Are posters here HAPPIER having few men in SS Forums?


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
Reaction score
Mountains of WV
A little humor, a little debate....the forum is dead without it. The drama can take a hike but without a little spice, it would certainly be a bland little place. This IS a more gentle forum than the rest of the sister sites. We were born to be mild... :D


Lovin' The Homestead
Aug 22, 2011
Reaction score
Wannabefree said:
Toulle said:
Wannabefree said:
Only women create drama? So where are you in the lineup on your avatar? :p ;)
Second to last - wage slave
SHEESH! No wonder you're mean!! :lol: I'm just kidding ;)

On a more serious note, I do think the drama(from BOTH genders :p ) keeps alot of folks away from this site and others, but this is one of the tamest sites I have EVER been a part of! I haven't been on that many, and maybe it's inexperience, but I think this is one of the better ones when it pertains to the level of drama. I dunno why more men don't get on here. Maybe the tool section will help, and the cold weather :hu
Yeah, you're right.

On both counts ;)

Seriously, though, I just think that men tend to use online social stuff like forums, facebook and such less than women. I have seen a few mostly male forums, but they are pretty subject specific and those subjects are very male dominated fields. (hunting, cars, guns)
And before anybody hollars, I said male dominated, as in the vast majority of those involved are male, but not 100% male

And I don't intend to be mean, I just speak rather . . . . plainly


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 6, 2011
Reaction score
rural Abilene, KS, 67410 USA
~gd said:
Marianne said:
We have a male/female job division of sorts at our place. We both can cook, we both can use power tools - but it's just easier to say 'that's not my department' when the oil needs changing in the car. :D And he'd rather not have to make supper.

Most of the SS stuff is classified as my department. I like to read and research. I tell him whenever I find something interesting. DH is a member here, and has answered one post, maybe two when someone had an automotive question. But his typing skills aren't the best, plus it's basketball season. :/ He doesn't hunt or fish, but with the new shop section, he may be looking (hopefully posting) soon.

I don't hit the forums like some people. Some forums don't want you to post links to other forums that would possibly take members away. But there surely are situations where SS could be brought up and then the link to this forum posted. THIS forum won't stand for links that might take members away, every page hit and registered user means Ad money to someone [Niffty on this board] Since the threads here wander all over the place it is not all that usefull for research and information. Some other boards have like Halls of Fame where very usefull posts are 'sticky' and listed under usefull headings. I myself keep what I call a grimoire on my computer consisting of links to specific material that i want to save and short notes telling why I saved it. Few entries are from this SS board. My favorites bar is reserved for entire websites.~gd

I also think that as time goes on with more posting in the new sections, more relevant topics, maybe more guys will show up. For a while, the forum seemed like it was more of a social club - which is okay! We want to have friends here. But I like reading what the new members are doing and what questions they have re: SS.
I'm pretty sure the 'pay per click' is if someone clicks on the ads on the forum, not on individual threads. As a website owner, I occasionally get phone calls from Google, etc, wanting me to place an ad, then pay them whenever someone clicks on it. Who would pay Nifty or any forum owner just from someone clicking through the forum threads?


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
Reaction score
Yeah that's why I think the tool section may help here. My guy doesn't get online much either, and when he does, it is strictly for research. Women are the better social communicators generally speaking. But then, you can generalize everything because DH hates sports, fishing, and hunting and I love them.. go figure :hu


Super Self-Sufficient
Aug 7, 2011
Reaction score
midwest run and lurk. Guy SS......lady SS....I am all eyes (ears). for the most trying to live and lurk..err...learn. I have been SS most of my adult life. Out of necessity. But still do not think I know much o' nothing. I will just sit and read. I enjoy most of all, reading the posts....and laughing. I didn't stumble upon this site till I was blessed with chickens last summer by DH. He was wanting some egg layers/mea ells me they are "your chickens". :gig

Anyhoo...back to the lurkers corner :pop :caf


Lovin' The Homestead
Aug 22, 2011
Reaction score
The offense some people have taken is over simply one word: drama

Not many people seemed bothered when I used the word politics

This makes my point. People getting upset over simple words, looking at the how it is said rather than what is said.

peace out


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
Reaction score
Mountains of WV
Ah...but drama can either be good or bad. Drama is why we read fiction novels and watch some movies. Drama can be riveting, in some cases. Nonsensical drama is the kind that can create problems or, sometimes, if one is not particularly looking for any kind of drama but merely for information and an exchange of such then drama can get in the way of good communication.

