Are we living our dreams?


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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Sounds like we had about the same day. Don't forget to rest sis!!!! :)


Almost Self-Reliant
Jun 11, 2010
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Lafourche Parish, LA
Not a chance. Just waiting on the rice and then feed the family. All the dogs are getting washed right now. Thank God that pup knows what a puppy pad is for. Goes to show you, what Momma always said is true....the best dogs are the free ones. One more reason for me to get my yard fenced in. Amen.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
I know that feeling. Don't know what it's about, but I think you could use this. :hugs


Almost Self-Reliant
Jun 11, 2010
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Lafourche Parish, LA
We all can sometimes. I went for my Woman of God gathering to fill myself up with good stuff, so hopefully I'm all full of positive energy to balance out the other stuff. Well gotta go earn a living.


Almost Self-Reliant
Jun 11, 2010
Reaction score
Lafourche Parish, LA
So I told ya'll I went to my woman thingy, but I didn't mention I bought a book, called They Fired the First Shot, which is religious, political and I"m assuming will turn very SS, as his other book is, but not sure. Well, I decided I was going to buy myself a book and buy an extra, so share with whoever. I didn't have a certain person in mind, but I felt they would present themselves. So, I got home and DH was checking out the book and started reading it. Now, I won't say DH is a butt, but we have our issues. So yesterday, I noticed he didn't have any of his normal teasing remarks he seems to like throwing at me and I noticed a few things were picked up, that ordinarily wouldn't have been. And more of the same today. Glad I bought an extra copy.
I've been staking out the borrowed buck and sometimes my does, so they broke the collar. Yesterday I bought 2 anchors, a few collars and about 4 leashes. My little doe bent the anchor and broke her collar. My big girl didn't break her collar, but managed to make it open up and release her, so today I spent $23 and $24 on each a leather belt collar for each of them. I highly doubt it they will be getting out of those. And I bought a much longer anchor and planted it deep. I put the collar on little doe first and had to fight her a bit. Then put the collar on big doe, who didn't freak out as much. I brought her out to weed eat the garden a bit. All was fine, except apparently I put her just a little too close to my newest beehive and she moved it a little. She was trying hard to get away, by the time I noticed and I went get her to put her in the pen. I got stung once on the forehead for my efforts. Wish it was on my lower right leg, cuz I could really use a few stings there.
I'm hatching out a few araucanas right now. Wish they would hatch as easy as the sex-links. Hoping for lots of pullets because I'm gonna replace all my hens, so help me God.
Well, not sure what is for supper. Probably something easy, like breakfast and tonight I will have to reposition that sideways hive before I go to work.


Almost Self-Reliant
Jun 11, 2010
Reaction score
Lafourche Parish, LA
Misunderstanding a few days ago with my co=worker, who blew a gaskit over a little thing, so I left her abruptly, cuz I wasn't going to stay there and be screamed at, so to punish me, she has been relieving me at our former, official time. I need her to relieve me earlier Mon thru Wed, so DH can leave and go to work because we don't have a sitter for the girls for the few minutes it takes between him leaving and me arriving. She is now acting normal, except for the old time relieving, but we don't have as much to tell each other.....its ashamed cuz really we have a lot in common. It didn't need to happen. So DH finds out and he wants me to get even. Thats him---not me. I can't be like, "I can show you I can be a bigger _____ than you." No...that don't fix crap. Plus, I'm not about getting even; thats my God's business. So had a bad night cuz DH don't take his Cajun shoes off to tell me how stupid he thinks I am acting and he don't subscribe to 'not letting the sun go down on your anger' theories. I had relieved her at 11pm and he wanted me to relieve her right b4 12mn, just like she had done. I figured I was better off attempting to act like we Okay and giving her the earlier relief and maybe she'd act like it didn't happen and do the same, but it didn't work.....still, maybe DH will be able to say, "I told you so," but I'm not him and I don't think like him or fix things lke he does. So thats my big drama this week. Oh well, the problem with getting mad, like my co-worker and DH is that you just have to get unmad. All I have to do is forgive them both for the harsh words. There....let some time pass now. But I guess we relieving at 11:30 again. So I can probably do a good 1/2 hour chore to have my home better tonight.
Well, its been raining and the mud is thick. Ducks and geese are fine with it, but chickens look like concentration camp victims. If only they didn't scratch so much. If the weather agrees and time allows, I think I can give em each a few wheelbarrows of woodchips. I let the ducks and geese act as lawnmowers today, to supplement their diet and to tend to the yard, that is too wet and muddy for the machinery. I try to look on the bright least the cypresses are happy.
I lost a couple of newly hatched geese and ducks for no reason I can see. Maybe I should have picked a warmer day to remove them from the hatcher. Bummer, but I have a gosling left and more that will be hatching later in the month. They will be able to join the older one just fine and the geese will adopt them just fine. Wish chickens acted like that.
I really gotta return that buck I have on loan. I wanted to make sure both does were really pregnant b4 I did that, plus his owner is on her first pregnancy and I'm worried she has too many chores and she don't want him to impregnate his sister, so I feel like I'm almost doing her a favor having him here so long. Hate this weather, cuz I ABSOLUTELY have to finish the barn now, so I can have an official goat quarter and have a place set up for the kids and milking. No turning back now. I have 2X6''s that are soaking wet, but are off the ground, so if Mother Nature agrees, I'll put them to use very soon.
Sent 2 of my older kids to rescue some ducklings I have on the ground, to put in a dry pet taxi for the night, under the house because of the temp drop expected tonight. Cold weather and sloppy mess don't agree with each other.
Well, I had a nice little B12 injection a few days ago and I feel basically good, so after a little nap, I jumped up and started dishing out a few orders and got 2 separate Catholic safe means ready. Had to do something different for DH.....he gets a fat tongue now when I fix seafood. So family is eating crawfish fricassee and he will get sweet pea with egg fricassee delivered to him in a few mins. I won't tell him what I fixed the family to not rub it in. Really stinks him not being able to eat seafood.....I mean look at Cut Off, LA on a map....hello, we are completely surrounded by water. Oh well, rice is done, so best get him served. See ya'll.


