City Biddy
It is AMAZING how crispy fried chicken eliminates trauma.
I am here to cheer for you! GO AL!

I am here to cheer for you! GO AL!

I dunk in the scald water right before I start plucking - NO cold water dip. That cold water may be closing the pores back up. I start plucking with hot water still in the feathers.AL said:OH MY GOSH!
We are taking a lunch break and then back to it......we've only managed 3, 2 plucked 1 skinned. How do you get all of the gut ooze out? The skin seems to be yellowing and tearing with temp at 155 for 45 seconds (ish). There is detergent in the scald water and then we dunk them in cool water. Could be just drying out in the days it is taking us to process!
we want to skinand part them up...any tips?
more later