2023 Resolutions


Sustainability Master
Nov 13, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
#1B done
C done
E done
F done
M done
#4 done have shelf towers in bedroom closets and put up pol brackets with a shelf on top of the brackets.

#5 done bought 2 registered 3 month old ewes Friday.

#6 done Buford is doing great.

#9 not done. Can’t push clutch in, even standing on it. Not gonna happen.

#10 finish list

#11. Get county to add extension culvert on driveway. Will make a 45 degree angle entrance. Currently it is a sharp 90 degree turn and impossible to make the turn with anything over a 20’ trailer.

#12. Buy dirt to build up new driveway extension.

#13. Buy rock to go over the dirt.

#14. Cut fence at halfway mark on driveway, wrap around H brace. Pull back about 40’ of wire, pull up T-posts. This will give dump truck access to small barn building site.

#15. Buy dirt for barn pad, spread it with MY tractor.

#16. Complete #1 E.

#17. Set poles for small barn, 20’x20’
Then build barn and put lean to’s off both sides.

#18. Buy dirt, build pad for two 40’ shipping containers, top with rock.

#19. Buy and either weld or bolt flat bar stock to side of containers. Hire welder to weld the 40’ metal trusses son bought for me. This will make a 40’x40’ barn with 2 shipping containers for storage. Can park trailers and tractors under the cover. This will go in the back field, fairly close to house.

#20. Win the lottery so I can buy the metal roofing. :lol:

#21. Put new roof on house, insurance adjuster coming Friday.

I think that’s all. For now.
I got #11 and #14 done.

I cut and rolled back wire, pulled T-posts for #14


Truck went in the body shop a week ago to get hail damage done. I should get it back in a few days. Then I’ll buy shingles, underlayment and radiant heat barrier, get a roll off box dropped, and be ready to roll on tearing off and replacing the roof.

A friend has a friend that gets him concrete truck wash out for a good price. I’ll use that in the barn, cover with dirt, then top with more wash out. Wash out is when the drivers wash the concrete trucks out, so the left over concrete doesn’t harden and stay in the trucks.

Roof first. Then pull up posts, roll fence back, to get desired angle to driveway, fill in with dirt and washout. Then barn.

I put up a new post and mailbox yesterday, to replace the dilapidated, falling apart, one that I had.


The county brought the maintainer, back hoe, belly dump of dirt and dump truck of road base rock.



The H brace to the left has already been pulled up. The H brace to the right will be pulled up and reset. I’ll drive a T-post about 2-3 feet inside the new culvert as a marker, then run a string to a T-post on the driveway so I can get a visual on where to reset the H brace, and where to put the new H brace on the front. There is rock over that newly spread dirt.


I also asked that they set a new culvert across the road because the road went under water in hard rains, right at my driveway, and they did. They brought in more dirt to build up the road and topped it off with more rock.

Progress is being made.


Sustainability Master
Nov 13, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
I detoured off my list to put a new roof on my house. Hail storm damaged it and cheapo insurance adjuster didn’t allow me much. I spent nearly all of it on materials. I upgraded, used better underlayment than the tar paper. I used radiant heat barrier, put on a metal roof rather than shingles. Had to replace 6 sheets of decking with 1/2” plywood, repair rafters that were rotted on the ends. I used 2x4s for lath strips instead of 1x4s because the extra thickness gave the roof screws more to grip, plus greater air circulation under the metal to carry off the heat reflected by the radiant heat barrier. It took 4 weeks, only able to work from daylight to noon because of excessive heat, temperature in the high 90’s to 104F. Let’s not even talk about the heat index! With help of friends, neighbors and a guy that I didn’t even know, it got done and I’m better off now than I was before.

It hasn’t been even a complete year since my knee replacement, but I scampered up and down the ladder like a monkey, was all over the roof, worked hard and NO PAIN.

I am Blessed.

I got the county to add another 30’ to my driveway culvert. Now I have to get dirt and rock to fill in the gap on my side.

Got front fence row sprayed with Remedy, it is dying back. Will work on it this fall/winter to get it cleaned up.

Will start back on cleaning up a stretch of fence by the house. Son is coming in a few weeks for 3 days. Going to set corner braces. Going to haul hay that I’m going tomorrow to buy.

Have 10 lambs under 2 months old, 4 are ewes and will be added to the flock. Plus 4 ewes born first of year. Giving away 2 older ewes, bred, to a neighbor that has been a tremendous help to me. So I’ll have 29 ewes for next year. This is getting close to my target of 30-50 breeding ewes. I’m keeping a ram lamb and going in October to Tennessee to buy another ram. My breeding program is going good, just need fence up so I can utilize the grass.

Some terrible weeds on this place, toxic and poisonous. I’ll be starting a spraying program, along with mowing. It will take several years to get the fields clean. I hate poison but I sure can’t go pull weeds on 25 acres and mowing alone isn’t enough.


Mr. Sensitive
Dec 22, 2010
Reaction score
I detoured off my list to put a new roof on my house. Hail storm damaged it and cheapo insurance adjuster didn’t allow me much. I spent nearly all of it on materials. I upgraded, used better underlayment than the tar paper. I used radiant heat barrier, put on a metal roof rather than shingles. Had to replace 6 sheets of decking with 1/2” plywood, repair rafters that were rotted on the ends. I used 2x4s for lath strips instead of 1x4s because the extra thickness gave the roof screws more to grip, plus greater air circulation under the metal to carry off the heat reflected by the radiant heat barrier. It took 4 weeks, only able to work from daylight to noon because of excessive heat, temperature in the high 90’s to 104F. Let’s not even talk about the heat index! With help of friends, neighbors and a guy that I didn’t even know, it got done and I’m better off now than I was before.

It hasn’t been even a complete year since my knee replacement, but I scampered up and down the ladder like a monkey, was all over the roof, worked hard and NO PAIN.

I am Blessed.

I got the county to add another 30’ to my driveway culvert. Now I have to get dirt and rock to fill in the gap on my side.

Got front fence row sprayed with Remedy, it is dying back. Will work on it this fall/winter to get it cleaned up.

Will start back on cleaning up a stretch of fence by the house. Son is coming in a few weeks for 3 days. Going to set corner braces. Going to haul hay that I’m going tomorrow to buy.

Have 10 lambs under 2 months old, 4 are ewes and will be added to the flock. Plus 4 ewes born first of year. Giving away 2 older ewes, bred, to a neighbor that has been a tremendous help to me. So I’ll have 29 ewes for next year. This is getting close to my target of 30-50 breeding ewes. I’m keeping a ram lamb and going in October to Tennessee to buy another ram. My breeding program is going good, just need fence up so I can utilize the grass.

Some terrible weeds on this place, toxic and poisonous. I’ll be starting a spraying program, along with mowing. It will take several years to get the fields clean. I hate poison but I sure can’t go pull weeds on 25 acres and mowing alone isn’t enough.
You're my hero


Wild Hare
Nov 8, 2009
Reaction score
USDA Zone 3b/4a
Wow baymule! I'm over here wondering what my resolutions were... :gig I got a bit distracted, sorta forgot there were things I wanted to do
I got lucky. I did most of mine. I could lose a few pounds, but whatever. I'm close enough to my goal to feel good in my skin.

I did a couple things differently than I expected. 🤷‍♀️

July resolutions, anyone?

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