Anyone struggling to eat out or from grocery stores? any clean eaters?


Power Conserver
Jul 24, 2012
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I guess I will find that out if I go to the doctor tomorrow. If i do not feel better tomorrow i will go so she can test for what bacteria is causing this. I started a probiotic deluge this morning and I am doing my acv in apple juice morning and night. I already feel a bit better so I hope this is short lived. I keep a food and health diary so we know this is only happening with this meat and while I am in such pain the rest of the family just has uncomfy tummies and the runs. Well except for the one person who refused to eat any because it had beans in it. He is feeling just fine. ( sigh) Any of us eat out we get like this too. My husband gets his yearning for Mcdonalds now and then and he is in just as bad shape. Yep it is going to have to become a permanent lifestyle because I cannot keep doing this.

So here is a question, any clean eaters here who have ever fallen off the wagon a bit and been sick because of it. Do you get more sensitive to this stuff?


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
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Mountains of WV
Yep! Used to drink about a gallon of milk a day....loved it that much! After not having it for a long while, I am now lactose intolerant and cannot eat most cheese, ice cream, milk, etc. I can drink buttermilk and cream cheese just fine.

Same with red meats....unless it's deer meat, it always gives me constipation now. No matter how little I eat. I'm not used to eating meats on a daily and sometimes even a weekly basis, so when I eat heavy meats like steak I get a real bad case of constipation.


Power Conserver
Jul 24, 2012
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I'm not so much giving up milk as switching my supply. I have cut back until my goats pop out those kids. I buy raw goats milk from a friend I trust sometimes too. So honestly our plan is to give up store dairy and switch to homestead provided. Its not a fast process but its happening. My 2 girls are due any time now and I have 2 more girls that will be bred in a months or so. My Jersey cow is only like 9 months now so not ready to bred her yet but eventually she will even out our personal milk supply.

With meat I do trust my butcher. Never had an issue. We are getting a deer for the first time and having our butcher process it for us. All of that is still cheaper than the grocery store meat anyway. I talked it over with my husband and for my personal health and the kids we will be working out not eating out anymore and we will do all our own cooking. I will need some help in that project but the family is agreed. I tell you I got ACV with the mother for the first time and it works great. I have gotten it without the mother and it worked but not as well as this has. i can tell the difference, even in just taste. Right now probiotics and acv are my very best friends. I am down to just a little discomfort and gas. Not sure if my DR will want my gall bladder checked again since the last time this happened and my last check both came up clear. I think I just am intolerant of the bad bacteria.

Soooo do we have a clean eating thread on here too?


Sustainability Master
Nov 13, 2010
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East Texas
heatherlynnky said:
I am pretty miserable tonight but I am pretty sure its that grocery store meat again. I cannot eat it at all, everyone knows I cannot eat it. Everyone else has been getting sick just not as badly over the stuff. Its the same store every time.
Ummmmm...........just curious........WHAT store are you shopping at?? Just to make sure none of us go there....... :lol:


Power Conserver
Jul 24, 2012
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Its actually our local commissary on post. Despite me finding better meats cheaper off post its still habit for my mom to buy on post. 50 years of habits are hard to break. Despite a pretty serious bout of food poisoning a few months ago. The meat was bad. All the meat she bought that day had an off smell. Sometimes older stuffed up noses don't work so well but they were pretty sick for several days. I know this is the main source. I can eat the meat from the butcher no problem. They stop having tummy issues too. I sat mom down for a long talk on this because honestly its not just my health, its theirs too. Hopefully she sticks with the deal we made. I will buy all the meat when I go to the butcher and she just avoids that section of the commissary.

so lucky

Almost Self-Reliant
Jan 30, 2011
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SE Missouri
Maybe you should talk to some of the other families who shop at that commissary. It's possible others are having the same problems. In that case you would be able to get their meat sources changed, perhaps.
I urge you to think about the possibility of GMO corn and soy being the source of your digestive issues. They are probably the main ingredient in the cattle feed. I have a friend who is deathly allergic to corn, (except for popcorn, which is not GMO). She grows her own beef, grass fed, and cows for milk, which, in grain fed cows, causes her issues too. Maybe your local butcher gets grass-fed beef. You find corn and/or soy in just about all prepared foods. It is even in vitamin pills, and just about 100% GMO.
And...if you end up getting your gallbladder removed, it can probably be done laparoscopically, and I can tell you, that is no big deal. You are in and out of the hospital in a few hours, and the recovery is short and easy. I have had almost no issues with digestion since getting my gallbladder removed in June. The body doesn't seem to miss it, somehow. I don't understand that, but I am not a doctor. I do eat my home made fermented sourkraut daily, just a bite or two. I think that really helps digestion, with its probiotics. I also eat butter and lard.:p
You might try finding a handful of foods that you can have as an emergency go-to, such as fruit, nuts, organic cheese and boiled eggs from your chickens. If you stay aware of these simple foods that you trust, you don't have to get caught hungry---and for heaven's sake, don't go 24 hours without eating! You are setting yourself up for even more problems. Good luck, and let us know how you are doing.


