2022 Resolutions List


Wild Hare
Nov 8, 2009
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USDA Zone 3b/4a
I'm a resolutions-type person. In 2021, I tried "no goals." Which was mostly great except it did not help me with health or fitness. Apparently I need goals in those areas.

  1. I will do HIIT exercise every day for 4 weeks to increase mitochondria density. This should reduce fatigue. I plan to do this in the morning when I get home from dropping DS6 off at school, or at 9 a.m. on non-school days. If I miss my planned time, I will do it later in the day. I have 4 reserve days, which means that if I miss 4 days I will still consider this goal to be completed.
  2. I will use my bike for cardio conditioning every day from January - April. This will help me with heat acclimation and being fit enough for 4-H dog training group classes and for gardening. I have 32 reserve days. When I am successful using my bike every day in January (8 reserve days), I will reward myself with a bike computer that measures speed and distance.
I started using my bike, probably less than a minute at a time. Just until I can feel my heartrate increase. If I continue any longer I'll get dizzy and fatigued. I'm sure I will begin to develop more stamina, but until then, there is encouraging research about exercising 4 *seconds* per hour. I'll say it again, every little bit counts. Start wherever you are and do what you can. :hugs




Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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Four seconds! Who knew? I can probably even get DH to do that!

Oh - thought of a resolution. I WILL get my hair cut in 2022. A real haircut - with a real stylist.

I retired in Dec 2019. Covid showed up right after that and I re-discovered the pony tail. My daughter trimmed my hair once in 2020. I decided I could cut my own hair (ha) and attempted it once in 2021. Still rocking the pony tail, lol. It's getting so long that I have to have a folded ponytail now.

So - this is my resolution. It is attainable. It will happen before summer 2022.

NH Homesteader

Sustainability Master
Sep 6, 2016
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Ok here’s a few-

Limit my screen time (social media and news) to when my kids have screen time or are in bed. I tend to login for a quick check and get distracted!

Learn how to can- at least one item. I freeze veggies from the garden and every year I say I’m going to learn how to can but I kept having babies so I haven’t yet 😂

Start making soap again, learn how to make bar shampoo. The recalls on personal care items are freaking me out, and we don’t need all those chemicals anyway!

Go on a mini vacation. It’s been years. DD2 was a baby on our last vacation and DS has never been on one. There are plenty of rustic cabins in the woods type vacations we can take while maintaining social distancing.


Sustainability Master
Oct 24, 2019
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mid-Michigan, USoA
My momma said "the only thing worse than cleaning is not cleaning." She was not wrong!

i've always told myself that i won't regret one minute less of cleaning compared to anything else and that is true. i try to spot clean, 5 minutes at a time, often that will lead to me getting other neighboring things cleaned up too. it's at least a way to break the job down into smaller bits that i can tolerate. the other issue is the dust really gets me so i go as long as i can and then have to take a break.

i'm so glad this is a small house/room. :)

much prefer outside gardening any time in comparison to cleaning inside. one job i do enjoy cleaning though is doing dishes. i'm a minimalist cooker so there isn't often too many dishes from me around but Mom can make some big piles for me to wade through. it's ok, she enjoys cooking and i don't mind the dishes. at least she isn't as bad as the tv chefs with all their little bowls for this and that.


Sustainability Master
Nov 13, 2010
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East Texas
@frustratedearthmother I may have you beat. When I quit work 10 years ago to care for my mom, I had just let my hair grow out from a lifetime of coloring it. It was short and white. I let it grow, except for a few trims, it is long. Ponytail? Yup. Second hair band? Yup. I’m thinking of going back to a long shag haircut. I used to have a shag cut, wash, rub with towel, shake head and done. Really thinking about it. When I get moved, I have a friend with a hair salon…….