Are You Into UFO Prophecy?


Jul 16, 2008
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Brandon, MS
Recieved this in my email today from Bizarre News. I just had to post it.

Greetings fellow Bizarros:

Has anybody ever heard of the Tunguska Event? This is one of
the oldest mysteries in the modern world, and it just past
its one hundredth birthday.

It occurred in June 1908 over an isolated area in Siberia
known as Tunguska. The aftermath of this event was so cata-
strophic that an entire forest encompassing hundreds of
square miles, tens of thousands of trees and entire herds
of animals was instantly destroyed. Tremors were felt for
hundreds of miles and an anomalous glow in the sky was
observed as late as 10 days afterwards from as far away as
England on the other side of the continent!

But what was the event? An explosion? Certainly. Caused by
what nobody is exactly certain. But one man has a new and
controversial theory.

Dr. Yuri Labvin, president of the Tunguska Spatial Phenomenon
Foundation, insists that an alien spacecraft sacrificed
itself to prevent a gigantic meteor from slamming into the
planet above Siberia.

Most scientists think the blast was caused by a meteorite
exploding several miles above the surface. But Labvin thinks
quartz slabs with strange markings found at the site are
remnants of an alien control panel, which fell to the ground
after the UFO slammed into the giant rock.

"We don't have any technologies that can print such kind of
drawings on crystals," Labvin told the Macedonian Inter-
national News Agency. "We also found ferrum silicate that
can not be produced anywhere, except in space."

On the surface it sounds bizarre, but no more off-the-wall
than some of the other theories which have been put forward
including that it was not a comet at all but an object of
an antimatter nature or even a miniature black hole which
suddenly appeared in space immediately above the earth.

That sounds plausible.

If you're interested there are plenty of photographs of
the destruction to be found on the Internet. Just search
Tunguska Event. And with that brewing in your brains let's
get on with some more current bizarre stories.




Almost Self-Reliant
May 20, 2009
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Silicon Valley
What a great thread. I don't believe in green aliens and all that goes with that jazz. It's clear a lot of people do and don't. A lot of people believe in the Chupacabra, too. Have seen it with their eyes - even if other people that saw the very same creature and said it was actually a common coyote. Or even tested hair samples that turned out to be dog - they still insist is was an upright walking creature. People believe what they want to believe even if makes no sense to someone else and facts don't support it.

My brother lived in Mexico for a while, he was good friends with a medical doctor down there. One day, after some heavy rain, then went out walking together and came across a dead coral snake. "Oh, look at that" the doctor said, "these snakes don't come from this area. The evaporating rains picked it up and dropped it here.". :rolleyes:

Of course, my brother thought he was making a joke. But the doctor, even though my brother reminded him of the basic principles of science, remained steadfast in his belief the snake had been carried hundreds of miles through the air, by water vapor, to that spot. In fact, he believed it happened all the time. :gig

Now,while I do not believe in aliens, I do believe in life on other planets or worlds, but honestly, I'm not concerned about them. I've got enough to focus on right here on ours. Until I can say I'm living my own life perfectly, I have no business being distracted from the reason I'm here on earth.

As far as the artwork....(I love art history and analyzing art) ever hear of symbolism? Or fakes? (Just throwing that out there since I am not familiar with these works and I cannot verify their origins.)

The bible also mentions chariots of fire. I seriously doubt they were chariots but...if they were, great. Angels are not aliens. We know from real accounts with many witnesses that angels don't have wings and the look just like us....people. In art, the wings of angels are symbols. They tell us that the figure with the wings is a heavenly being. Think about it, only birds can break earthly bands and fly or exist in the heavens.

The same principles of symbolism goes for South American art. For example, Quetzaquatl is not actually a flying serpent. He is God. A God with human form, not snake form - the same God as in the bible. Think of the serpent that Moses raised on his staff and said, "look to God and live". The snake represented God. Same principle. Here, again, feathers represent a heavenly being.

Now, I now that there are many "gods" represented in South American art. But you have to understand that they used to believe in one God. However, today we find many represented because, while they used to believe in a single God, their religious views became skewed, changed, or watered down through time. They used to represent the various characteristics of their ONE God by using many different symbols. Over time, they came to believe they were actually different gods. They were actually all the same God - just fractured over time. Make sense?

We make a mistake when we view the many symbols of God (or anything else) and assume it means exactly what it looks like to us.

So if we see a half man, half skeleton symbol, it is not a scary dead creature - it is actually a symbol of LIFE after death or a symbol of God. That symbol represents the god of the after life, or in other words, life after death or God's characteristic of having triumphed over death. He lives on after death because of His resurrection. You can't always take everything at face value.

Those are my views and understanding. I hope that just because they are unlike yours that you still enjoy the thread.


Recycled Spunk
Dec 1, 2008
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2dream said:
Recieved this in my email today from Bizarre News. I just had to post it.

"We don't have any technologies that can print such kind of
drawings on crystals," Labvin told the Macedonian Inter-
national News Agency. "We also found ferrum silicate that
can not be produced anywhere, except in space."
I searched Google images for the quartz drawings and was unable to view these, despite the claim that they are readily available. I wish the author has listed just one link.
My hobby is studying geology and I have a degree in art, so this piqued my interest.


Jul 16, 2008
Reaction score
Brandon, MS
Sylvie - Do a search for Dr. Yuri Labvin. There are a lot more search results on his thoughts. I have not found a picture yet but I only did one search and only clicked on a few links. You might also search Macedonian News Agency or the organization Dr. Labvine works for.