Power Conserver
Jul 24, 2012
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LoL the 24 hours was accidental. It wasn't until I was in the ER with super low blood sugar that I realized how very long it had been since anything had touched my lips or even how little even in the past 48. I had so overscheduled myself and the family was having an uncooperative week. I was so busy being hyper and kicking butt getting everything done that i simply forgot. This is an issue I fight on a constant basis. I have kids, husband, parents and a sister who are very dependent on someone else getting stuff done. I am the only someone else left, soooooo. I have scheduled myself meals now since obviously my life is not going to slow down instantly. My husband is also slipping snacks into my purse so that when I am out and about I get something. Yes I am eating at stop lights at times. Doctor ran all kinds of tests but everything comes back fine. I just did too much. Course then this tummy thing happens. Did not make things easier.

I don't think corn is the issue because I can consume masses of that without an issue at all in all sorts of forms. I know its bad but we honestly stink at growing it ourselves and never get much of a crop. The meat I know has been bad in the past and had the same symptoms a couple times now. My daughter ended up on meds for 2 weeks on one of these instances also. We got a call from the cdc on that one( apparently when certain bacteria come back they have to turn it in to the cdc. Wish I could remember what that one was). Lots of fun. We returned meat to the commissary and my mom filed a complaint. Since I do not shop there and never go on post I can't complain.

I think the gallbladder is good. 2 days with tons of pain and assorted issues but by the time my body had purged just about everything it could and had turned me inside out it all went away. I am drinking my acv 3 times daily and taking my probiotics to heal up. I almost wonder if i should have tried the activated charcoal. Maybe Just a little bump in the road for now. Our food supply is in seriously bad condition I think and this is probably more common that thought.

I should mention the benefit to this whole episode is my parents are now a bit worried about whats coming with the food they buy. They would like me to raise their chicken meat in the spring and they are looking at buying meat direct from the farmer too. I was already worries and as soon as I got sick I know what had happened. I am sorta scared of the grocery at times I swear.

Corn Woman

Almost Self-Reliant
Dec 26, 2010
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I have been trying to not even visit the grocery store for the past 2 years. I was very ill from something totally unrelated to gall bladder and I have had to fine tune my diet. Good news is that it is working and though I am not 100% I feel so much better. If I even eat store bought beef of any kind it makes me sick. I have been buying my meats from the 4H kids that raise beef pork and lamb and as long as I stay away from the other I'm good. I have been eating what I grow organically and have been for years so that makes a difference. No milk due to the lactose problem but some hard cheese is still fine, the longer it is aged the less lactose however it has to be organic. My problem has to do with thyroid, menopause and hormones so hormones in meat and dairy make me very sick. Its hard to try to eat clean when you are so busy but I try to prep more so when I come home from work its much easier to make dinner. The leftovers with a salad or jar of home canned fruit make an easy lunch when I'm on the go. Gallbladder problems can flare up when you eat animal fat, fried foods, commercial oils, chocolate and refined carbohydrates. If you have inflammation of your gallbladder it can be very serious even life-threatening so don't put off going to see your doctor. ACV is excellent when you have an attack, you can also try lecithin with the meals you have to aid the digestion of fat. When you get an attack drink apple juice or freshly made apple sauce it helps if you have gallstones. BTW women are twice as likely to get gallstones as men, my aunt and mother in law both had to have surgery. It's a joy being a girl!! lol

so lucky

Almost Self-Reliant
Jan 30, 2011
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SE Missouri
Many years ago when my mom went to her doctor for gallbladder issues, he told her the most likely candidates for gallbladder removal were women who were "fair, fat and forty" What a nice doctor. :smack Well, when I started having problems, I was way past 40, not fair and not fat. so I guess pretty much anyone can be affected. I know it can be fatal if it gets infected, but you will wish you were dead long before that.


Power Conserver
Jul 24, 2012
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Thats the thing its not really gall bladder. Its a gall bladder like attack BUT when my doctor had scans done it was fine. It only happens when i have these bad meats. I go to the butcher and buy pork roasts, bacon, beef. I can eat any of it and I am fine. Not even a twinge. Its only when I eat these grocery store meats. Since starting this clean up on my diet I have become even more sensitive to it though. I don't eat out at all now because of this. The fact that the tests came back as fine and it only happens with these meats and a past positive on a bacteria that caused similar issues.....well she just said stay away from the grocery. This is just made me more committed to clean eating.

As of today I am totally back to normal. Probiotics and ACV are so helpful. I feel great. The upside is taking acv 3 times daily for several days helped me lose a couple pounds too. woot

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