Are we living our dream?

Medicine Woman

Almost Self-Reliant
Nov 2, 2021
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Thanks 🙏🏾. I’m feeling okay today….well so far. I didn’t crate Trouble last night but I didn’t wake up to any surprises. I heard her sneaking under the bed this morning and then I heard her snoring right under me 😆.
I was probably over medicated last night. I fell asleep in the chair and by the time I was ready to go to bed I was afraid to get up by myself but really there was no one to call. I managed to not fall down. Sometimes I wonder if I really am in remission but my doctor said he doesn’t like that word. I wonder sometimes if I stop taking all that medicine and infusions if I will feel better. I mean the cancer was stopped dead in its track. But cancer is scary. I’m not stopping today. Maybe I’ll decrease the sedatives a bit though.
DH has to open oysters today. Maybe I can actually do a few things.
Something kinda wild happened last night. I suddenly thought about an old friend of my dad’s that we haven’t spoken to in such a long time. He just popped into my head and we decided to call him. He couldn’t believe I called just when I did because he said he had just finished praying for me and my family and not 15 seconds later I called him. Come to find out, I need to pray for him because he is on chemotherapy for colon cancer. 😳. Lost all his hair and has a colostomy bag. He told me after Daddy died that he misses his conversations with him because they spoke exclusively in French and he has no one else to speak with….. I looked at DH and he was quiet for a while and then he started talking to him in French. SURPRISE!!! I guess it’s cool to have very old parents who refuse to change sometimes. DH is only 4 months older than me but he can roll his R’s like he’d be 20 years older than me. I speak more French than most people my age but DH can totally switch to French and stay there. But he is not feeling well today so I don’t know what will happen. I might have cooked too good yesterday.

Medicine Woman

Almost Self-Reliant
Nov 2, 2021
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I gotta keep myself motivated this coming year and I’m not even sure how to tackle it. DD was fired from Sonic because sick too often. She will be 18 in March and so her SS checks will stop. I had been helping her with various things cuz I realized I was getting several hundred dollars a month for her needs but now I’m trying to convince her to find another job and create a nest egg to help me out because I won’t have that extra income anymore. On top of that DH and I are both in pretty bad shape. And DD should have braces in her mouth but my cancer screwed that up big time. Then I received my Medicare card a few days ago and I read that they were going to charge me $187 or $178 (I forgot which) to cover my part B of my insurance come April. So I’m facing living at home, with less income, more expenses and no part time job to cover any luxuries. I think I need to do all the things I know I have been neglecting and totally stop eating out. I need to personally learn how to fix my incubators and beg DH to help me set up a bunch of brooders. I know for a fact I can make money if I have adult chickens and a working incubator. I best look at it as my job. In fact, I just said a while ago that I am feeling better so maybe I can prove it. Get busy Rhoda!!

Mini Horses

Sustainability Master
Sep 2, 2015
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coastal VA
That's the spirit!! Plan ahead for something you can do. Chickens & eggs are far less energy sapping than other livestock. Do you still have a goat to milk? For own use, but mine provide my dairy!

So, you're JUST starting Medicare? You're only 65? What's covering your cancer meds? You should contact an insurance agent. With limited income, known health issues, could very well qualify for an advantage plan that will cover so much more, for less $.

You don't have to answer the TMI questions 😄 but I put them out there for thought! The annual switch is over but, sounds like you will still be in the time allowed for off season changes due to life changes, etc. sure worth a call -- don't wait! Ask questions.

Yes, Medicare part B is now 187....I pay way less with my personal advantage plan, which gives me benefits orig Medicare does not. My PSA 4U. ☺️

Mini Horses

Sustainability Master
Sep 2, 2015
Reaction score
coastal VA
@murphysranch Well the Advantage plans vary by both company and your location. Did you shop your plan back in November? If not, maybe you could have gotten a better plan 🤷 options are there from which to choose.

There are normally several plans offered. I changed mine this year as my Humana plan changed a lot that I did not like....coverages lowered on dental & vision, OTC eliminated. BCBS gave me more for less. So I switched.

However, it is critical that you look at health issues you may have, meds you may need, etc. I'm fortunately healthy and have a policy with no RX coverage. Haven't had a prescription in over 25 yrs, so do not carry that coverage. Both policies have a "pay back" which reduces the amount I pay from my SS ck. It's $80 on this one...I'm not losing anything as to coverage, although my total annual out of pocket may be higher than what you carry. If I had health problems I might look differently but, currently it would be a massive accident to create a needed medical expense. Any day to day minor things would not create a problem, deductibles are ok, nothing large. Plus dental, vision & OTC is provided. Only thing I've ever used.
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Medicine Woman

Almost Self-Reliant
Nov 2, 2021
Reaction score
Well, I’m not quite that old. I’m disabled with the cancer so only 58, but I’m approaching 25 months on disability so I’m about to be put on Medicare. I didn’t totally not take any sedative medication but I decreased them a bit and I guess that’s why I’m awake. Maybe I slept a tiny bit. I was just thinking about the dizziness, lightheartedness and safety concerns and I was worried that eventually I might fall down and become injured so I’m just trying to address it before I am getting facial stitches or something.
DS called me from work earlier. He asked me if later on, when he moves to Texas if I would go with him and he said it’s not just him that wants me to go but DIL as well. I mean I appreciate that some of my kids want me and all but it’s a lot to consider. My parents planted the orchard and left it to me. I have 5 separate pieces of property. It’s hard to imagine selling. But I have thought of freedom and a new vehicle and visiting various children. I just can’t see myself never doing some kind of farming.
Well I must have been detoxing or something because I woke up (if I was ever asleep to begin with) with so much pain in various places that I was thinking of the least bit of medicine necessary to get me to sleep. I think I might just try a hot shower or something.