Hey Sunny, that is exactly the way to start stocking up on a budget, & better late than never I say. Keep up the good work. Great job on all the fruit too. You will have not only food for your family but bartering tools too. :thumbsup
This started back in Nov the day after the election. The manufacturers can't make it fast enough. Along with gun sales going way up since then too. Some stores have bare walls & display cases they can't fill up. I even heard one sporting goods store owner on tv say he had a waiting list for...
In 1994, dh & I were in a head-on collision with a semi on the interstate & injuries kept us from working for over 2 yrs. Disability kicked in for the following Jan after dh's last paycheck ended, mine was over in mid Nov. Foodstamps did not want to admit I was not getting childsupport on a...
I will try to find the video thanks! But a question I have is how do you handle the nay sayers, the ones who critisize you for believing this way? I know I have been made fun of on here for posting things like that or ridiculed just because they don't like my source. Usually I don't let it...
Welcome ladies!!! Always happy for more hs's to join us. So many lessons in everyday life to teach our children.
Don't forget the vast amt of freebies on the net to print out.
I've been thinking about the extra money for yrs!! Now it is over $150/mo we would have! Can you say debt reduction????? Not long to pay it off with that much money each month!
Absolutely nothing!! Although I do enjoy adult conversation from time to time. Child conversations & animal conversation can get a little boring sometimes.
Dh was weaned off caffiene 3 yrs ago & did fine & no headaches, which really surprised me as much as he consumed in a day. I wish you & hubby a lot of luck in quitting. Are you going cold turkey or trying an aid to stop?
Ds's duck loves to lay his head in the crook of your arm!
I know what you mean about leaving the property it is hard to do when everything is growing & needing tending to along with the animals & then I add homeschooling to my plate too & people wonder why I never go anywhere. I know some...
All but the raised beds. dh went & got me some sand yesterday for the carrot bed. I have carrots, leaf lettuce, bunching onions, cilantro & more asparagus to plant. But all of that is going in the raised beds & tires. The garden beds are done & started watering this week. 17 tomato plants...
They survive on the dues the members pay, so if they loose groups they loose their jobs too. And they get more groups of employees to try to get unions in their place of employment by bullying a lot of the times. Not always but sometimes. And in this economy they need to go back to negotiate...