Bizarre News just picks up stories from around the globe that they find stange or unusual. They don't usually post links. They give the reader enough information to go find more if there is more. I think they probably pull most of the stuff off of the AP wire.

Edited to add: Apparently there are no pictures anywhere yet of this quartz. It is suppose to be analyzed by someone else. did pick up this story fromthe Macedonian News.


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
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Mountains of WV
2Dream, I don't know about something as big as a snake, but twice during the early 70s it rained frogs at our place. Tiny little spring peeper frogs the first time and small toads the second time. A sprinkle of rain and tiny frogs bouncing off the cars and roads...quite a sight! :)


Jul 16, 2008
Reaction score
Brandon, MS
Bee I have heard of that type of thing happening. If I remember correctly some type of funnel cloud will suck up a lake or pond or something and then cart the contents off. Its been years since I have read anything about any of this stuff. I am kind of like you. If it can't water the corn, gather the eggs or pick the peas I don't have much time for it. LOL However, I do find it all rather interesting and on some websites down right amusing. Do I believe - well lets just say I am more open than a lot of folks to the very real possibilities. Especially considering my son has actually seen something. I may not believe everyone but I definitely believe him. Do I believe they are other worldly. Highly possible. Our own governments experiments...also highly possible. What I do know is that one day I will have all the answers. So until then I just kind of keep abreast of what is going on and continue on my merry little way. I can't really find the difference in aliens coming to destroy me and my own goverment trying to. I guess except that with the aliens its not so personal. LOL
And I will also add I have enjoyed reading all of the comments here. And finding out all the different thoughts on the subject.


Lovin' The Homestead
Nov 23, 2008
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2dream said:
Recieved this in my email today from Bizarre News. I just had to post it.

Greetings fellow Bizarros:

Has anybody ever heard of the Tunguska Event? This is one of
the oldest mysteries in the modern world, and it just past
its one hundredth birthday.

It occurred in June 1908 over an isolated area in Siberia
known as Tunguska. The aftermath of this event was so cata-
strophic that an entire forest encompassing hundreds of
square miles, tens of thousands of trees and entire herds
of animals was instantly destroyed. Tremors were felt for
hundreds of miles and an anomalous glow in the sky was
observed as late as 10 days afterwards from as far away as
England on the other side of the continent!

But what was the event? An explosion? Certainly. Caused by
what nobody is exactly certain. But one man has a new and
controversial theory.

Dr. Yuri Labvin, president of the Tunguska Spatial Phenomenon
Foundation, insists that an alien spacecraft sacrificed
itself to prevent a gigantic meteor from slamming into the
planet above Siberia.

Most scientists think the blast was caused by a meteorite
exploding several miles above the surface. But Labvin thinks
quartz slabs with strange markings found at the site are
remnants of an alien control panel, which fell to the ground
after the UFO slammed into the giant rock.

"We don't have any technologies that can print such kind of
drawings on crystals," Labvin told the Macedonian Inter-
national News Agency. "We also found ferrum silicate that
can not be produced anywhere, except in space."

On the surface it sounds bizarre, but no more off-the-wall
than some of the other theories which have been put forward
including that it was not a comet at all but an object of
an antimatter nature or even a miniature black hole which
suddenly appeared in space immediately above the earth.

That sounds plausible.

If you're interested there are plenty of photographs of
the destruction to be found on the Internet. Just search
Tunguska Event. And with that brewing in your brains let's
get on with some more current bizarre stories.


This was also on the Discovery or History channel. I saw it. very interesting! The pics were amazing!


Almost Self-Reliant
Oct 7, 2008
Reaction score
I had never heard the idea that a UFO was involved in the Tunguska Event. I had heard of meteorites, and then the Idea that somehow Nicholas Tesla did an orgone energy experiment that causes this event. I really have no clue.

Once there was a major meteor strike near Chicago, over 100 years ago now. The damage it did was nothing like this.

Those who are into the light side of UFO's say that the intent of their presence is not destruction but passive protection. They will not allow a nuclear war and perhaps a major meteor hit either, one that would be likely to end life as we know it. Otherwise they just leave us to work things out on our own. But because they feel that we are becoming such an evolved race, that we need to be protected, actually from ourselves, less this precious genetic code we have evolved wastes itself.

There are actually reports of UFO's interfering with nuclear tests in the USA, reports from our own military personal. Not official reports, all covert and off the books...stated by military people who witnessed UFO's directly interfering with missil launches in Montana I think it was.

I have known more that one person who has seen ships. I have absolutely no reason to doubt them. One woman is a coworker, a nurse, very level headed. She says she saw a huge one hovering over a closed big box store one time. It was there for about 20 minutes. She even ran back into work and pulled a friend out and they watched it together. Finally it just took off. That was the only sighting she has had, about 6 years ago.

Many in the UFO circles say that they are going to come forward in mass before long and everyone will know and experience their presence. Until then, only selected encounters occur or mass sightings, as in Phoenix, on a limited, but increasing rate of occurrance.

and they think that it will likely not be a direct communication with any government... So what would you do if a UFO landed in your pasture and they invited you for a ride? Would you freak, run, jump on board? would you invite them in for tea?


Jul 16, 2008
Reaction score
Brandon, MS
After tea I would tell them how much I enjoyed their visit and ask them to come again. Just like any other visitor at my house. If they invited me for a ride I would have to first make sure I would be back in time to feed and water rabbits and chickens.

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