Aidenbaby's Anti-Suburban Sprawl


Super Self-Sufficient
Sep 12, 2008
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NOT Southern, Ca. :)
Have patience, there are many of us around here who have dh's that don't quite see things as we do. I know it is very hard trying to do things on your own but in my case my dh and I have very different interest. I have to practically revolt and stop feeding him to get him to help with my projects.
Take things slow and don't try to accomplish everything at one time. Maybe have him help with one little thing then move on. Do something on your own. For me I pick maybe one thing a weekend that I really need him for. Because I know that's all I am gonna get anyways. :th

I am no expert on anything. Just my experience and .02. g


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
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Mountains of WV
My mom gave up years ago and just does stuff for herself now. She has become very accomplished over the years and experiences less stress from waiting for someone to pick up the slack.

Some guys just aren't as motivated as we gals to keep things nice and get things done. Some are...but I think they are rare.

My own boys are always very put out when I pop up with another chore or project to do and groan loudly, "What would you do without us to do all these things for you?" To which I reply, "Who do you think did them before you were big enough to do them, silly?" :p And I will continue to do them after they are are such wimps, both young and old!

Its us women who are the backbone of the nation.... :)


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 15, 2008
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SE Indiana
Its us women who are the backbone of the nation....
You got THAT right!! My DH works in a tool crib. Air pot, name it. We do a few projects before he goes to work, but then he goes to work to RELAX....I on the other hand, work outside untill dark most days. A womans work is never done....especially a self sufficient woman! ;)


Jul 16, 2008
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Brandon, MS
Aidenbaby said:
Please, GOD, give me the patience to not fight with him over more broken promises this weekend. :fl I love my husband but this is starting to get absurd as most projects he starts don't even get halfway done. :hit
Kelle - Never ever pray for patience. You learn patience through trials and tribulations. Two things you don't need. (A wise old woman told me that years ago when I was beating my head against the wall).

Now I pray for the ability to do the job myself. Funny how that has worked for me over the years. I just go out and start making a horrible mess of the project. DH usually shows up and laughs at me, or tells me how I am doing it all wrong. Then he takes over. If he does not show up to take over I just muddle along. My projects never look as good as his but they are usually done and functional. If he stops working on the project I just pretend we are taking a break. Tell him how much I appreciate his help, sit a spell. When I feel like break time is over, I tell him to stay right where he is cause I know he is tired. I am just gonna go back here and finish this up. He is usually right on my heels.

I think it has something to do with my use of zip ties, staples, and duct tape. Or it could be that I am prone to use old rusty pieces of wire I find laying around to tie things together. LOL

Most importantly - since it is my project, I am there every step of the way. I watch and learn as we go. I run extension cords, fecth screwdrivers, pull wire, carry boards and lend an extra hand when I see he needs one.

Oh and a belated :welcome


Lovin' The Homestead
May 10, 2009
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Lochbuie, CO
I had to giggle when I saw zip ties and staples. I'm using zip ties right now to attach vinyl fencing to 5' ground stakes. Oh, and the staples? I used them to attack the wire to the chicken run. I figure as the staples give way I'll attach the wire staples (plastic arch thingie with a nail on either side).

DH did end up changing the oil on the rototiller and drained and refilled the gas. I think it was the fight we got into where I brought up that yet again he failed to accomplish something that he had promised. I know, dirty warfare and I usually only use it when I'm about to kill him. He promised me a MONTH ago that he would fix all this the next weekend. Well, since then many of my plants that i was wanting to get into the ground have since died. I'm sure you can guess how incensed I was about that.

He's starting to understand my perspective though... I think. I'm trying to explain to him that while I tried to go with decorative and brightly colored veggies that we would still be eating them. I got seeds for cauliflower that looks like it has cheese on it, brussel sprouts that are a dark burgandy-green color, "Bright Lights" swiss chard (we've never had swiss chard to that is an experiment), a rainbow package of carrots, popcorn corn (we live in an area where corn is super cheap in season), green and yellow beans, on and on. I wanted him to see that not only could veggies be healthy but beautiful, as well. I ordered from Gurneys if you wanted to know. I've also informed him that I'll be going with our friends on a hunting trip this year to observe (I may get my license as well). I want to be able to provide more food for our family and depend less on the grocery store.

I have to run. My son is desperately seeking a sandwich and I need to hang the clothes on the line. Our dryer broke earlier this spring but we're in no rush to fix or replace it as the clothes dry just as quickly on the line (1 hour TOPS). I'm thinking of running a few lines in the garage for winter (snowing/raining) use.


Almost Self-Reliant
May 5, 2009
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Zip Ties are my favorite, I even asked for some for my birthday last July and Santa brought me some in my stocking. LOVE THOSE, LOVE THOSE, LOVE THOSE THINGS!


Lovin' The Homestead
May 10, 2009
Reaction score
Lochbuie, CO
I have a few questions for all you goat-type people. I've tried to find out some of the information on but can not.

I am thinking of Nigerian dwarf. They say they have goats on 1/10 of an acre. How much space does a goat need?

What do I need to know about goats before trying to sweet talk my neighbors and husband?

I want a doe for milk. I know that means having kids every year that can in turn be sold. How much does it cost to have a buck cover a doe?

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