I am also thankful everyday for our home and our land. I think many of us take too much for granted, we ALL need to take time to slow down and appreciate the simple, but important things. ;)
  3. Up-the-Creek

    health and feeling cold all the time

    I rarely get cold,..just when I stop and sit down,..then that is only occasionally. Most of the time I am burning up,..the other day it was 30 something degrees and I was outside working in a t-shirt. I hate summer also,..I feel like I am going to melt,..literally. :)
  4. Up-the-Creek

    Dispatching a trapped squirrel - the deed is done!

    :lau Sorry WZ for laughing at your story,...I can see you now with that squirrel! My DH and son are avid squirrel hunters and they like them for dinner or breakfast also,..DH was raised on them. Myself personally, I can live without it. We just boil the squirrel in a pot of water,remove...
  5. Up-the-Creek

    Gardening 2011

    Today DH cleaned the garden off and tomorrow we will be taking the old fence down and getting ready to replace it. Soon DH will be turning it with the turn plow!!! Can't wait for spring! :weee
  6. Up-the-Creek

    What is the best advice you have ever been given?

    Best advice ever given to me,..and BELIEVE me,..people are FULL of advice whether you want it or not,..the best for me was,.."Don't believe anything anyone says,.." :lol:
  7. Up-the-Creek

    Quail_Antwerp: Words from the Barnyard...

    Ali, that is great news! If anyone can make a go of it you can! How exciting! An income at HOME for both of you,..I really hope it all works out for you. Best of luck! :thumbsup
  8. Up-the-Creek

    Who's House is a Train Wreck?

    No holiday mess left here either! Day after Christmas my little 3ft tree with a tiny string of lights and a couple of bulbs was GONE! Back in the attic it went. We don't do any other decorations,...actually I have been spring cleaning, when spring does come,..I am OUT of the house and...
  9. Up-the-Creek

    Do you seek sustainability for your sustainability?

    Doing anything without outside interference is downright impossible I think. Even our ancestors had to pay taxes,..and usually there was some kind of government to answer to or religious order,..etc.,.. Also I think most peoples ideas of being self sufficent and how to obtain it is as different...
  10. Up-the-Creek

    Leftover mashed potatoes

    Oh yea! leftover mashed taters makes wonderful potato cakes! Fry them up in the skillet, very good for breakfast.
  11. Up-the-Creek

    Any unusual plans or ways to celebrate New Year's?

    Is it New Years Eve?? No really, I had no idea. My big brother called me to wish me a Happy New Year,...I thought he was drunk, otherwise, why would he have called? :P We are not doing anything special here. Everyone is allready in bed,..but me. Thank goodness,..peace and quiet :fl . My...
  12. Up-the-Creek

    Ohio Roll Call

    Can I get in on this conversation???? Im not in Ohio now,...but I was born and partially raised there,...shhhhhhhh! :hide Please don't tell the natives here in WV,....they think I am one of theirs,...I was born in around Akron,....I still have bunches of family up there too. :) I LOVE...
  13. Up-the-Creek

    Help me change my style! Bought a couple things!

    Great link Abi!! I love the skirt patterns! Thanks! Now I am going to have to dig out my old sewing machine,...:D
  14. Up-the-Creek

    Help me change my style! Bought a couple things!

    Yep,.keep forgeting that you are in Alaska! I bet the internet is your bestfriend finding some things. I know being here in WV can be bad enough at times. Sometimes this place can be positively midevil :rolleyes: ,..but sometimes that is the best thing about it too :D . That is why I LOVE my...
  15. Up-the-Creek

    Storing Onions and Potatoes

    My great-grandmother used to dig a hole in the ground big enough to place a barrel in. She would put straw in the bottom of the barrel and place taters in and then cover with more straw. The barrel usually had a lid, then they would cover that with more straw or leaves. It was usually done in a...
  16. Up-the-Creek

    Help me change my style! Bought a couple things!

    The tunics are nice, and WOW! Abie!!! I love those dresses! I wish I could sew and was bold enough to wear something like that! :hide Around here,..:duc Anyway,..BB I have found PILES of fabric at our local thrift store. A good pattern and the knowledge to sew,....I could only imagine!
  17. Up-the-Creek

    Gardening 2011

    Last year I skipped gardening, this year I will not make that same mistake. We have a huge garden (abt 80x100) and I plan on planting everything I can! All heirloom varieties. Tomatoes, peas, lettuce, cucumbers, pumpkins, beans, potatoes, carrots, squash, cabbage, sunflowers, and zinnias. I...
  18. Up-the-Creek

    Help me change my style! Bought a couple things!

    I also always have admired the way others dress, like the Amish, Indian, and many more. I also like the way our frontier women dressed also. I too am one of those without style so to speak. Mens t-shirts, jeans, and always tennis shoes or boots. I have always thought about changing my style, but...
  19. Up-the-Creek

    What did you accomplish in 2010?

    Accomplishments in 2010,.... Well for one, as someone else said, I managed not to kill DH. :D A miracle in itself! :gig I took the time off so to speak, to figure out what I want to do with the rest of my life. You know,..when I grow up thing,..:P Finally admitted to myself it is okay to be...
  20. Up-the-Creek

    Which is better?

    If it were me,...I would ask myself whether I plan to stay where I am or do I plan on moving to another location. If I were planing on moving eventually, then YES I would SAVE every dime so I could to get there as fast as I could. Now,..if I was planning on staying where I am, then YES, I would...