Wow, I find this a hard discussion to read. I can see both points of view, but I am a farmer, and I find it difficult to swallow that I must starve in order for others to have a good deal. That being said, I don't believe in gouging but I won't give it away either.
There have been many threads...
Any word or phrase no matter how innocent can become a weapon of choice if used with a bad intent. Political correctness has become ridiculous and a censorship of free and reasoned speech. Common sense says tread carefully when addressing people close to a given situation as they may be...
So, how would you word the situation to get the idea across that he was trying to convey? I don't think he was trying to be malicious, he did say it sounded terrible to say such a thing, but the situation they were in and why it was ongoing was relevant. If there is a more appropriate way to...
We are new to the area, and don't really have any friends as we have been expating for the past 16 years. Our relatives don't qualify and our kids are still exploring their own opportunities but we have boat load of food and a roof over our heads and don't mind sharing with someone having a hard...
This is what we are worried about. We are already having to do most things for ourselves as no one seems have a work or moral ethic to do a job fairly and well. We are hoping to find someone who would honestly do their part according to our standards in return for home and food security. We have...
If things worked out over a very long term, we would subdivide a parcel out from the farm that they would 'buy over time' with their contributions being the method of payment. As to dying before them, that is what insurance policies are for and terms can be clearly stated for pay out. Please let...
We would do an short term employment contract first so that they didn't have any tenancy claims ect.. If things were good after a decently long interval, a proposal would then be presented to them to continue under the new terms. These people would also need to know if they could tolerate us as...
DH and I have a farm of 150 acres. It will easily support another family. :frow We are considering trying to find another family to live here and share the work, and help make it as self sufficient as possible. We would only require them to pay their personal expenses for any thing not grown...
You have a blessing. You are well stocked through your own efforts. If something should happen to your blessed curse, you know what to do about it.
I have the same problem. Wish I had the fish though. I am full to the gills with beef. I am canning most of the chicken. Will keep a few of the...
You are in a position to try raw milk since your allergies aren't life threatening. Protein is damaged when pasteurized. Also, most store milk is from Holsteins which have the wrong kind of enzymes and creates stomach issues. Milk from Jerseys has the digestible kind of enzymes. Drink raw milk...
The problem isn't just the DJ. All those spoiled me types that showed up, didn't get what they thought they deserved, cried foul and then behaved badly. Shame on every one of them. The DJ was a fool making a dumb, not thought out mistake; the rioters are low life jail bait. No excuse for what...
Thanks, it does help. I think you are giving the real life scenario instead of the sales pitch. Actually, I am kind of impressed that your cake turned out so well with the temperature of the oven being so low and you off galavanting around having fun most of the day and not attending to...
I am a bit confused about the solar oven. If it is getting up to temp. say 350 for a cake, why does it take so much longer to bake something then a regular oven? A cake usually takes aprox. 40-50 minutes to bake and yet you have an underdone cake after many hours. What part of the picture am I...
Its got nothing to do with area. I can read the books and take the test and become qualified/licensed quite easily. Takes less then 2 weeks which is why there are so many poor inspectors out there. I don't need to really understand how to do anything but pass the test and I can fill in the dots...
I live a 100 yr. old house as well. Double brick construction with 16" wide stone rubble foundations. It was also built in 3 sections. The floor in the original portion of the house is reminiscent of an ocean wave. Structurally the house is sound but there is only one log supporting the floor...
When reading reviews about the GSO, I see a lot of complaints about the plastic/chemical smell contaminating UNcovered food. Is this something you noticed with the one you borrowed and can you let use know if its a problem with your new one? I saw this after I ordered one, and it has me a bit...
Bats? I thought that it was just a really big fly circling my head every night sounding like a helicopter. I used to catch the 2 house bats and send them back up to the belfry, but they just keep getting back in. Now we realize the house is mosquito free so we just leave them alone and hope they...
Its easy to mouse proof a pantry.
Line the walls, floor (if wood), ceiling, and door with hardware cloth. If you do this before the shelves go in its easier and all that is needed to install it is a staple gun and a pair of tin snips. Plastic buckets are then safe to use as is, and it is...