Crazy Cat Lady
Major applause for everything DrakeMaiden said 
It didn't. The worst of the Great Depression occured prior to Roosevelt taking office. That argument has as much merit as saying that World War II caused World War I.I don't know that it has ever been agreed that the New Deal caused the Great Depression.
I will wholeheartedly second this!DrakeMaiden said:I don't know that it has ever been agreed that the New Deal caused the Great Depression. Seems to me that it was greed and industrial monopolies that caused the Great Depression.
Now, that said, I don't think we should be stimulating the economy frivolously. I can see how investing in our country's future could be a good thing IF the money is directed intellegently and not based upon past artifacts of the economy, as we knew it. I think there should be incentives for everyone to start growing more of their own food and getting off the grid, plus mass transit development, and funding for greener technologies, but me, I'm just a dreamer!
What are our priorities as a country? Do we want to be using our military in order to secure world resources to support the life styles we have now, or do we want to live peacefully within our means? I think this is the fundamental question, and the way the money is spent will probably be an indicator of our agenda.
I like the idea of giving tax credits for higher education, but I think it is too late. I think we'd be better off developing an educational system based upon merit solely. Let's find the brightest students and fund them as far as they want to go, but I think average students would be better off developing career based skills (repair, construction, etc.) It seems to me that there are a lot of people right now over-educated for the work that is available.
Why does the right wing insist on rewriting history? The GD was in progress when FDR took over. FDR got the nation back on the road to recovery with his work programs. The 2nd WW finished the job. So far we the people aren't doing such a great job. Too many issues hit at one time. This recession isn't going to end by itself like the one in the early 80's.Homesteadmom said:What we need is for the gov't to get their nose out of it & let it ride it's course out. Everything FDR did wiht his "New Deal" sent us into the GD. Now everything Obama is doing is heading us the same direction. Which is really what they want to happen so they can get the new global monetary system started. Plus this way they keep us opressed & really start some class wars in this country. I hate to see people lossing their retirement(my parents sure are & they are retired). But it just needs to go it's own way & we pick ourselves up by the boot straps & move us forward & thru it. Notice I said we-meaning "we the people", not the gov't.
I am not rewriting history. I have read many things & listened to many people who have studied the GD & the majority of opinions are that FDR's plans did nothing to get us out of the depression, they only spiraled us down into it farther & faster. It is also been proven that we prosper better as a people when we have less gov't going on. We stayed in the GD longer than we should have because of the FDR way. Yes we were already heading down when FDR took over but he put us there faster. There were some good things he did I admit that, but over all it was not a good deal for our country. And yes it was WWII that pulled us out of it.Big Daddy said:Why does the right wing insist on rewriting history? The GD was in progress when FDR took over. FDR got the nation back on the road to recovery with his work programs. The 2nd WW finished the job. So far we the people aren't doing such a great job. Too many issues hit at one time. This recession isn't going to end by itself like the one in the early 80's.Homesteadmom said:What we need is for the gov't to get their nose out of it & let it ride it's course out. Everything FDR did wiht his "New Deal" sent us into the GD. Now everything Obama is doing is heading us the same direction. Which is really what they want to happen so they can get the new global monetary system started. Plus this way they keep us opressed & really start some class wars in this country. I hate to see people lossing their retirement(my parents sure are & they are retired). But it just needs to go it's own way & we pick ourselves up by the boot straps & move us forward & thru it. Notice I said we-meaning "we the people", not the gov't.