Are we living our dreams?


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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HA! Hot and humid here and I've been out in it all day - I don't think even Enjoli could help me right now, lol.


Super Self-Sufficient
Sep 29, 2014
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Plus the dogs just got out and we chased them down at the neighbors - thye followed the river for 1/2 mile. There goes 1 hour of my gardening time.


Lovin' The Homestead
Jan 22, 2015
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Well if I'm understanding that commercial right, my Enjoli woman should be able to do all that stuff and still come home and give me the "shivering fits". Or did I miss something...... Maybe you girls just aren't spraying on enough


Almost Self-Reliant
Jun 11, 2010
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Lafourche Parish, LA
About 2 months ago, I ordered Design, but maybe I ordered the wrong cologne.
Well, I just pretty much paid out all my expenses for the home and farm improvements, which exceeded what I really wanted to pay, so now, I will tell the guys to tie it all up....hopefully within the next 2 weeks and I'll see if I can go, solo after that. What new things I will buy between that time will be very minimal and only to finish off the jobs.
I had to take Daddy to the city yesterday for his eye doctor appointment to schedule his surgeries and I bought some soap making supplies, but the glycerine is getting too expensive and they only had one 5 Lb block, but they also had shea butter in same size and price, so got that as well, although I have never used it. I make a really big bar with the molds I use, but it will cost me too much money to go on making those, so I bought a normal sized mold; otherwise I'd have to charge a fortune for my bars. I asked for lye, but,"We don't carry that," so I tell them that they have a book for sale, which I am buying and all the recipes calls for lye, which is a major ingredient in most soaps but they don't have it and don't carry it, etc....well, the employee will pass on my concerns to the manager. But I did order 10Lbs from Amazon, so I can try a few recipes. Time to get this ball rolling.
So, I now have a beautician and a massage therapist wanting me to provide them with skin care products, so time to cook.


Almost Self-Reliant
Jun 11, 2010
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Lafourche Parish, LA
I can't wait for mine to come in. I want to get started ASAP. The lye recipes will take a month of curing, but I can probably get some shea butter and glycerine soaps made really soon.
I saw a display of soaps, made in Australia, and there was no packaging at all and only a label on the bottom of each to identify the type.
I was worrying about packaging because the glycerine needs to breath or it will do funny things. But I think the lye soaps won't do that.
One of my guys are supposed to show up for work today, so hoping I can see some of my messes becoming useful to me.


Almost Self-Reliant
Jun 11, 2010
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Lafourche Parish, LA
Well, this isn't SS at all, but its about my life and will possibly affect my homestead, so I will tell and if it actually helps me, I certainly will confess it. I got involved in Life Vantage last night, under my son. We had a meeting at my house and I signed on, mainly because I was mildly curious about the herbal product and the medical claims. I'm a bit skeptical, but decided it was worth at least trying it out for myself and the business aspect of it, which is why my son signed on, is an added pert, but I won't push it. If I get a few sign ons, good. If not, but the stuff helps me....better. Heck, if I can feel better in a month, it was worth it, but the woman who came over told me that it is encouraged to take the product for a month to cancel out ever decade I have been on Earth. That would mean I have to take almost 5 months supply. Well, I have only been hurting for 8 years now, so I guess I can aim for 5 months. If I start feeling good anytime soon, I will probably let y'all know, cuz most of you know I can't nurse because of pain and that I am a certified herbist, which is a big reason I signed on.....I recognized the herbs when they spoke of them. I'm only currently taking one of the 6 that was specified. I can remember most of them, but its a good combo of purifiers, energizers, tonics, and such.
So today I have to hurry through my chores because need to go way up the bayou for my daughters' dance recital dress rehearsal, which is way too far from home base to suit me. So looking forward to recital and ending all this stuff for a while.
I killed some muscovy drakes 2 days ago and packed the resulting meat in containers yesterday. Several meals on those boys. Got 2 more to slaughter, but.....after recital. Bare minimum for now.
Daddy pulled a good one yesterday and I had to drop almost everything. He called a local hardware store and ordered an escavater. Then he calls me and wants to know if DS is home to come over with the golf cart just in case.....omg. So find out the equipment will be sent over in about 20 minutes, so get off phone and call the store to see if they can buy me about an hour before sending it, but as I call, I see the truck heading to the back and I tell them, "OMG....there is y'all truck" to which they asked what was wrong and I tell them my father lost his driving privileges and has dementia. They want to know what I want them to do and I say, "Nothing. Let me see what I can do." By time I locate DS, he is halfway through helping DD move furniture to DH's home and he is coming and Daddy not answering his phone......well can't answer your phone, when you on an escavator in the woods!! So I went in the back with the car and he is using the equipment properly, as far as I can see, but is jerking around, so I know he will hurt. DS is suddenly driving up right behind me, in his truck and I use compromising and praise but worry to get him off that thing and DS spent next few hours fixing the road so his grandfather doesn't kill himself. What a day!!!
Hoping for less excitement today.


Almost Self-Reliant
Jun 11, 2010
Reaction score
Lafourche Parish, LA
I probably have a hatch about to take place in the coop with 4 nests. I think its safe to say, I best plug in the incubator and kidnap everything because as soon as the hatching starts, so will the custody battles.
Busy fast day. Have to leave town for recital. Can't wait for this to be over.
People sometimes flip out when things aren't running smooth and start playing the blame game, which helps ABSOLUTELY NO ONE!!!! HELLO!!!

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