Mountain Sage
I've been doing some thinking...and we all know how dangerous that can be. 
I've perused forums a lot in the past few years and have concluded that people are very fond of labels or categorizing themselves or their lifestyles into areas of philosophy like permaculture, preppers, SSers, Agragarian, vegan, etc. I'm wondering how you all feel about identifying with or adopting such labels and trying to live your life according to those ideals and if you are comfortable being identified~or labeled~ in such a manner?
Are you more comfortable with labels because they give you boundaries under which to grow, operate or formulate your style without having to stand out from the accepted group ideals in that particular philosophy?
Or are you uncomfortable with adhering to all the ideals that identify that particular group and wish only to adopt some of their belief/practices because they make sense but the other portions of the total philosophy don't suit your own ideals/goals/beliefs?
Just curious with how you see yourself as an individual and as a member of a group/belief system/forum/community?

I've perused forums a lot in the past few years and have concluded that people are very fond of labels or categorizing themselves or their lifestyles into areas of philosophy like permaculture, preppers, SSers, Agragarian, vegan, etc. I'm wondering how you all feel about identifying with or adopting such labels and trying to live your life according to those ideals and if you are comfortable being identified~or labeled~ in such a manner?
Are you more comfortable with labels because they give you boundaries under which to grow, operate or formulate your style without having to stand out from the accepted group ideals in that particular philosophy?
Or are you uncomfortable with adhering to all the ideals that identify that particular group and wish only to adopt some of their belief/practices because they make sense but the other portions of the total philosophy don't suit your own ideals/goals/beliefs?
Just curious with how you see yourself as an individual and as a member of a group/belief system/forum/community?