Lol I'm slowly getting him worked around to getting it
incidentally, does anyone want the receipe? although, not sure what is going on, while the "buttons" are still popped in the jam still hasn't set. hrmmmm
Runny jam=ice cream topping!
I would like the recipe please. Our schools have received a grant for daily healthy snacks for all students. Today's snack was pears. Rock hard pears. Each classroom gets a brown paper sack of what ever and they have to return the empty bag at the end of the day. So anything that doesn't get eaten gets THROWN AWAY! The apples, the broccoli and dip, carrot sticks, all get eaten. But my mom has been subbing in two schools now where no one is eating these pears. She happened to be in my school today and told me it was pear day. I brought home several pounds of them because sure enough, no one ate them.