Are we living our dreams?


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
Reaction score
Fallston, MD
Having the massage certification would be a great father in your cap if you get out on your own. so glad things are rocking along. It looks to me like you've got enough irons in the fire to make a nice go at it and the universe is providing more opportunities. I don't think you'll have to think too hard about things! do what your gut tells you!


Almost Self-Reliant
Jun 11, 2010
Reaction score
Lafourche Parish, LA
For now, I have ordered the small business management course. I had discount due to being a returning student and DS will get a discount, due to being my referral and I'll get a check once he is enrolled...$50 both ways. I did ask if there was a limit and there is, which doesn't make too much business sense to me. More referrals, means more business, which means more money, which is the whole point of business. Oh well....I was here gonna tell all of you to say, Rhoda sent you. Lol.
So its Monday and I'm a bad farmer on Monday. Hope DS did at least the bare minimum to keep everything with what all they need.
Had a visit from my stressed out godchild and while we were brainstorming with her future, a Latino custumer shows up....and I can't exactly run on Mondays, so I send DS and my GD (god-daughter) down. What does she do??? She begins speaking Spanish to him. I was afraid he wanted hens because thats what they usually want, but he wanted eggs in particular, but I only had 5 (cuz I've been eating them), so he settled for 3 dozen chicken eggs and the 5 duck eggs and took my phone number, so he can call me in a few days to see what duck eggs I have. NEW CUSTOMER!!!
Well, my baby girl tripped and hurt her right hand right before tap class, which GD teaches, who is her godmother, so guess what....about to get another visit from the GD.
Hoping for a productive week.


Almost Self-Reliant
Jun 11, 2010
Reaction score
Lafourche Parish, LA
Just got a call from the new customer. He is coming over tomorrow. Not sure if I understand him, completely, but I think he is going to wipe me out of all my eggs....chicken and ducks.
So DS did the outside chores so I can find the table and cabinets and start a meal and he did, as I asked and let the goat loose, but apparently he didn't close the goose/duck pen since yesterday and the goat must have opened it. Fortunately they stayed in the yard and it wasn't so very wet. I only had one egg in the pen, but the muscovies, which are in the coop, compensated well and unexpectedly, so I'm only missing one egg to have the dozen, which I know ducks lay at night, so I'll have it and then some. But :( its obvious I have to remove one drake and 2 ganders because my weakest peking duck has obviously been being abused by too many men.
Well, I treated myself to my very first massage. What an experience. It was from a neighbor furthur to the front of this street, who is a therapist. Well, I was with her for an hour, so of course we got to talking about various things, including my pain, job, herbal studies certification and my idea of going into business selling herbal products and natural foods. So......she jumped all over it and wants me to make all kinds of things for her to be able to sell to her clients.
She told me a story about herself, but the pains she had stemmed from different problems and she said she was in communication with a mentor...a man, who was also in a similar line of work as her and upon confiding her problems to him, he sent her a message....."Healer, heal thy self." It seems I may have read that, or something similar, somewhere, but its the voice in my head right now, repeating it. Her take on it, was that she helps others to heal, but how can she go on, if she doesn't first take care of what is wrong with herself?. Well, I know what I need to do, but easier to know it (and even admit to it), but much harder to actually carry it out. No excuses though....might as well entertain the voice a few weeks and see if it serves me well.


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
Reaction score
Ahhhh - that is a definite pearl of wisdom... "healer - heal thy self"! How can anyone take care of someone else if they don't take care of themselves first?

Isn't it awesome how God puts people in our paths that remind us of his wisdom!?!


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
Reaction score
Fallston, MD
It's interesting to me that most healers are actually the ones in need of healing. So yes, it is very important to tale care of you before you take care of others! Enjoy it, to me it feels good to self heal. A little indulgent, but our culture teaches us that we should put ourselves last, and that's not fair to us or others, because we cannot bring our best that way. So indulge, and take care of yourself!


Almost Self-Reliant
Jun 11, 2010
Reaction score
Lafourche Parish, LA
Had the munchies, but came here instead of feed my face, because its not hunger....its boredom.
And I'd like to either stretch or get on the eliptical today for a little while. a visit again from the new customer. OMG...should I??? Well, he wants a woman...for whatever reason, but thats it. Not interested at this time. He can buy my eggs. We understand each other, only on a very basic level. I'm 4 years older than him and I tower over him :/ Enough....well, I'm not comfy, so my kids can babysit me when he needs eggs. There.
I lost a little white silky, but it was just an extra roo, so provided the rest of the flock doesn't come down with illnesses, I'm fine.
Having an awesome school day with one wild, screaming 8 year old. She hates school with a passion. Oh well, so do I. So we waiting for her 2nd grade books to come in and there were a handful of used books from her older sister that I didn't need to order, so began with Religion because this is a Sacrament year and really soon she will need to test and in 2 days we have covered 9 weeks of lessons.
Also pushing DD 11 along with tests as well. When I get after them, close, we can fly. Need to fly more often. Would love to not only catch up with all my setbacks, but pass them up as well.


Almost Self-Reliant
Jun 11, 2010
Reaction score
Lafourche Parish, LA
Well I'm still alive but my computer isn't. Lots of changes. I have turned in notice that I want to go part-time. Weekends only and only one shift for now and not very often either.
I'm going to try to start a home based business selling herbs and organic foods. It's a little scary but I only know one way to find out if I can do it.
I have work going on in my house and on my fence. Finally. A friend in need is a friend indeed. So past 2 days my northern border has been being closed off. The old sheet metal is being used to create my fortress rather than be junk in the yard. DD 26 probably will talk to me about our next hurricane but if it didn't fly away just laying in yard, seems better screwed to a fence.
Well DH and I still apart but talk often and today I learn that he must go back into surgery because his stint is closing. Apparently this will occur Monday, same day as our youngest' first confession.
Well more later. Updating journal on a smart phone.

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