Almost Self-Reliant
Storing Bulk Dry Foods in PETE (Soda/Juice) BottlesWould it be ok, if I sanitize them and store dehydrated foods in them? I've heard rice is ok in them...and I really do have a lot so what else could I do with them?
Storing Bulk Dry Foods in PETE (Soda/Juice) BottlesWould it be ok, if I sanitize them and store dehydrated foods in them? I've heard rice is ok in them...and I really do have a lot so what else could I do with them?
~gd - Sounds like a good idea, but I have a question. Where is it sucking in the air at night? The pinhole on the bottom is for the water to drip out of, right? Do you put another hole in it somewhere? But then it wouldn't make a vacuum.put a pin hole in the bottom, fill with water and cap tightly. Placed near a plant it will drip until there is a vacuum in the bottle then it stops. When it cools in the evening it will suck air back into the bottle to produce a slow leak the next day as it heats up.