Well because of today’s activity I have cooked those beans (btw producers please take note that just because I am Cajun doesn’t mean I season my food with so much pepper to raise blisters on tongues), added a can of beans to it so I can actually tolerate it, and I have brewed a pot of afternoon coffee just because I unearthed some chaga and powdered goat’s which I dumped into my non-dairy creamer container (I read it wasn’t natural and my body wouldn’t recognize it anyway so ). And here I am, passed 7:00PM, still walking bear foot in my nightgown. But I do feel inspired by the decrease of clutter in front of me. I really love the people in my house but they are a bit messy and dependent upon me (like I’m perfectly healthy or something ). But I am grateful for the support they give me outside.
Some days it’s nice to not get dressed and just slop around all day. For you, it’s your gown. For me it’s sweat pants and sloppy big tshirt. I usually pick a rainy bitter cold day, just don’t my Carhart’s to go outside for animal chores. It’s down time and we all need that sometimes.