Food Guru
Dace said:Hubby commented that the white sugar we were using tasted like crap and would I please go get some of the good stuff?

Dace said:Hubby commented that the white sugar we were using tasted like crap and would I please go get some of the good stuff?
Forgive me but "toxic"? Are you just saying because it is high in fat and sugar or is really toxic? Yes, I am addicted to the stuff. I joke that I don't actually like coffee but I LOVE coffee creamer. Could you elaborate a little on the toxicity? I am hoping you were saying it as an exxageration.Wifezilla said:That coffee creamer is so toxic. Honestly even heavy cream with regular white sugar would be a big step up.
Just think of what you could use it for if/when TSHIF! Stay back, or I'll use powered creamer on you.Henrietta23 said:I was addicted to the powdered stuff. I was cured when I watched an episode of Myth Busters where they BLEW UP and drum full of the stuff. We're talking 100 foot high flames!! If you'd like motivation to break the habit that way go to UTube and search for the video!! Now I just use a lot of organice half and half and stevia. I got used to it.
It's toxic on many levels. First there is the hydrogenation of the fats, then their is soy, and the last part is all the sugars. Even the sugar free versions are loaded with high carb fillers.Forgive me but "toxic"? Are you just saying because it is high in fat and sugar or is really toxic?
In a pinch, butter pecan ice cream is better for you then creamer. You could even make your own! Freeze it in tiny containers, and label it something nasty so the family will leave it alone.FarmerJamie said:WZ - my guilty pleasure is the liquid creamer flavor - Southern Butter Pecan. Any suggestions on a healthier option with a similar flavor profile?
I have a Dr's appt (6 month checkup) and I know I'm going to get yelled at, or at least talked to sternly.I try to cut out stuff to eat better, but the creamer is hard. I'm going have to get back on the low(er) carb diet, and I know it's not that big a deal for just one cup in morning. But if cut it out, I've found it easier to fight temptation on other things.......