An amazing quote.


Our Frustrated Curmudgeon
Jul 25, 2008
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Urban Idaho.
It sure is getting hot in here. Guess I have too much wood on the fire.

Some thoughts from previous posts.

someone said:
Everything FDR did wiht his "New Deal" sent us into the GD.
As has already been stated (let's beat this horse some more) The generally accepted start of the Great Depression is 1929. The New Deal started in 1933. FDR did not send us into the Great Depression, we were already there. I will not argue that the New Deal and other policies of the Roosevelt administration prolonged or did not prolong the Great Depression. I do not know enough about it. I do feel that many of the programs enacted through the New Deal were good and had long acting beneficial results.

College was not fun. It was hard work. Try raising a family while going to college on the GI Bill and while working part time and struggling for grants, loans, and scholarships. Please do not generalize the college experience. It is not the same for everyone and overgeneralizing cheapens my experience and the sacrifices I made to get an education.

Closed minds versus open minds. I have encountered quite a few closed minds in college educated and non-college educated. Once again, too general.

Now that I have stepped on the toes of 95% of the posters and readers of this thread I will say that I do agree with about 50% of what has been written.


Sourdough Slave
Oct 30, 2008
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From what I've read the U.S. federal income tax is not mandnatory -- there is no law supporting it's collection. Those of you who feel your tax dollars are not being used wisely could always omit payment as an act of civil disobedience.

Personally, I'd rather pay to put a young person through college than pay to destroy a foreign country.


Sourdough Slave
Oct 30, 2008
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You bet college is hard work when you put yourself through it and especially if you have a family.

In my experience you learn how to absorb material in elementary through high school. It is only in college that you are encouraged to question what you are being taught and process conflicting information. Maybe that was just my own experience, as I was often in smaller classes that afforded time for such an experience.

I was wondering why we never got a dead horse smilie. :/


Almost Self-Reliant
Feb 13, 2009
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SE Kansas
DrakeMaiden said:
From what I've read the U.S. federal income tax is not mandnatory -- there is no law supporting it's collection. Those of you who feel your tax dollars are not being used wisely could always omit payment as an act of civil disobedience.
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


Sourdough Slave
Oct 30, 2008
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I don't know is something funny? Civil disobedience or tax law?


Almost Self-Reliant
Feb 13, 2009
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SE Kansas
DrakeMaiden said:
I don't know is something funny? Civil disobedience or tax law?
It's the idea that "federal income tax is not mandnatory -- there is no law supporting it's collection." If that is true, then why has our government for years and years been putting people into prison for failing to pay their income tax?


Crazy Cat Lady
Jul 12, 2008
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Ontario, Canada
Tallman said:
I would say that the government would control and regulate the field that the kid would be required to study if that kid was taking government money.
But the gov't ALREADY pays for a whole lot of peoples' college educations, in the form of the GI bill. And I don't believe any real strings are placed on that.

DrakeMaiden, surely you have *noticed* what happens to people who choose not to pay income tax? It tends to, ah, complicate rather than simplify their lives... ;>



Almost Self-Reliant
Feb 13, 2009
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SE Kansas
patandchickens said:
Tallman said:
I would say that the government would control and regulate the field that the kid would be required to study if that kid was taking government money.
But the gov't ALREADY pays for a whole lot of peoples' college educations, in the form of the GI bill. And I don't believe any real strings are placed on that.

DrakeMaiden, surely you have *noticed* what happens to people who choose not to pay income tax? It tends to, ah, complicate rather than simplify their lives... ;>

No there are no strings on those who receive their higher education through the GI bill. I think it is because the government looks at it the same as they look at VA benefits. They earned it.

When it comes to the payment for college, I don't think that the government would view kids coming out of high school in the same light as those who have served in our military. Just my opinion.
Jan 24, 2009
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The GI bill is just an incentive to get people in the military. They sure don't go in for the pay. I was in for 4 years between 81 and 85. The salesman told me I could get a lot of college while I was in. The problem was that we were out in the field for 3 weeks then in for 5 then back out. Didn't get any credits during the 4 years I was in. I did learn a few things about life though.

When I got out I went to community college for 2 years. I finally stopped because I couldn't have a job and put in the hours required to get a degree. College is no cake walk. I kept a high GPA but I put in a lot of work to do it. I respect people that get a degree. I dropped a couple classes in my last semester and had to pay the gov back for it.

I now have a job that pays more than what most liberal arts grads make and I feel very fortunate. My kids are paying their way through college and they're going to have a heavy burden to pay when they get out. A lot of degrees land jobs that don't pay enough to make the student loan payments. The system is messed up just like the health care system. It's time we start looking towards some of the other advanced countries in the world. The USA is a great place founded on great principles, but we are no longer the leader in some areas. Education and health care being the two biggest ones. What's wrong with everybody having a shot at the brass ring. Right now you have to be from rich blood or have some real good ideas and a way to make them work to get ahead. Don't say hard work will do it. I think most people here work hard, but there aren't that many Bill Gates around.


Frugal Homesteader
Sep 11, 2008
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There are tons of grants & scholarships that go unclaimed each & every yr, worth millions of $$'s. All these kids need to do is enter scholarships into a search engine & they get tons of hits. Fill out a questionere & you get a boat load of grants & scholarships to apply for. They range anywhere form $100 up to thousands. And most of them all they do is fill out the form & submit an essay. When I went to nursing school I got a student loan for one semester & then a pell grant, which did not cover everything but it covered most of it(I went to a community college).
After seeing how a lot of grads around here have handled going to a university straight from HS I think all students should attend a communtiy college for at least 1 yr before moving on to a university as college life is tougher than HS in a lot of aspects.... you no longer have teachers on your case about the progress of your assignments.... professors do not remind you daily of work due in a month.... you are completely on your own(usually) to acquire all the study materials you need & that includes determining which is going to work best for you(other than required text books). Not to mention the cost factor, community is a whole lot cheaper.
Ds#1's dgf goes to a state university & started there after HS, she really struggled at first & her mom now says she wishes they sent her to the local community college first to get all her math, english, etc classes done first before going to the university. So little brother now attends the community college before he moves on to the university. She got scholarships for the first 2 yrs to pay for most of it & luckily for her, her grandmother has money & is helping to pay for her education(brothers too).
So maybe that is one solution to the college cituation send them all to community college for 1-2 yrs then on to universities.
Oh yes ds's dgf changed her major after 2 1/2 yrs of college, so she ended up adding 1 more yr to get her degree finished.

And It was not Rush I learned about the earmarks from, try Beck, Hannity, O'Rielly & a few of the local news stations covering it too. And there is also $400k to teach teachers in Montana how to deal with kids who bully!!!!! & over $100k for a Buffalo Bill museum in WY!!

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