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  1. LittleRoosterCroft

    Vermiculture and Aquaponics

    Hello all, I have been off of here for a bit between traveling a bit and then the end of the semester and holidays it got kind of crazy and stressful! So...My last final was Friday...Saturday I had holiday events (for which I had to rush around and make things...) but Sunday I had the day to...
  2. LittleRoosterCroft

    The OFFICIAL BARTER thread

    I like "bartering" - I barter with my eggs now...and sometimes my soap. So, I have right now, soap (and can make specific scents, etc) - hemp oil and goat's milk glycerin or local goat's milk castille soap. I make soy palm candles and all kinds of aromatherapy things, as well as glass...
  3. LittleRoosterCroft

    Fall Soap Swap ~ Please re-read the first post.

    Okay, so I send to Moolie? Moolie, you like glycerin or goats milk?
  4. LittleRoosterCroft

    LittleRoosterCroft:what a issues and harvest stuff

    It has been quite the week...mostly issues with my lots of money spent and it is finally dead I think...leaving me stranded on the side of the road on the way to class with something melting. *stress* Last weekend was nice partly spent with friends at the Renn Faire and an amazing...
  5. LittleRoosterCroft

    LittleRoosterCroft:what a issues and harvest stuff

    :celebrateOkay, I have been doing this journal thing wrong apparently and had to figure it out....hopefully I am on the right track now but there are few entries floating around elsewhere! Anyway...I love this time of year because there is so much food! And this is the first year I am really...
  6. LittleRoosterCroft

    Welcome to the MeSSy Kitchen Club! Are you a member?

    Well this is fun...have enjoyed reading them so far. I am LittleRoosterCroft. I definitely belong to the MeSSy Kitchen Club. My favorite kitchen tools are my trusty knife, my new cast iron dutch oven and frying pan (just starting cooking with them and will never go back to "non stick") and...
  7. LittleRoosterCroft

    Little Rooster Croft - new baby!

    Perhaps because I am not doing it right. I have noticed that it is really hard to find the latest post on other journals sometimes before the comments. And trying to find my own last journal is not easy. I am probably missing something.
  8. LittleRoosterCroft

    Little Rooster Croft - new baby!

    One of the babies Mani has been sittin on hatched! Looks like one of the pure Buff eggs! :celebrate Hopefully there will be several more hatching too! I will be running to the barn as soon as I get home!:weee In the meantime, it has been one of those weeks. Never enough time to get everything...
  9. LittleRoosterCroft

    Little Rooster Croft - busy weekend, cheese, apple and sick Polish

    Hi everyone...well, sadly, my little sweetie girl did not make it. She just got worse and worse to the point she couldn't even sit up...I was getting my courage up to help her pass over when I came home yesterday and she had already passed from this life. :hit Why is it always the sweet ones?
  10. LittleRoosterCroft

    Your Parents.....and....

    This was an interesting thread to read. This got only if you want! I grew up in the suburbs. I lived in Florida until I was about 15 (yes a native Dad is too!)...I grew up about 1/2 mile from Biscayne Bay and very close to the everglades. My Dad's family was...
  11. LittleRoosterCroft

    Little Rooster Croft - something besides yogurt and cheese!

    Figured I'd do a whole life/homestead update: Well, my little sweetie polish is still hanging in there but hasn't improved any. I don't have a clue what the problem is. Is so sad.:( The plan is still to make the new area in pen and coop for her and Lil Dude and hopefully new babies! Speaking...
  12. LittleRoosterCroft

    Lady Henevere: Year in review

    I am so is so hard to lose the ones we are attached too, especially this way.
  13. LittleRoosterCroft

    Goat's milk farmer cheese 201

    Thanks JRmom and OFG! I will try this tonight!
  14. LittleRoosterCroft

    Free's 2011 pig food from now on!!!!

    Free, I so appreciate you posting your piggy adventures here. I am planning on getting 2 pigs next year (end of summer because I figure it will be much better for me to raise them through fall and winter here in DE due to the heat and I have seen ads here the end of July and into August for...
  15. LittleRoosterCroft


    Thanks for bringing this topic up! I was just about (and still will) start digging in the archives. I am starting an aquaponics system inside this winter (just gold fish for now) and plan to grow herbs. Once I have a hang of this I'll venture into a bigger system. I hope to have a larger...
  16. LittleRoosterCroft

    Goat's milk farmer cheese 201

    Good morning all, So, I have been making goat's milk cheese for a bit now. I make it the simple way, heat, add lemon juice, strain the curds out. It come out really good. However, my friend is wondering why my cheese is not as strong tasting as the goat cheese you get in the store. :hu I have...
  17. LittleRoosterCroft

    Little Rooster Croft - busy weekend, cheese, apple and sick Polish

    I spent a good portion of the weekend running around getting my milk from several sources since I am not lucky enough to have cow or goat yet. I also got a great bargain on two REAL dressers at a yard sale... I had been looking for a real dresser, not plastic, not particle board but has drawers...
  18. LittleRoosterCroft

    Little Rooster Croft: Yummy cheesy and yogurty goodness

    This past week has been all about making milk into other yummy goodness (besides just drinking it, which if is is yummy just as is!). I spent many hours surfing through the threads here :caf and finally decided to be brave and start some of these new things. I finally got the hang of...
  19. LittleRoosterCroft

    Wifezilla's Rampage - Weekend Update w/ pics

    Wifezilla, I add my condolences to everyone's here. It is so hard to lose a member of the family like that. Peace and hugs.
  20. LittleRoosterCroft

    Homemade Laundry Soap FLOP?!

    FarmerChick - I make and sell soap too...but not nearly on the scale you seem to. I admire the fact that you can make and sell as much as you seem is a time intensive (and space intensive) process! People love the handmade soap though and I haven't bought soap in years. I feel lucky...