Almost Self-Reliant
Jun 11, 2010
Reaction score
Lafourche Parish, LA
Still so extremely damp in the barn. I'm thinking about putting some field drain, with a bunch of empty wine bottles, I don't need.
Pretty sure I have a pregnant doe....hopefully 2. I better because I already returned the buck. I really wanna set them up a better living quarter. I have a few ideas in mind. I want a few tables set up so they have place when its super wet, plus a milking station. Anxious to see if I can use lumber I already have. Really don't wanna buy much. I want some clean sheds. Really, I just want to have a cleaner everything, so using what all I have will make me estatic.
I spent a lot of time doing chores today. It took quite a few wheelbarrows of chips, chicken droppings, chips, droppings, etc.... to fill the tractor tire. I ended with a layer of chips, so I made a little hole in the center and put some soil and planted 3 watermelon seeds. Hope I don't cook it. I'm only half finished removing the droppings from the roost, so I need to cut another tire. Laying down some ragweed in the roost, so the chickens can cover it up and burn it with nitrogen, etc....Also planted about 10 melon seeds on top of a woodchip pile the electric company dumped....hoping for the best. I once did really good with melons, planting them like that.
I've only been off work since 12 noon, so really I did a lot. Pulled out 2 wheelbarrows of ragweed for my goats and poultry projects. I like doing that before giving them grain. My hands are a little stiff. Went swimming with my 2 little ones, which was fun. Its almost like they are my grandkids, cuz I have so much fun with them, but they are mine. Wish I could have relaxed like that with their older sibs.
So I was studying my herbology, before I got off of work and DH called me, just as I was reading that artichoke leaves are medicinal.....for what??? IDK, but thats next on my list when I go back in to work....find out what its good for. While I pull out ragweed, to become animal feed, its amazing how my mind creeps toward herbology. I have exposed so many blackberry vines. That I know what to do with.....make some anti-diarrhea tincture with the roots.
I had to play Momma to my sibs today. I"m now the oldest female in the family and when a mini war broke out, I had to fix it. Either I'm getting better at it, or they are both maturing a little and realize with Momma gone, they have to behave and figure some stuff out.
My kids just came in with a burger for me......Yaa!!! Now if only I can remember which one of my kids have my debit card.


Almost Self-Reliant
Jun 11, 2010
Reaction score
Lafourche Parish, LA
Just a quick note: Things have gotten bad for me at work. DH and I are having a conflict, regarding lapses in time for childcare, which we were able to handle in the past. Also we have some backstabbing going on and its too complicated to bother explaining. I can see its going to affect my homelife, so I'm out. I am keeping mostly quiet about it for now, until I get some of my acrued time back. I"ll take some vacation and sick days, while I orientate for a part-time night position, as a nurse. So the bad news is my cushy job is practically over. The good news is my pay will more than double, per hour and I'll be spending much more time on the farm and with the family.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
How many hours will you be working, and what kind of hours?

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