Our Frustrated Curmudgeon
It sure is getting hot in here. Guess I have too much wood on the fire.
Some thoughts from previous posts.
College was not fun. It was hard work. Try raising a family while going to college on the GI Bill and while working part time and struggling for grants, loans, and scholarships. Please do not generalize the college experience. It is not the same for everyone and overgeneralizing cheapens my experience and the sacrifices I made to get an education.
Closed minds versus open minds. I have encountered quite a few closed minds in college educated and non-college educated. Once again, too general.
Now that I have stepped on the toes of 95% of the posters and readers of this thread I will say that I do agree with about 50% of what has been written.
Some thoughts from previous posts.
As has already been stated (let's beat this horse some more) The generally accepted start of the Great Depression is 1929. The New Deal started in 1933. FDR did not send us into the Great Depression, we were already there. I will not argue that the New Deal and other policies of the Roosevelt administration prolonged or did not prolong the Great Depression. I do not know enough about it. I do feel that many of the programs enacted through the New Deal were good and had long acting beneficial results.someone said:Everything FDR did wiht his "New Deal" sent us into the GD.
College was not fun. It was hard work. Try raising a family while going to college on the GI Bill and while working part time and struggling for grants, loans, and scholarships. Please do not generalize the college experience. It is not the same for everyone and overgeneralizing cheapens my experience and the sacrifices I made to get an education.
Closed minds versus open minds. I have encountered quite a few closed minds in college educated and non-college educated. Once again, too general.
Now that I have stepped on the toes of 95% of the posters and readers of this thread I will say that I do agree with about 50% of what has been written.