Lovin' The Homestead
I am a single mom. My daughter goes to her dad's for the holidays. I have no family nearby. I don't entertain. I like to spend my holidays quietly and simply.
Hence, I don't spend time and money putting up decorations that don't do anything for me; and that consume even more time taking them down.
I work a full time job, a part time job, and mystery shop in between. My time is precious to me.
Surely someone else feels the same way? I have been chastised elsewhere for feeling this way.
Hence, I don't spend time and money putting up decorations that don't do anything for me; and that consume even more time taking them down.
I work a full time job, a part time job, and mystery shop in between. My time is precious to me.
Surely someone else feels the same way? I have been chastised elsewhere for feeling this way.