Are we living our dream?

Medicine Woman

Almost Self-Reliant
Nov 2, 2021
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I actually didn’t want to reply. Something is wrong with my account and I can’t update my journal as normal.
Well my tricycle has air in the tires. I don’t know if the gears are okay but I hope I can ride it late this afternoon. It is currently 94 degrees F. The basket isn’t on. At this point I am willing to locate a bike shop to finish everything up because I just want to ride already. Poor DH. What I put him through!!
So I am hell bent on organizing the shelves that have been serving as our pantry. It’s seriously making me crazy to look at it. We have too much of some stuff and maybe too little of other things but we don’t have the room. I had been honestly trying to cook the beans and pasta in soups just so we had something to eat and to get rid of it but DH can’t handle it anymore. Gotta get creative with it I guess. He said bean soup reminds him of Hurricane Ida…. The worst experience of his life. Well I can’t argue that 🤷‍♀️ It reminds me of Momma. Trying to limit starches anyway. I really think I need to go to the Dollar Store or something and get some items to help me maximize my space. Maybe I can give away some pasta to my kids. That would be great too.
I have been buying some party mix at Tractor Supply because I want the containers after we eat the crackers and stuff. I had been putting dried beans in them. Today I filled two more to empty 4 bags. I have one with navy beans and one with lentils. I had a mayonnaise container that had only 1/4 of lentils so I filled it with hot water to swell and I am going to make a roux and cook them like a fricassee. I need more canned bean ideas cuz apparently it will be a while before I cook soup. Lots of pinto beans. I wonder if I can figure something Mexican. Any Mexican friends here can help a poor Cajun out?


Sustainability Master
Oct 24, 2019
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mid-Michigan, USoA
... I need more canned bean ideas cuz apparently it will be a while before I cook soup. Lots of pinto beans. I wonder if I can figure something Mexican. Any Mexican friends here can help a poor Cajun out?

we eat a lot of beans and don't have issues with eating them simply as in making bean burritoes without the shells, just nuke the beans on a plate with some cheese on top to warm them up and melt the cheese and then top with chopped veggies of any kind and then sour cream or yogurt and then hot sauce or salsa or whatever. if you get enough layers on there you hardly notice the beans.

i could eat beans twice a day in many forms.

refried you can vary the spices to make it more interesting if you need to do that.

Mexican dishes are not too difficult to learn how to cook, but i like hot foods and working up a good sweat eating is fine with me. other people can't stomach the heat so you have to tone it down for them or avoid the peppers completely. to me though chili isn't really chili unless it has 100% chili peppers in it (no tomatoes, no beans, no onions that's TexMex chili to me).

so to me the questions to start with is how tolerant DH is to heat and spices of other kinds and if he can eat greens like cilantro or if he hates that can he eat parsely instead? etc. :)

Medicine Woman

Almost Self-Reliant
Nov 2, 2021
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I have lost track of time. I am probably 2 weeks without starches. Really slow progress.
DD15 is here with her dog 🥰, who just survived a probable poison. I told her the dog would be safer here with us. Got her to drive Trouble and I in the cane fields for a doggie run last night.
We have a litter of about 7 potbelly piglets. I can’t believe how tiny they are. Most are black but one is white with black spots and everyone is totally in love with the oddball. DH is wondering how high the ransom will be 😂.
The big news here is the entergy bills being so outrageous. People are sharing their bills online and it’s unbelievable. I called Entergy for mine, out of curiosity and I still have a credit from last November when I paid $400, so I am doing something right.
DH has been sweating something terrible and needing 2 or 3 changes of clothes a day. I am thinking maybe I can join him outside today and sweat it out too. At least a few hours. The garden is a mess and I am sure the animals would love a little weeds. Besides… maybe I can find something green to bring inside.
I need to wash my scrubs today. I might order more. They so easy to wear. But also I was thinking about becoming an eBay seller if I can just understand how to get started. Like I can literally pay half price for my scrubs and sell to the many medical staff members I know personally and online. I need my godchild to hold my hand a few hours. She can get me started. She had been doing that since before Ida. That’s what helped her survive when her business was damaged.
Drinking coffee in the quiet and I can’t believe I am still alone with my thoughts. Coffee is better in the quiet. It just is. 🥰.

Medicine Woman

Almost Self-Reliant
Nov 2, 2021
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Lunch. One single ribeye with a few cups of green and purple cabbage, mushrooms, celery and a Bell Pepper. Seasoned with little Dale’s, some Creole seasoning and garlic powder.
I am steaming rice for DD15 at her request but I ate my serving just like that. It’s really good 😊.


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Medicine Woman

Almost Self-Reliant
Nov 2, 2021
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One shift down. 3 to go 😫. I try to wake up slow with coffee and gather my thoughts but DH is here and I need to collect his thoughts too. Omg… he pulled out his art pad. When he is chill and is thinking about paddling his pirouge…no problem. I will see alligators and raccoons and maybe a nice bass. But when he starts drawing demons and zombies and aliens in tornados.. no!! Poor guy sweating like crazy. Currently 82F here. Not too bad, but it’s mostly cloudy. Best days to get stuff done around here. The property owner wants to do something with the garden. It’s overgrown. DH best check it out because it would be ashamed to lose the okra, pumpkin and whatever living plants we might still have. That’s why I prefer a heavily mulched garden over traditional. I am glad for the work I personally put into it. I wish I had done more. It’s crazy that I am awoke right now. I have been sleeping so much that I have been saying I have no life but I couldn’t possibly be asleep now. It might just be the degree of rest I had. It might be my dietary changes. 🤷‍♀️ In the past I have been able to work nights, grab a little day sleep and still have a bit of life. Maybe I can keep my shift if this becomes my normal wake-up time. Blessings to all…

Medicine Woman

Almost Self-Reliant
Nov 2, 2021
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Well I have a torn rotator cuff. I found out yesterday and today I called back to get referred for treatment options. I had a few really hard nights at work, followed by easy nights. Kinda like a seesaw. I don’t need this.

Medicine Woman

Almost Self-Reliant
Nov 2, 2021
Reaction score
Okay now I call back and I am told not a torn rotator cuff but a worn rotator cuff so basically I am old and used up.
So I have taken to riding my tricycle everyday. The first time I overdid it so I have now set a stopping point that was originally 5 minutes away from the house but I am making it there faster so I want to eventually get to the bridge that I got to that first day but without exhausting me.
Been without starches since July 10th and only lost at best, 16 pounds. As heavy as I am I thought for sure I would have dropped a lot more.
Well I have been on night shift and I have jury duty Wednesday so taking Tuesday night off and I am working tonight. Trying to get my chores done fast. I just put a potbelly pig in a big cast iron pot. I altered my grandmother’s squash cake recipe to be keto friendly and fixed it in the crockpot last night. I guess you can say I am trying to empty the small freezer so I can make ice because I bought an ice cream machine. It’s impossible for me to buy a diabetic ice cream so I figured I could create something 🤷‍♀️
So about farming and self sufficiency…. I am making vanilla extract with vodka. I am going to clean the fridge and save the yuck for the chickens. I told my aunt I want to buy some books to teach me small engine repairs and maintenance and maybe appliances and she ordered them for me 😳. Oh and my kid finally decided she needs an education!! Thank God!! So I enrolled her in a small local school. All my remaining children are being educated.
Well it’s getting late. I best take my ride.