Are we living our dream?

Medicine Woman

Almost Self-Reliant
Nov 2, 2021
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It’s more assembled than not. He was last fighting with the brakes. I just ordered a bike umbrella, an ice chest that straps on the handle bars with a phone holder and some ice packs. Maybe I should have ordered maze just in case.
DS told me he doesn’t need me to babysit anymore seeing he won’t be moving to Texas and has a job waiting for him back home. Great!! I can be the greatest grandmother ever. I suppose I can tell my supervisor she doesn’t need to replace me next month.

Medicine Woman

Almost Self-Reliant
Nov 2, 2021
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I am at work and I can’t believe I have a little downtime. I agreed to work my off nights to help out. Tonight should have been my first off night so I’m halfway through. I have another 5 nights to go. Yesterday morning I honestly tried to do extra chores. I didn’t just go to bed. I made myself do several things before going to sleep. I woke up and my tricycle was upside down so DH has been trying to finish it. I had a package in the mailbox that had several of the things I ordered to attach to the bike. I hope I get home and can finally take a spin but regardless I will try to do more of what all I did yesterday. Keep busy. Eat less…do more. Motivate myself. Talking myself into tackling hotspots.
DH went to the Cajun Heritage Festival while I slept and came home with a t-shirt for me and a small painting of a magnolia cuz he knows I have been wanting to find my great-aunts paintings of them. Different artist, of course 🤷‍♀️
Just a few minutes and I will start giving lots of medicine. We have squid to clean at home…I think. DH bought them cuz he knows it’s my favorite. I wanted to start on them yesterday.
DS questioned me about if I ever considered controlling the grass in the orchard with controlled fire. I told him I never heard of it. Hmmm. So I noticed a small cattle trailer on the roadside, for sale yesterday morning but I didn’t stop for details. I think I will because if it’s big enough to transport a lawnmower and the price is right I can see it being quite practical. We talking about getting a utility trailer anyway.
Well nursing life is calling….farming later.

Medicine Woman

Almost Self-Reliant
Nov 2, 2021
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I have two more shifts to do and then I am off, after bringing DH to a cardiology appointment. I imagine by 7:30 PM I will be snoring on the 10th. My tricycle is still upside down 🤷‍♀️ I was really hoping to be riding by now. But I put my money making clothes to wash this morning before I went to bed and DH has hung them. I was worried. He has been going to his farm to cut trees that fell over for the storm to repair the pig pen for the potbelly’s. He let a homeless friend stay there and he helped. I guess he isn’t homeless now.
I will be off this weekend and will be going to the orchard. DH wants to barbecue there while we work, cleaning the undergrowth. We have been talking about getting a new lawnmower and trailer to haul it around. I never really learned how to drive around with a trailer. I guess I will buy a trailer and finance the largest lawnmower that can fit on it and then bring it home and take it to the back in the cane fields and teach myself how to make those turns and back up on a dime. I can have the place to myself back there. Only thing I might need help with is to learn how to hitch and unhitch it. I best figure it out because I have too many specialists with their hands on DH. I have a coworker just 2 years older than me and when we start talking about our spouses it’s amazing how similar our stories are.
The garden is totally wild. I haven’t kept up with whatever DH is doing. Mostly we have weeds for the critters. But the okra loves the heat. DH tends to bite off more than he can chew. He made a huge garden and thought he would keep it up with a hoe. I rather a medium garden and mulch it severely so it just looks pretty and chokes out the weeds but it’s not possible to live my best life as a night nurse.
So this is morning for me. DH sitting here and just told me he went to my farm and was checking the eggs and we have a broody hen not exactly in the best location but he gave her extra. I guess we gotta mark them and go to her everyday.
DH gets so discouraged all the time. It’s hard to pick him up. If only he understood downsizing. I really think if we only farmed in one location we could manage things easier.
Well looking forward to the weekend….and my next check. That should be interesting.

Medicine Woman

Almost Self-Reliant
Nov 2, 2021
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I can’t believe I am off!! And it’s quiet. Drinking coffee. DH headed to the orchard to meet up with a friend on a bush hog. He asked me to meet them with a bucket of chicken later but the line at Popeyes is over an hour wait. It finally opened since Ida and people can’t get enough 🤷‍♀️ It will be nice. I will bring Trouble because I still don’t trust her. Well Snoopy knocked over his gate while we were gone yesterday and had free run of the house with Trouble. No injuries but I don’t want to assume everything okay. My younger children probably all have the Coronavirus at my ex. DD 19 is in summer school and probably caught it from a classmate. It will be her 2nd time and yeah she is vaccinated 🤷‍♀️ I am keeping contact.
DH is in a normal heart rhythm now. We found out yesterday. I don’t know why they don’t just go for Digoxin first. His hospital bill is over $50,000 with other ridiculous fees that his insurance paid all but $200 of and it didn’t even work. All it took was Digoxin.
I just want a positive day and stay so productive. I have been getting texts from my youngest DD….the wild child when I am working nights. She loves the orchard and the outdoors. I wish I could pick her up now.
A few days ago DH told me he realized neither of us really want to be in the old house. He says he wants to go to his farm and I want to go to mine. He is right. Even if we fix his place I will want something in place for myself.
I wonder if I am going shopping for anything trailer or lawnmower related today or tomorrow 🤷‍♀️

Medicine Woman

Almost Self-Reliant
Nov 2, 2021
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Good morning (6:51PM). Nightshift life 🤷‍♀️ I just got a package with several herbs necessary to put the Hoxsey cancer treatment. I want to treat a 12 year old boxer that is full of breast tumors. She has been living with my oldest since right after the storm. The vet told her she has already surpassed her life expectancy and is the healthiest old boxer he ever saw. But she would need $1000 for the hysterectomy and tumor removal and I can just imagine losing her shortly afterwards between her age and stress of the surgery so I am taking this opportunity to put together the remedy I have been saying I will try for years. I only have one more shift and then 2 nights of freedom. I sure wish I was in my own house with my books and equipment. But I will make do. I really hope I can shrink the tumors. Historically it has been a lifesaver. Uncharted waters for me though.
DH really needs me. He hates domestic chores 🤷‍♀️ So I have a few hours before I leave to straighten up a few things. I just hope I have something that resembles a uniform.
I don’t have any idea what is taking him so long to finish the tricycle. It looks ready to roll except for the air in the tires. It’s taking up so much room in the living area of the house. Maybe I can get it done if I move fast enough. If he sees me doing stuff he gets motivated more.

Medicine Woman

Almost Self-Reliant
Nov 2, 2021
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I can only trust Snoopy outside alone for a while. I am off today and tomorrow. That’s 4 straight days. Feels like a vacation.


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