Since we are all in this game together...............


Late For Supper
Jan 6, 2009
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There have been a couple of threads asking WHY we store food, or WHY we are working towards being as SS as we can. Well boys and girls, I am about to show you my reasons and explain why I do what I do. Now, you have to understand that the wife and I started this journey almost 3 years ago. We saw glimpses of what is happening today, and I have to tell you it scares the living daylights out of me.
Have any of you seen Alex Jones latest documentary yet? It is called
The Obama Deception. Please don't let the title fool you, as it is about a lot more than that. It goes back as far as the Kennedy era to show and PROVE who is really in power and has been pulling the strings here in the United States, and all over the globe for that matter. The wife and I haven't been able to sleep since we saw it, it is that frightening. Your very freedom depends on being informed about what is happening. I beg you to watch it. It will only cost you a little time.
Do a search on Youtube or Liveleak to watch it. The very first link I found had been pulled from LiveLeak before I was finished watching it, but I found it elsewhere. They don't want you to see this movie, BUT... I implore each and every one of you to find it and watch it. Please.


Frugal Homesteader
Sep 11, 2008
Reaction score
I will try to find the video thanks! But a question I have is how do you handle the nay sayers, the ones who critisize you for believing this way? I know I have been made fun of on here for posting things like that or ridiculed just because they don't like my source. Usually I don't let it bother me, but sometimes it does as I don't want to see my fellow Americans suffer. I plan to take care of ds who is 23 & lives on his own & help him out, along with my parents too as they don't garden or raise any animals(they do contribute to our garden as my dad buys & brings me tomato plants every yr). And I taught a couple of gardening classes in Jan & Feb., to pass along my knowledge of gardening in the desert. I can't help everyone as then my children(3 all together) would suffer & I can't have that. Not to mention my dh does not think it will get as bad & drags his feet on doing the things I can't do & need him to do. I guess looking more for help with dh than anything else. the others I can just walk away from, even this forum, but dh that is another story.


Revolution in Progress
Aug 3, 2008
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Southern California
Like you, I feel that we are headed for a bad bad scene. I was proactive before we moved in Dec. I built a large (for my small suburban lot) garden, got a bunny & worms to feed my soil, learned how to can, stocked up on staples & candles, learned how to knit, wanted DH to make me a solar oven...etc. But somehow moving threw me off my game. I guess because we rent now instead of own I feel a bit unsettled and I am not sure about putting money into making this place work better for me as it feels temporary. We are working on buying this house, if we can swing that then I guess I will go into full prep mode.

Add to that, Dh is one of the naysayers :rolleyes: actually he believes on some level that we are all headed for trouble, but he can't accept it. It makes him scared and anxious...he is just a more sensitive soul than I am.

I need to get back focused on my preps...this serves as a good reminder. I will search the movie and watch it.

As for what to say to the naysayers in general? Keep your preps to yourself. I think it is fine to discuss that you think we are headed for harder times and that folks should learn how to garden and consider getting some chickens, aside from that unless you get the vibe that someone is really on the same page, keep your mouth shut....otherwise the masses that you tried to help warn will be knocking at your door when times get worse and then you will have some really ugly decisions to make.


Almost Self-Reliant
Mar 3, 2009
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Spotsylvania, Virginia
Well, I don't believe in a lot of things, but I'm certainly not going to make fun of anyone's beliefs.

I would hope as mature adults we can all be respectful of one another.


Cold is on the Right, Hot is on The Left
Sep 12, 2008
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SKR8PN, I'm with you!

To be honest, I am not that scared, though, because I believe God put my family where he wanted us to be to be safe.

Not only that, but I believe he's allowed us to have very little, and learn how to survive, so that we can be here to help the few local families that will be left.

If we lived in a big city, or town, with neighbors who I could shake hands with out my window, oh yea, then I'd be more scared!


Sustainable Newbie
Dec 9, 2008
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Upstate, South Carolina
Homesteadmom said:
Not to mention my dh does not think it will get as bad & drags his feet on doing the things I can't do & need him to do. I guess looking more for help with dh than anything else. the others I can just walk away from, even this forum, but dh that is another story.
I understand! My dh does not get hardly anything I am interested makes it hard. But not impossible. :p

But...I think there may be hope as I started making my own laundry detergent~~something I could do WITHOUT his help~and he is seeing some true savings there & is quite impressed so far.

Dh is a "stick in the mud." I am a flying cicada ready to tackle the world! Yeah~~(I am getting good at "Self Pep-Talks) :celebrate

My son is a great encouragement to me though~~he "sees" what I mean & wants to try it himself, too. He's a great kid!


A Major Squash & Pumpkin Lover
Jul 11, 2008
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central WI
And sometimes we have our own reasons for doing something SS but would like to hear about why motivates other people...


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
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Mountains of WV
Quail_Antwerp said:
SKR8PN, I'm with you!

To be honest, I am not that scared, though, because I believe God put my family where he wanted us to be to be safe.

Not only that, but I believe he's allowed us to have very little, and learn how to survive, so that we can be here to help the few local families that will be left.

If we lived in a big city, or town, with neighbors who I could shake hands with out my window, oh yea, then I'd be more scared!
I'm with you, Quail...and HomesteadMom. I'm not scared but I am prepared. I get made fun of frequently and called names like "farmer woman" and "hippy girl" and all the other derogatory little snide remarks....all that doesn't bother me as much as seeing my fellow man going down the path of least resistance, believing~once again~what the media feeds them, and knowing they will all have a very hard time when it all comes down.

When people treat you as an alarmist because you are able to read the warning signs and they refuse to even consider looking at them? When they condescendingly say that all that "Apocalyptic" fearmongering is only for the misinformed, religious fanatic sector of the populace? That worries me. But only because I care about my fellow man and, though I've been in the position to say "I told you so" very many times in my life, I would prefer it not happen this time. Too big. Too important. :(

Patch of Heaven Farm

Lovin' The Homestead
Nov 20, 2008
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:th My dh doesn't understand why I make a big deal out of being SS because he just doesn't think it will get that bad. All of my friends think I am crazy for trying to have a big garden and stock up on things and getting animals for food. It drives me crazy!! Because when everything does fall apart and I am the only one that has a full pantry I know they will come to me for help. What do you do? Turn them away? I just couldn't do that so with this in mind I am trying to tuck back a lil extra just in case.

Most of my friends live where they could grow all of thier own food, veggie wise at least and I have encouraged them and offered free seedlings to no avail. :barnie
Even if you do not believe in the collaspe of everything being SS saves money and I don't know anyone that is so well off that couldn't stand to save some. But they just don't see this. I don't push my beliefs on anyone and I have only shared my concerns with friends and family but they just don't believe it.......yet.

But I just look at my 2 kids and know that no matter what I will keep pushing to become more SS and put more food up for us and get the milk cow and goats and just trying everyday to do a lil more. I will not let the naysayers keep me from doing what I think is important, even if I do live with one. :tongue

Just keep swimming ....just keep swimming......:p


Super Self-Sufficient
Sep 12, 2008
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NOT Southern, Ca. :)
I watched the firs five Youtube videos. I will get to the others when I can. Very interesting and I guess, alarming. To know the world we have been born into and grown to love is not at all what we thought.

Have you ever see the movie The Matrix?

I will do what I can with what I have. Love my family and take care of them the best I can. Other than that I think it's out of my hands.