Are we living our dream?


Sustainability Master
Oct 24, 2019
Reaction score
mid-Michigan, USoA
They will prob go to roost at dusk, then lock them up -- it's a chicken thing. Well, mine do all the time:rolleyes:

they might be new enough that they've not got a schedule established - but i'll admit i'm just guessing here based upon what might be faint memories of what i've read. :)

Medicine Woman

Almost Self-Reliant
Nov 2, 2021
Reaction score
They are a bit wild and resist the coop. Plus I can’t keep the coop open or everything will get loose. They were caught after DH planted a bunch of tomatoes and cucumbers. HG started a fire in the evening and before they came inside they captured the chickens in the orange tree.
I am totally out of egg cartons but I do have some crates. But the wild, crazy hens lay some white, pointy eggs that are smallish in size. I’m thinking I will boil all of them, then pickle them and put them up in quart size masons. That will free up some cartons for the BR eggs. I’m slacking on my record keeping but I think it’s about 5 days we bred a doe again and we will have to start removing her kits and let her prepare for the next litter.
I cooked down some chicken boney pieces and the breast bones from the 4 roosters and I just decided to put a big roux in the crockpot with some Lima beans for a fricassee. I originally just use the meat and broth for soup but it really is a lot of meat if you pick each piece by hand. So it might be another week before I make gumbo.
I should just hook up the neighbors with eggs every week or so cuz they bring us some of their commodity food they don’t want. The man brought us frozen peaches a couple of days ago. I was thinking, I am not putting that in the freezer. I’m gonna make a cobbler right now to go with my lunch. I can’t imagine not wanting peaches.
Trouble is really earning her name lately. I have been putting garlic in her dog food just as a preventative but she was scratching herself under my bed so I did my thing and tied her up in the shower. She was whining a lot because she probably got cold but I wanted her clean. So later she goes outside and I heard DH calling me just to say she was rolling around in dust, while him and a friend were doing mechanic work on the old truck….the money pit. I hope they get it fixed soon so we can worry about the other truck. Anything so DH can get yet another truck out of his mind. Less is more. I babysat the grandkids so DS and DIL can start to move house into a slightly bigger apartment. I’m glad they will have room for a washer and dryer.
I decided to follow a YouTube lady who does a chair workout for people with limitations. I think my workouts are helping. I figured it would be about equivalent to physical therapy. It’s just a few days now. I added abdominal exercises myself because it’s mostly legs, hips, back and arms. I couldn’t keep up with the mourners at the funeral last week and I had to stop a few times (each time a different one of my children became concerned). Plus I bought some small clothes that didn’t fit me properly so between all that and my knowledge of decreased strength I just did it. I didn’t tell anyone at first but I have since. And speaking of which…Everdries…ladies get them but order the next size. Let’s be honest and open. Once you have been pregnant 7 times in your life and have whatever else wrong with you, you might start leaking. I’m trying to not be ashamed to say these things. But Poise can’t handle a gusher if you just woke up and just can’t make it to the bathroom in time or God forbid it’s occupied!! You would have to try to just slowly let it go while holding it and pray for the best. I had such an experience with the underwear and I was wearing a cotton pants. It stayed dry!! I threw the underwear in the shower cuz going in anyway but I was just happy to be able to stop buying pads. I honestly think it would help young women too for periods. But I think they make an underwear for that now too. Sorry guys!! Life happens. Well time to start moving around. Hey…at least the crockpot is working 🤷‍♀️


Sustainability Master
Oct 24, 2019
Reaction score
mid-Michigan, USoA
nothing to be ashamed of for sure. most of us probably have some issues we won't easily talk about as we get older. i don't really want to talk about mine either and won't - simply because if i start going on about that stuff then we don't normally talk about anything else and i'd rather ...

the sun is out, it's cold, but it is sun. :)

Medicine Woman

Almost Self-Reliant
Nov 2, 2021
Reaction score
I gave a dozen BR eggs to the neighbors and I boiled all those pointy eggs. I will start peeling tomorrow. Really tired. The fricassee was good but I didn’t cook rice cuz we had some French bread that needed to disappear.
I had some muddy eggs but they all washed now but I don’t know where the mineral oil is located. I know I can coat the eggs with oil and preserve them for a long time but not sure I will keep them long anyway.
I’m all medicated up and I should probably take a shower and go to bed.