2022 Resolutions List

NH Homesteader

Sustainability Master
Sep 6, 2016
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Everything? I have 3 kids, one I’m pretty sure has autism, one I’m pretty sure has ADHD, and one is a 2 year old, my husband has ADHD, and I have the farm animals and 4 dogs, so… life. Life needs organizing 😂

The worst of it though, is the clutter. I need to declutter and organize household items.


Wild Hare
Nov 8, 2009
Reaction score
USDA Zone 3b/4a
m pretty sure has autism, one I’m pretty sure has ADHD, and one is a 2 year old, my husband has ADHD, and I have the farm animals and 4 dogs, so… life. Life needs organizing 😂

The worst of it though, is the clutter. I need to declutter and organize household items

ADDitude magazine/website helped me through the worst of DS14's ADHD. They had tons of ideas for ADHD-friendly organization.


Sustainability Master
Nov 13, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
Les’see…. I’m moving. I can break it down into 23 pages or just say I’m moving.

1. I’m moving
2. I’m refinishing the floors here for the new family when I get all this mess out of here.
3. Be happy where I am.
4. Look for HOME. I’ll know it when I see it.
5. Take my time and not be in a hurry.
6. Already lost weight. Goal was 135, weighed 131.8 this morning. Having second glass of eggnog. Covid diet, don’t recommend. Followed by grief diet. Don’t recommend that either.
7. Do 10 sit ups 3 times a week. I can do 50, but my back gets sore and hurts for a week. Add 5 sit-ups per week until I reach 50. Level off for awhile, then 5 more per week until I reach 100 sit-ups 3 times a week. It strengthens my back.
8. Transfer pile of papers to 4 drawer filing cabinet. Organize paperwork in LABELED hanging file folders.
9. Get rid of crappy 2 drawer filing cabinet.
10. I need left knee replacement.


Sustainability Master
Oct 24, 2019
Reaction score
mid-Michigan, USoA
i always have a list in my head. my normal method of everything is to figure out my goals and then to break each of them down into short term, medium term and longer term.

right now i have a few things i'd like to get done sooner, i just finished one so i can cross that off my list yippee! getting my room cleaned up more is what i will be doing more about tomorrow (i'm very good at procrastination, like olympic level good :) ) but what i got done today will help with that so it was a subtask.

next three months i'd like to lose 5-10lbs - it will make spring chores easier to have less to move and my body will deal with the summer heat better if i have less to carry and my knees and back will do better too.

a few other longer term goals i'll chip away at, some programming language and techie things, those are winter things normally now for me, i need to work on my website some more so that is on the list now and going up a notch as soon as i get my room back into better shape. i have made a lot of progress already, i just need to keep chipping at it. :)

soon enough some other chores will end up needing done so i always have a few extra hours of free time in my schedule for unscheduled repairs or helping Mom out. today i needed to fix her iron. she never cleaned it the whole time she's had it, it is supposed to be done once a month. ...

and then there is the general thing with me that sometimes i really don't want to finish a task because then i have to think of something else to do and likely that's going to involve more cleaning. i hate cleaning... i also hate doing paperwork. getting better but it's a major thing i have to push myself hard to do.

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