Are posters here HAPPIER having few men in SS Forums?


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
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Mountains of WV
As one of the first to transgress in that area, I'll be the one to say that a forum comprised and active mainly on individual journals doesn't seem to put enough out there on the web engines for specific topics and, if it does, coming here to find discussions on just those topics are problematic as there are no threads on just those things....they are buried in our journals.

I think people would have to start opening threads on topics that interest men and post in them often to draw them in off the net when they search for information on these things...there has to be a lot of content. And it's also one of those things where it takes money to make money sort of things, but I think men are more comfortable surfing where men have gone before...or are presently posting/chatting. Sort of like women all going to the restroom just happens that way but there's something that drives it.

Joel does a great job on his own but he's a lonely soldier, applying the things he learns elsewhere and posting about it here.

And, lastly, men interested in homesteading and SS are usually not those interested in women's drama, for the most part. That's one reason I stopped posting here because it couldn't be done without some argument arising or someone baiting for an argument, when a person would just love to come and talk about SS stuff without all the drama. Just talk, post, learn and do it all over again the next day without any confrontations going gets old. And I'm a woman, so imagine how old that gets to a man.

I know that's not what folks want to hear but it's how I see it from the outside looking in. If we could get it back to how it was at the beginning, with a lot of topics and people really wanting to post in them, learn about them, and apply them, I think it would attract more people of the same ilk...those wanting to learn together about the more versatile aspects of homesteading and not so much about recipes or family happenings.


Enjoys Recycling
Feb 22, 2015
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Well I am new and have yet to post anything, this being my first, but this site managed to get my attention. Hopefully more like minded men will do the same.


Sustainable Newbie
Apr 8, 2016
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I'm not exactly "happier" with more women than men. In real life, I tend to stick with men more than women. Granted, most of the women I know think I'm just plum nuts... Some guys think it's cool that a woman can (and actually enjoys) butchering chickens, hunting, canning, farm-type stuff, etc. The guys at Tractor Supply always seem to get a kick out of me hoofing around feed bags and such (err, I haven't since the ducks got eaten, but will be here again soon). I'm not afraid to get down and dirty with the guys, but I've found that a lot of men think pretty low of women on certain things... Try getting a guy to show you how to fix your car... IMPOSSIBLE! They would rather just do it themselves and get a neighbor to help, than to let you help and learn. At least, that has been my experience. Guys seem to think that women are incapable of doing "man things". Even in fishing, I've noticed that a lot of burly guys come tromping up and try to take over my fishing ("well, you SHOULD be using this" "who strung your line?" "Don't you have a man to do this for you?")... I get highly offended. Sure, once in awhile you'll learn something from one of them, but for the most part, I've noticed that when these guys come strutting their stuff, I usually end up catching more (and bigger) fish than they do! I'm NOT impressed by the manly bit. I like having the boyfriend around... He does laundry, washes dishes, but can carry stuff when I'm not feeling up to it (back hurts, or if I'm just being lazy and don't feel like doing it, lol).

As for the forum, I agree that I think many men aren't as talkative as women. We're the cackling hens, and men are generally just the silent type... POSSIBLY read some tutorials, but generally speaking, the men I know would rather just take a stack of stuff and try to put it together without directions. It can be hard getting men to talk, especially to a group mostly dominated by women...
I am actually one of those guys that think it is cool a woman can or enjoys butchering chickens. I'm attracted to chicken ladies that know how to raise and butcher chickens for food. I like the image of a woman in a small apron spreading chicken food among chickens. There seems to be so many ladies that butcher their own chickens. But I have never seen it. There aren't even any pictures. Are there any women that really enjoy butchering chickens?

Mini Horses

Sustainability Master
Sep 2, 2015
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coastal VA
Often there is no indication of man/woman in the id shown. For me, I like a man's opinion as well as another woman's. I agree that some men do not like to reply in writing but, would talk a while in a face to face. So, the media may be part of why some don't participate.

AND -- I can butcher chickens but, can't say I enjoy it. Let's face it, it's a messy job! So anticipation is not good. Once it's going I just want to get it done! You want to see it? We can sure use help -- most of us -- come on down! :ya I'll be doing the deed in 2-3 months....

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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I can and have butchered my own birds, but it's not my favorite job.


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
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Mountains of WV
I've butchered hundreds of chickens and I enjoy a job well done, but I don't think it's ever really natural for a woman to enjoy taking a life with their bare hands. Maybe shooting a gun or bow at an animal is different, don't know, I don't feel as much then...... but when you cut through their living, breathing tissue with your hand holding their face, it's not exactly something I would list as my top ten enjoyable things to do on this Earth.


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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I enjoy hearing a man's point of view on a lot of topics - be it butchering chickens or the easiest way to change the oil in the lawnmower. I can do both, but I'm not sure that my way of changing oil in the lawnmower is the best, lol. I'm talking about the little push mower here - but I just turn it over and drain the oil out - but you gotta do that after you've run all the gas out - and it's messy! Nobody ever told me that they make a cute little siphon thingy that makes the whole process a lot cleaner.... :hu

I'm a bit like MH and Bee here...I can't say that I enjoy butchering chickens, but I sure do enjoy the outcome. Less feed to buy and and they sure do taste good.

And yes, this sight is a lot about journals. I can't tell you how many times I've looked back through my journal to help remember things like what goat was bred to which...or when I planted what in my garden.

Long way of saying that I enjoy the input of men and wish there were more posting here.