Completely disagree with you on this one. I can easily make flux using tree resin and sand to make welding rod from a coat hanger. I can then hook up 3 car batteries to weld anything I want. As for gun powder, you can easily substitute ingredients and there are plenty of recipes out there that work well. I have made red powder when learning and reloaded RIMFIRE .22 cartridges using strike anywhere matches.patandchickens said:Perhaps I'm misunderstanding your point here, but isn't that sort of the whole point of "the end of the world as we know it" scenarios that people (not really me, btw) are planning for, though?Denim Deb said:But, do you know how to make gun powder? And, if you do know how to make it, do you have access to sulfur and potassium nitrate? Or, if you know how to weld, do you know how to make your own welding rods?
You simply CANNOT make those things yourself, realistically. Not while doing everything else necessary to survive, anyhow. And in many cases, not even if you had nothing else to do at all, because they just require too many complex-and-technically-difficult or not-found-locally materials. Or for gunpowder, while with sufficient time and experimentation and a fortuitous supply of the right stuff (remembering that episode of the old Star Trek series here) you could arrive at some semblance of sorta-gunpowder, it ain't gonna be something you can expect to use effectively in a firearm, not even a black-powder rifle.
Thus, one would need to rely on more-basic technologies that CAN be done by oneself or one's immediate group; and/or work out arrangements with other people to trade goods and share services.
(BTW, the heck with welding rods, whatcha gonna use as a *power source* for welding. Except when using the term "welding" in the very very broadest possible sense so that it includes heating things up in a forge and then hammering on 'em; but a usefully-hot forge is not an "oh I will throw it together in my spare time" project either. Note that even plumbing [soldering] is on my normal-natural-disaster list NOT the "back to stone age" list...)
Out here, a lot of people bow hunt and trap too, so when the ammo is gone, they'll be breaking out the arrows...while I'm still waving my empty gun at 'em. There are salt mines in KS, but too far for me to walk to and I don't have or want a horse at this point.Denim Deb said:Pat, my point in my reply about the gun powder and welding rods is that most people stock pile up on certain things, like ammo. But, once it's gone, what are you going to do? It's not something most people have addressed in their replies, and I just used them as an example. Something else I could use, for those that don't live near salt water, where will you get salt from if TSHTF and you run out? Just something for people to think about.