Hm. rotisserie chicken for dinner tonight, convenient... I think I am going to put the crock pot outside for this one, DH hates when the whole house smells like food, unless it's cinnamon buns or apple pie, lol.
i second using the baggies, I have everything in baggies in the basement freezer, nice neat little stacked squares and no wasted space.
Here's what I say, "Do ya want me to cook???? Then quit yer whinin'!!! Go outside and do some chores if you don't like the smell in's a list."
lol. That does work but I don't want to push my luck because next weekend I'll be canning pickles! I'll put the crock pot out when I can so I hear less crap about the things I can't do outside (like pickles)
I would cook lutefisk and cabbage for a week every time he opened his mouth about such things. Outside/inside no matter; no where would be safe from the stench. Any one down wind would have to move. can see in my journal that I cooked a meatie in the pressure cooker to make stir fry last night. I added a cup of water to the pot even though it really didn't need that much water, but my thought was I could use the excess stuff to make a small bone broth. Once the chicken was done cooking, the water/broth/whatever was left in the cooker smelled grrrrreat, so after we pulled the meat off the bones we tossed the bones back into the pot. It's been on low/warm since last night.
I assume this can be saved as broth once I strain out the bones, no?
LOL! It takes some getting used to. I had to make mine in the garage (in a crockpot) the first couple of times because the smell grossed everyone out. Then we all got used to it and now it smells "homey" to me when I make it. Fry up some bacon and your house will smell divine while you make your broth.