Such as in the case of this thread.... :p


Dessert Dreamer
Nov 20, 2011
Reaction score
Mojave Desert
I'm a guy and I found SS through BYC. The reason I came to SS is purely economical. I live on a fixed income and need to stretch every penny and y'all have some great ideas!

BYC is more "social" Than SS is. Lot's of young folks playing games and chatting about all kinds of things! There is also a lot of really good info about keeping chickens and very friendly folks to talk to about chickens and I enjoy it very much. And I would venture a guess that the majority of BYC members are female.

I did not expect that SS would be the same sort of situation. I expected a more mature crowd and I believe that I was correct. Not to say that we "mature" folks can't joke around and actually have a good time chatting with one another, but I get a more "serious" vibe here.

Now, about the "drama". I have no problem with a spirited discussion/debate. I have read many of them here. I have also read some where, IMHO, lines were crossed. I have made a personal decision to not become involved in any discussion, on any forum, that addresses politics or religion. That's just me.

And to reference the OP, I haven't a clue how to get more guys here!! :idunno


Our Frustrated Curmudgeon
Jul 25, 2008
Reaction score
Urban Idaho.
Lot of chat during the last 24 hours. What's up with that?

What am I and what is my basic philosphy? Even after the explanation I'm still not sure what a "prepper" is. I am here because of desire for self reliance. I try to be prepared for emergencies and and to get through the hard times. I'm not here to prepare for the zombie apocalypse. I don't have the mind set to stock up on guns and ammunition and trade goods. I don't see conspiracies everywhere. Just plain and simple preparedness like in the "olden days".


Lovin' The Homestead
Jul 16, 2008
Reaction score
BC, Washington border
Marianne said:
~gd said:
Marianne said:
We have a male/female job division of sorts at our place. We both can cook, we both can use power tools - but it's just easier to say 'that's not my department' when the oil needs changing in the car. :D And he'd rather not have to make supper.

Most of the SS stuff is classified as my department. I like to read and research. I tell him whenever I find something interesting. DH is a member here, and has answered one post, maybe two when someone had an automotive question. But his typing skills aren't the best, plus it's basketball season. :/ He doesn't hunt or fish, but with the new shop section, he may be looking (hopefully posting) soon.

I don't hit the forums like some people. Some forums don't want you to post links to other forums that would possibly take members away. But there surely are situations where SS could be brought up and then the link to this forum posted. THIS forum won't stand for links that might take members away, every page hit and registered user means Ad money to someone [Niffty on this board] Since the threads here wander all over the place it is not all that usefull for research and information. Some other boards have like Halls of Fame where very usefull posts are 'sticky' and listed under usefull headings. I myself keep what I call a grimoire on my computer consisting of links to specific material that i want to save and short notes telling why I saved it. Few entries are from this SS board. My favorites bar is reserved for entire websites.~gd

I also think that as time goes on with more posting in the new sections, more relevant topics, maybe more guys will show up. For a while, the forum seemed like it was more of a social club - which is okay! We want to have friends here. But I like reading what the new members are doing and what questions they have re: SS.
I'm pretty sure the 'pay per click' is if someone clicks on the ads on the forum, not on individual threads. As a website owner, I occasionally get phone calls from Google, etc, wanting me to place an ad, then pay them whenever someone clicks on it. Who would pay Nifty or any forum owner just from someone clicking through the forum threads?
You are correct and it works out to about $1.20 a month for a site like BYC if one is lucky. That is pennies up against hosting, and the programming for upgrades.

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