Sustainability Master
Put a temporary fence around it and put some chickens in it. They will take care of the bugs.


I really hope it worked! Please let us know. Bugs are so awful in vegetable gardens. You do all that hard work and they ignore all the other plants and go eat what you are trying to growafter some research i believe the 20,000 cucumber beatles are what did my butternut squash vines in. they have also been hard on my green beans and my okra is more holy than the pope.
so tonight i got an idea. those little buggers are probably bedded down on the plants right now, i thought. so i grabbed an old chemical(bt) sprayer that hooks up to a garden hose. i poured half a bottle of palmolive in it and filled it the rest of the way with water.
with the hose and a flash light we let it rip on those bugs. way better than a spray bottle. they couodnt get away from the hose. before many of them could take flight i had the whole plant soaked. i hit all the plants several times chasing them around until i was out of soap. we will see tomorrow if the population has curved any