It is a little scary. Its not like I have enough money coming in right now to take care of business, but brewing some stuff and do have a fairly good Latino clientele.
Yesterday took a turn I wasn't planning on. BIL and SIL both showed up to help with my home and farm, due to certain arrangements and I let SIL have my kitchen while BIL and I tackled the problem of chainsaws, woodchippers and the firelogs.
I have now spent the money I had allowed myself on supplies for fence and house improvements and will give the guys working for me a little time to put them where and how they belong, before I call everything quits with them. Will most likely have a gate, motor and such installed before sending both of them on their way though, just so I can begin turning everything loose in the yard, without worry.
Went to sleep at reasonable hour, last night, but with a muscle relaxer and the day started without me. Very late on chores.
A chicken corpse was found in the hammers of my wood chipper. Totally dried and didn't look like it would hold together, so we acted like it wasn't there and started the engine.....yeah.
Need to strain off 3 brews I have going with plant medicine. A cough syrup, diarrhea remedy and pain killer.
Raining, with the woodchipper in yard....not good. As much as I hate to say, I have to get out there.
I saw a video the other day about making Onion Honey cough syrup. What do you use in your cough syrup?
My Dad can't use most of the over the counter cold meds because of his heart meds, so I thought I would make some up for him to try next time he has a cold.
That Onion Honey stuff works for sore throats, I've never tried it for coughing though. I don't know if the video added a touch of lemon juice to it, but I found it helped counter the rather strange combination of onion and honey flavors. I wouldn't keep it very long in the fridge unless the onion was minced very fine. Even though honey is a natural antibiotic, raw onion is notorious for growing bacteria; you don't want to end up getting food poisoning when your immunity is already stressed.
It so happens I saw Rosemary Gladstar's video making an onion and honey syrup right after I started the brew we have. I used mullein in a glycerine base, for children and flavored it with grape Kool Aid, at DD12's suggestion. To tell the truth, it was all her idea.
Well the past 2 days have been interesting. I have been really aggravated because of so-so show ups with the guys I have working for me, so yesterday I was acting bilingual and I don't mean just English/French....I mean I was thinking DH's other language of profanity and I was all down on men (sorry guys). And I began talking to the little nurse that lives in my head and was saying ^%#$ on them!!! I don't need them!! And I started cutting studs and putting them between the pilings downstairs and stapled the greenhouse material to 2 sections....only about 15 more to go, but will wait for help with the storm doors and windows.....unless I get really mad again. I guess you can say I was having a woman empowerment thing going. Sweated my tail off, basically.
Well BIL and SIL supposed to come over tomorrow. BIL apparently hasn't recuperated from last visit. Needs to toughen up, just like me.
I've been learning more carpentry skills lately myself just because I got tired of waiting for hubby to do stuff. And I may actually be able to make some money w/it by building small chicken houses. I have someone that will let me sell them from their house which is on a major road.
You go girl! I've always been pretty stubborn about doing things my way - which usually means I do 'em alone! Since September when DH had his wreck, through the heart surgery, to the vitreous hemorrhage I've been on my own with any physical labor anyway... Woman power!