One other note.
Our Flemish Giant doe does not eat more per day than the smaller bucks, unless she is pregnant or nursing. And she only eats a tiny bit more when pregnant.
They all eat about 1 cup of pellets per day. We are gradually transitioning to a more natural diet, and we do notice they...
In comparison studies, New Zealand produced the fastest growth and highest butcher weights for the amount of food eaten... but...
Calfornians grew more slowly, achieved a minimally lower butcher weight at the same age, on the same amount of food, BUT, they produced a higher amount of MEAT, by a...
The Great Goat Roundup
"Oh, that's right, laugh at me. Mock me." I sighed, kicking the dirt and sending up a puff of dust into the muggy morning air. It was way to hot to be chasing a half-grown goat around the farm, but after more than a half hour of chasing the same one I...
Polio is still active in the soil in most areas. It doesn't require a human disease pool.
Pertussis is also still active. I had it as an adult, about a year before the CDC discovered that the vaccine wears off in adulthood. There was a rash of cases among adults, and they got a milder form of...
You know, polio, Diptheria, mumps, measles, smallpox (when they gave that one) are reasonable. Those diseases had very high death or damage rates.
But starting with the introduction of the HIB vaccine, they started giving ones that had lower and lower contraction rates, and miniscule death or...
I suspect the wild doeling is dead. If she were abandoned last evening after we came up to the house, she would not make it 24 hours in this heat. The last one was in trouble and died within about 16 hours of the last time we saw him nursing from the mama.
The goats would probably like it... :)
I can't stand the stuff.
For people who like it though, it is a winter-hardy crop that can be grown most places in the US right through the worst winter months.
I was quoted $1200 for crown build-up and porcelain crown.
About the same time, my mother had a stainless steel crown put on for $800. She went to a dentist who specialized in working with cash patients.
About a week ago one of the goats that roams wild on the property kidded. Twins, very tiny since they have Nigerian Dwarf blood.
A few days later, our very skinny looking Pixie dropped two light brown and white babies, both bucklings (we'll have to wether them before they are old enough to miss...
It seems a rather limited, perhaps arrogant assumption that if a person is against questionable environmental legislation, that they are not in favor of protecting the earth.
I garden using sustainable methods.
My animals are raised using natural feeds, and allowed to live as close to a...
I think all those people who have felt they needed to do something for a long time are now feeling uneasy enough to be motivated to actually DO. That's what I get from my friends who are asking me how to take the next step.
I think there is some faddishness in it with some - and they'll choose...
The reconstruction period was conducted under different leadership than the war. Lincoln's plan was to let the South gracefully reintegrate. Grant felt that the South should be punished economically so that it was deprived of the ability to raise an army again. Lincoln died. Grant did it his way.
If you trust that a law will always be followed with the intent that it had when written, then all sorts of laws sound like a good idea at first.
If, on the other hand, you always assume that if a loophole for corruption exists, that someone wanting power will find it and exploit it, to the...
Ok, so let's see this for what it is. You will now have to ask permission from Mother Earth to plant a garden, build a house, or water a lawn. Only Mother Earth can't answer you! Oh, WAIT, they provided for that... The GOVERNMENT will appoint a spokesperson for the earth! So, you will have to...
The CSA here delivers their goods to a local health food store. There are others in nearby towns that do it differently.
Outline how it would work for you, and see if there is interest. Just remember though, what people SAY, and what they DO are often widely different. Plan for those who put...
Just going to a public swimming pool will give me a crashing headache. The chlorine sets me off every time.
Those stupid tree deodorizers they hang in cars are deadly too. When we bought a car a year ago I removed it from the mirror the minute we left the dealership. But still had problems all...