2023 Resolutions


Mr. Sensitive
Dec 22, 2010
Reaction score
I'm surprised SiriusXM is still in business! Tough competition. I use Amazon Music which I can play on speakers at home, on my phone away from home, and in my car. I pay for it because I hate commercials so much!
In Monday's news, SiriusXM announced layoffs of 8%.

When traveling, I enjoyed national news and sports...both mindless entertainment for me. 😆


Mr. Sensitive
Dec 22, 2010
Reaction score
Small steps continue.
Wife has stepped up and proactively helping with managing the financial tracking. I appreciate her help.

Almost done with getting garage clutter addressed. With warmer weather coming, might be able to attack stuff I have been toting along since the divorce 10+ years ago.


Sustainability Master
Nov 13, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
Here goes.
#1. Finish moving outside farm stuff from sons house. This will come in small increments, each one a victory.
A. Move 500 gallon diesel fuel tank and get
It set up on stand.
B. Move portable building
C. Move 60’ round pen and get it set up
D. Set up sheep working equipment
E. Move 4 power poles and assorted
pieces of drill stem pipe
F. Move long heavy cabinet that goes in
portable building
G. Move ALL my tools! Will take several
H. Completely get EVERYTHING out of
house, still full of crap, have yard sale
I. Move my windows. I’ve been collecting
them to build a greenhouse
J. Build backyard fence for sons house
K. Get roll of sheep and goat wire and
Rolls of barb wire
L. Sort through stuff in the two 40’
shipping containers, add to yard sale
M. Going brain dead, add more later

#2. Get front field fence rows cleaned up of
40 years of growth. This will probably take
all year
#3. Get front field fenced.
#4. Finish interior of closets
#5. On a list to buy 2 registered ewes
#6. On a list to buy Anatolian puppy
#7. Get craptastic chicken coops in back torn
down, cleaned up and gone.
#8. Get fence put up where coops were
#9. Learn to drive sons tractor so I can set
my own hay bales
#10. Finish this damned list
Ok, here’s where I’m at on this list.

#1. B. Son moved portable building last Saturday then hurt his back in the excitement of finding a water moccasin at his front door, striking at the storm door for being disturbed. He went out the back, found something to kill the snake with, stepped in a hole, twisted and wrenched his back. He killed the snake though. So building is moved, not blocked up yet. Blocks are in back of his other truck, backed up to building and due to rain storms, I haven’t unloaded them.

#1. C. I moved my 60’ round pen, 15 ten foot panels and a walk through gate. Haven’t set it up yet, that event will be forthcoming in the upcoming weeks.

#1. D. I did get my sheep working equipment set up and have run them through several times. Need to trim feet of big fat waddling heavy pregnant ewe, she’s limping. But I’ll wait until she lambs, don’t want to hurt her or unborn babies.

#1. M. Yup, got that one nailed down!

#4. YAY!! Finished last shelf tower in closet yesterday!

#6. I skipped the puppy on a list and found a registered Anatolian puppy at a much better $$$$ deal. He is now making me crazy with his antics.

#9. I can’t drive his damned tractor. The clutch is straight down and even standing up, standing on one leg, I don’t have enough lead in my A$$ to push the damned clutch in far enough to do a cotton pickin’ thing with it. A friend comes over and does it. Problem solved.

New additions to the list.

11. Get 30 or 40 foot of culvert added to the one I already have. County will do this, I just gotta buy the culvert. Mo’ money. Driveway is narrow, 90 degree sharp turn with no swing room. Can’t get a truck and 28’ trailer to make that turn. Then I have to up chuck the money for dirt and rock to join existing driveway. This must get done before I can move on to …..

#12. Tear down a stretch of existing fence. Haul in dirt and rock for building pad for two 40’ shipping containers. These will be placed 40’ apart and become a huge barn. Bar stock must be welded the length of both, then the 5 sets of trusses that son got for me yesterday, welded to the bar stock, bolted or welded together at the peak, for the roof to be added. Roof will be 2x6 lath strips, then decked with plywood, heat barrier rolled out, tar paper over that, then metal R panels screwed on. I will have storage in the containers and hay storage in the barn as well as cover for tractors and trailers. Lean to’s extending off both sides will give a sheep barn and more covered area.

#13. Really #12 and #13 are interchangeable as both will be in some form of construction at same time. Back to #13. Cut power poles at sons house to 20’ lengths, haul here, that would complete #1. E. And start a small barn in the front field. I figure a 20’x20’ pole barn to start with, probably add lean to’s to it later. Here again, haul in loads of dirt to raise the ground level so I don’t have a mud hole when it rains.

#14. Tear down existing CRAPTASTIC outbuildings that masquerade as storage facilities. They leak, corrugated tin has a right way and a wrong way to be put on a roof. My grandpa taught me that when I was a kid. The right way does not leak, the wrong way is guaranteed to leak. Guess which one I’ve got?

Ummm….. that’s all for now.


Wild Hare
Nov 8, 2009
Reaction score
USDA Zone 3b/4a
1. Do at least 3 virtual 5Ks. Maybe walk several in-person 5Ks to get over my fear of them.
2. Walk/jog/run 100 miles (treadmill counts).
3. Walk my dog 75 minutes/week for 8 weeks toward FIT Dog bronze title. (I started in 2022, and will have 4 or 5 weeks left).
4. Lose the 10# I gained in Sept-Oct 2022, and another 5 - 10#. Goal weight 120 - 130.
5. Practice better (more frequent) self-care
6. Clean my basement and upstairs. Keep them clean?
7. Use what I already have. This applies to yarn and fabric stash, beauty and fitness items, dog gear, etc. I have plenty but forget about whatever is in storage.
8. Work on my dog training CEU. Possibly by writing a book. Complete FIT Dog instructor training for levels 2 and 3. Get my act together and teach some classes and/or start a FIT Dog club this summer.
I'm working on a virtual 5K now! It ends at the end of the month. It's finally warm enough to walk outside most days.

I bought a fitbit to track my steps/distance - to count the 100 mile goal. Just started that one.

FIT Dog Broze title is done. Currently working on Silver. I have 5 weeks left of walking my dog 175 minutes/week.