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  1. tfpets

    ~Tfpets~The Journey Back to Simplicity~Tina

    We developed a situation last night...this is going to put some stress on my sons, but we'll do what we can, because we love them.... We took placement of James, now 10, when he 5. 3 months later we took placement of Paul, then 3, now 8 - he is a much higher maintenance, special needs/mental...
  2. tfpets

    Quail_Antwerp: Words from the Barnyard...

    That poor little guy, that is awful! Bless you for taking time to consider giving him a better life! He didnt ask to be treated that way, he so deserves more! I hope he adjusts to having a better relationship with your animals and family, he sounds beautiful, look forward to pics. Gotta go...
  3. tfpets

    ~Tfpets~The Journey Back to Simplicity~Tina

    Yes, thats the one! Same thing every year, since the boys came! They take up more and more space each time though! Thanks for the compliments! Merry Christmas to everyone! Tina/tfpets
  4. tfpets

    keljonma's Front Porch - Settling in and adjusting

    Your ministry sounds amazing, and it is benefiting so many, what a wonderful thing. We have local church programs that feed the needy a warm meal every day, and I'm not ashamed to say, over 23 years ago when I first came to this area with my son, if it hadnt been for this program we would have...
  5. tfpets

    Quail_Antwerp: Words from the Barnyard...

    I guess Elizabeth has been promoted to Queen Elizabeth, Her Royal Marans....Queen of the Duckyard....hmmph. I have some chickens that prefer the duckyard too...wierd. I have a duck that refuses to live with the other ducks too? Her name is goat...guess who her best friend is? Sorry you lost...
  6. tfpets

    ~Tfpets~The Journey Back to Simplicity~Tina

    :) Our Christmas Picture :) (My 26 year old lives in town, hes not in our pic) James/10 Tina/46 Frankie/31 Paul/8 Charles/17
  7. tfpets

    Lorihadams-- hi guys...been busy!

    That is so cute! Its about the kids, so true! I got a kick out of something you posted: "I'm glad that Chad got sick in a way because he needs to rest and get some work done" Thats why my co-workers tease me - I'm a Social Worker at Child Protective Services - it can be a stressful job -...
  8. tfpets

    Punkins' world....SUNSHINE, seeds and no more drought!

    Mmmmmmmm, yes, I can almost smell your bread too! Finally got to catch up on your journal, your greenhouse and coops are lovely! :D... Take care, Tina/tfpets
  9. tfpets

    Your Weather

    We were at a frigid 32 degrees this morning, with scattered snow here and there, the snow above us (1500 ft elevation) has stayed, the snow below is in patches here and there, in town there is only occasional ice, its up to 45-50 degrees during the daytime...Its supposed to be this way, with...
  10. tfpets

    Food dehydrator?

    Not much help for Christmas, but I got mine, a nice Ronco with 7 trays, for $5.00 at a yard sale two years ago. Works FANTASTIC, the box and book were included. I see them at resale and Thrift stores also...people just dont know what they have! I may just pick up another this Spring, I've...
  11. tfpets


    :rolleyes: I imagine if you're in need of a taste tester, I can volunteer! I'll need at least 5 pieces of each, to be fair, I cant give it a true taste with just one (actually, I would get mugged if I didnt share with everyone here)... :lol: Just kidding, it all sounds wonderful! I'm going...
  12. tfpets

    ~Tfpets~The Journey Back to Simplicity~Tina

    FC - Thank you, I always feel kinda funny saying hi to "thin air" but my mom always said she would be here in spirit - and I believe she is....she insisted in her final days that we NOT have a service or funeral. She was ADAMANT about it....and we respected that. It infuriated other people...
  13. tfpets

    Hen23's Journal~Goodbye

    H23, How have you been?? Winter is setting in here...Did you get your christmas cards done with that photo? It was too cute! Hope all is well, and you update your journal some time! :D What a crazy, busy time, isnt it! Tina/tfpets
  14. tfpets

    Quail_Antwerp: Words from the Barnyard...

    No matter what the explainations, her royal highness has her minions exactly where she wants them, running around all over the place, serving her needs, making sure she is snug on her perch, the appropriate perch at that, and just to make sure you care...because a reassuring pat on the back in...
  15. tfpets

    ~Tfpets~The Journey Back to Simplicity~Tina

    My Medical update: I called the Neurologist, I guess they made an appointment for me for January 12th at 2:45...I asked when they were gonna tell me? She seemed kinda baffled? I told her I had no idea about the appointment, I was calling to make one just now, so I appreciated the heads up...
  16. tfpets


    Those are so pretty! They put the commercial ornaments to shame! Just lovely! I really want to try my hand at something like that some're an inspiration! Thank you, Tina/tfpets
  17. tfpets

    Ginger Bread House

    We've tried this every year, but it doesnt work. The boys and I made our Gingerbread House yesterday. Since we've never successfully gotten one to "stick" together - I thought I'd try a new method, and it worked! For a While :D We used the pieces from a kit (no, I didnt make them myself...
  18. tfpets

    ~Tfpets~The Journey Back to Simplicity~Tina

    We finished the Gingerbread House, Here is a pic of it before the chimney slid off! Tina/tfpets The gingerbread pieces were in a package, the candy was from Halloween, the frosting is from a craft store, I didnt want to use melted sugar, because I am a third degree burn waiting to happen...
  19. tfpets

    Bee~ Journal of then...

    :D Thats what I call folks, those that live in town, that have totally different lifestyles and timeframes, that have no idea about nature, conservation, taking care of themselves or sometimes reality? Some people I work with are fanatics about things, for example a couple are really into...
  20. tfpets

    lupinfarm's journal: a pretty little wilderness

    Oh Eggs, How exciting! Eggs are wonderful! I love eggs so much (except for how they taste - thats just nasty!) I love multiple colors of eggs! What kind was your first egg?? Congratulations! My favorite nest boxes arent boxes at all! I use 5 gallon buckets, with half of the lids cut...