Are we living our dreams?


Almost Self-Reliant
Jun 11, 2010
Reaction score
Lafourche Parish, LA
Thanks. Well, my 2 little ones are gone to spend time with DH, but he is on his on time, so I will end up 'babysitting' so he and DD19 can both work. But I get my whole bed tonight.
So its cool to brainstorm with a guy I'm not married to, who is actually working for me. He can't shoot me down. Not used to that. Well apparently, not only does he claim he likes my ideas, but they are better than his MIL's and he brings them home to try on his own little farm.
Like I said, I feel I need about 5 more windows, but he starts talking to me about plexiglass and I get a price, but that wasn't so great either, but I sat down and thought a while and when he came back from lunch break, I asked him to look in the shed for my leftover cypress boards and if I have enough, I want him to frame up a window for me, use 2X4 wire on the outside, then on the inside we will tack on greenhouse material and incase it with more 2X4 wire. That will hang from hinges and be able to be propped open and we will screen in for warm days.
So I figure lots of windows, but lots of ventilation and less junk in my shed. Whats the difference if I buy windows or get him to make them?
Also, I showed him some big truck tires and asked him to cut out center a bit and drill holes at 4 places to insert re-bars to make me more chicken tractors.
I told him he was going to go home and tell DW that when Rhoda says, "I've got an idea" that you get scared.
It has been pretty warm, but don't want to just keep my fire logs stacked up, unchopped, so I have this idea that I go out everyday to feed and water animals, plus do whatever else I do and if I can put my foot down and chop at least one log into firewood, everyday, I will get my firewood racked long before necessary. I didn't tell DS, but he will get a kick out of it.....I was thinking that I identify myself as being a Stark and "Winter is coming"...he should get a kick out of it because he follows Game of Thrones pretty closely.
So my gate is up and totally connected. We have it in the open position right now because we needed to charge the battery, which is protected inside of my very first mailbox. The guys were thinking they would have to make a box for it, but I told them to use that if they could.
So hopefully a productive weekend is about to begin. I have a few things I could slaughter and probably should do the honors. I have 2 mature roosters and I and DD8 have taken a liking to egg drop soup, but I am out of broth. Hello....I can get a good amount of broth if I slaughter some old roos.
So, I guess its no secret that egg prices have gone up. I just got wind that store bought are costing the same as mine.
I hatched out 17 ducklings the past 2 days and hopefully more will peep through. Sold 5 to one of my former co-workers from the bridge. 1 peking and 4 muscovies. I will post on a homesteaders Facebook group I am in, but no worries, because I have no problems filling my freezer.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
If only doing one piece of firewood a day would get it all done for me I'd do the same as you! But, last winter I went thru close to 5 cords!


Almost Self-Reliant
Jun 11, 2010
Reaction score
Lafourche Parish, LA
Oh Lord!!! Thats cold. I have a potbelly stove. What do you burn in? I think I chopped 2 logs yesterday. If I chop and DS happens to be driving up and he sees me splitting, he joins in. All I need to do is point out a log that gave me difficulties and he acts like,"Oh thats nothing," and tears it up.
The weird things, I can't chop with bends and crooks, I send to DH to put in his fireplace.
I am hoping we rack everything soon and can get the rest of my godfather's tree before October. I don't want to keep that thing wasted in his cow pasture. Someone wanted the trunk, but he got an attitude because my family was the only one there for the clean up and we took the branches and helped with the mess, so he feels like they weren't there for the worst, so they not getting the best and he hid the trunk for my family. I want him to see us showing up for it.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
We don't normally use that much wood. But, it got super cold in November, and stayed cold a lot longer than normal.


Almost Self-Reliant
Jun 11, 2010
Reaction score
Lafourche Parish, LA
As warm as it is now, you'd think I could care less, but I'm in prep mode. Afraid of failure or something, so I keep motivating myself.
Well, I was hanging my wet clothes onto hangers and putting them to dry in my room, because its easier and cooler than to put them outside, but I did put my underwear on the hanger I have for them, outside and also the bath towels. I swear, I can only think of one or 2 reasons for me to even keep my gas drier and the main one is to use as an extra heater in winter, preferably before everyone takes their showers.
I didn't tell my kids yet, but I ordered a solar stove/oven today. Read some reviews and the peeps in Alaska claimed they were able to slow cook with it, but someone in southern California claimed a much higher temp, so I guess I can get pretty hot too. I think I know exactly where I'm going to use it too.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
I'll be interested in seeing how you do w/it.


Almost Self-Reliant
Jun 11, 2010
Reaction score
Lafourche Parish, LA
Will do. I would have told DS, but he seldom likes any of my ideas, until he sees they actually working and serve him in some capacity, but you guys seem to understand some of my game plans a little better....and some of my motives.
So my weight is spiraling out of control and I am envious of people I see that are flexible and have muscles, so this morning, I decided to work on that. I did one single butt lift, before getting out of bed, then promptly jumped out of bed to nurse the Charlie Horse that resulted. I want muscles!!!! I want it now. Amazing that I can even gain any weight when you look at what I've been up to. Well, time stands still for no one. Even if its hot, I got work to do.
See y'all.


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
Reaction score
I had to laugh at your early morning exercise result! But, that's because I know how you feel. You hang in there...with as much work as you're doing the muscles will come. :)

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