Sustainability Master

I am actually one of those guys that think it is cool a woman can or enjoys butchering chickens. I'm attracted to chicken ladies that know how to raise and butcher chickens for food. I like the image of a woman in a small apron spreading chicken food among chickens. There seems to be so many ladies that butcher their own chickens. But I have never seen it. There aren't even any pictures. Are there any women that really enjoy butchering chickens?I'm not exactly "happier" with more women than men. In real life, I tend to stick with men more than women. Granted, most of the women I know think I'm just plum nuts... Some guys think it's cool that a woman can (and actually enjoys) butchering chickens, hunting, canning, farm-type stuff, etc. The guys at Tractor Supply always seem to get a kick out of me hoofing around feed bags and such (err, I haven't since the ducks got eaten, but will be here again soon). I'm not afraid to get down and dirty with the guys, but I've found that a lot of men think pretty low of women on certain things... Try getting a guy to show you how to fix your car... IMPOSSIBLE! They would rather just do it themselves and get a neighbor to help, than to let you help and learn. At least, that has been my experience. Guys seem to think that women are incapable of doing "man things". Even in fishing, I've noticed that a lot of burly guys come tromping up and try to take over my fishing ("well, you SHOULD be using this" "who strung your line?" "Don't you have a man to do this for you?")... I get highly offended. Sure, once in awhile you'll learn something from one of them, but for the most part, I've noticed that when these guys come strutting their stuff, I usually end up catching more (and bigger) fish than they do! I'm NOT impressed by the manly bit. I like having the boyfriend around... He does laundry, washes dishes, but can carry stuff when I'm not feeling up to it (back hurts, or if I'm just being lazy and don't feel like doing it, lol).
As for the forum, I agree that I think many men aren't as talkative as women. We're the cackling hens, and men are generally just the silent type... POSSIBLY read some tutorials, but generally speaking, the men I know would rather just take a stack of stuff and try to put it together without directions. It can be hard getting men to talk, especially to a group mostly dominated by women...
Thank you for the welcome.Welcome to the forum @evergreen16 !!