Are You Into UFO Prophecy?


Crazy Cat Lady
Jul 12, 2008
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Ontario, Canada
The conventional reason for a buncha tiny frogs or toads 'bouncing off the road' in a rainstorm is that they had just metamorphosed from a local pond/ditch/puddle/whatever and were hanging out there waiting for rain, and then when it finally does rain, alllllll of them (and this can be into the tens of thousands) go "aaaaah! freedom!" and go bolting away out into the great wide world, which often has a road running through it. It can be quite impressive.

Unless you were actually standing there with a bucket and one *fell into* the bucket, this is most likely what you saw. Yes, they do look like they are falling with the raindrops and bouncing. But, not. I've seen it myself. You have to be in exactly the right place at exactly the right moment, it may take only like 10 minutes once a year and not happen every year.

As for things that people have been seeing/believing for millenia, if that is proof of anything, does this mean that fairies, mythological monsters, and the evil eye are real too? ;)



Jul 16, 2008
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Brandon, MS
Pat, do you actually mean there is some doubt that faries exist? I am stunned. I guess next you are going to tell me there is no Easter Bunny and that leprecauns don't really have pots of gold at the end of the rainbow. And of course the evil eye is real. I use it daily. Just ask the folks I work with. As far as mythyological monsters. I ain't even gonna go there considering they keep pulling strange things from the deep. :plbb


Almost Self-Reliant
Oct 7, 2008
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Copyright: Miriam Delicado 2007

Most people who have had direct, physical contact will choose not to speak publicly. They have to be concerned about ridicule by the general public.

The aliens gave me warnings of a possible future in which the planet and/or the human race could face destruction. They asked me to share with you what role they will play if we are threatened as a species or if there is a threat to the Earth itself. It is a peaceful and positive message.

The Tall Blonds are here to help protect the planet from outside forces that may not be known to us at this time.

They will not allow it to be completely destroyed by us or any other means.

They do not claim to be God. (They stress this point to me and I do in the book as well.)

If we destroy the planet then we ultimately change the very existence of all that is.

They may make the decision to step in and help the people of this planet if a global event happens that would threaten the ecosystem here on earth. (The Tall Blond Aliens made it clear to me that this is the only way they will make themselves known en mass to the world.)

Others who have had contact with the Tall Blonds, receive messages that are geared towards preparations in the event of a sudden global change.

God, asks to be humble, and claiming the power of prophecy as a person is nothing more than vanity. The truth can be seen by anyone who chooses to look. It does not need to be expressed in personal acclaim. Question everything, and everyoneespecially those whose vanity can be seen with your eyes as well as your heart.

they have expressed to me the importance of never following any one person or any one idea as being the only one. That includes me, and my messages. I ask that you question everything I have told you. They ask that you question everything and exclude nothing as being the ultimate truth. It is only through this process you will find truthful answers.

My intention in sharing the above excerpts was to help you understand more of Blue Stars messages. There is a large agenda going on and you as a person searching for information would be wise to educate yourself on all the facts before making any conclusions.

My experiences with the Tall Blond Aliens have been positive. I have not been tortured or threatened to never tell anyone. EDUCATE YOURSELF. What and who should you believe? Yourself! Do not allow yourself to be led without question. This is the cornerstone of the Alien messages. WE, must look after ourselvesthey will not be here to take care of us. WE must learn to look after this earth and ourselves. They are concerned that we are stripping the planet pf precious resources and want the world to wake up and open their eyes.

May God be with us all.

Those of us who claim to have had physical encounters with the Aliens are often being groomed to be ambassadors to pass on their messages to the world.

Although to some of you who may have found your way to this web site it may all seem somewhat unbelievable but I assure you we are rational people from all walks of life.

All any of us ask is for you to stop and listen to our stories. Listen to the most important message you will ever hear. Listen to the warnings and spiritual knowledge that we have been blessed enough to receive as we pass it on to you.

If the people all over the world who claim to have had these experiences are actually crazy then God help us.

If everything we say is the truth and you choose to ignore the messages then God help you.

Now is the time for mankind to unite in the belief and understanding that we are not alone. We are only guests on this great planet Earth. Our world is on the verge of a great change and it is time to prepare.


Lovin' The Homestead
Oct 1, 2008
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Mmmm. I noticed a lot of tall blondes in Salt Lake City last time I was there....


Jul 16, 2008
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Brandon, MS
big brown horse said:

It wasn't me because I am a short blonde!
Me either - I'm not blonde at all.

However in keeping with the theme of things here on this particular subject.

I have also read the above information along with the opposite thought that it is simply the NWO getting us ready for this great hologramed message that the masses will see. So as in everything else out there. There is always the other side.

This is not meant to be a for or against post. It is just simply that I have seen the BE READY side and the other thoughts concerning this as well.

Which side is right? I have no clue. I try to remain open minded but I also try not to be so open minded that my brain falls out.
All information taken in must be considered. And if no logical (earthly logic is all I have access to) conclusion can be reached I can only take a wait and see attitude. I also try to remain a little skeptical. Err on the side of caution.


Almost Self-Reliant
Oct 7, 2008
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Aliens described as tall blonds have been noted by others through out the alien sighting reports over the years but it is not nearly as common as little gray people. Tall blue people have also been noted.

Miriams report is interesting in that her encounter includes both the grays and the tall blonds, as though these aliens are friends or associates working together, and coming from the same ship.

Grays have been noted to be of different intent and possibly from different cultures. The few photos of them show similarities and differences as though there are different varieties of grays.
this youtube video has a couple of very old photos. the grays depicted look very different in stature. I do not think all the ships in this film are alien but some may be. I suspect some are German craft, or from German scientific decent, from their base in Brazil.

New World order holograms? I've heard that one before. Wonder if that was a new world order hologram over Phoenix as few years back.

PS I'm a medium blonde, thats to Lady Clairol!


Almost Self-Reliant
Oct 7, 2008
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2dream said:
I have also read the above information along with the opposite thought that it is simply the NWO getting us ready for this great hologramed message that the masses will see. So as in everything else out there. There is always the other side.

This is not meant to be a for or against post. It is just simply that I have seen the BE READY side and the other thoughts concerning this as well.
If you ever read the Report From Iron Mountain, found at you will know that this think tank from back in the 50's, or was it 60's decided that our world economy needed war to maintain stability. The war machine had become equated with the economic stability of the world, hence you have continued war to keep the population busy developing, creating and producing material goods which all makes the world go round so they say. The report discusses what would happen during a prolonged peace to the economy and they just couldn't find anything good to say for the economy, Thats when they started kicking around the idea of invasions of aliens to keep us productive out of fear... a new war, an new challenge to keep the world economy this would be A motivating factor to create such a hologram. It is rumored that Henry Kissinger was behind the Report From Iron Mountain, the instigator.


Frugal Homesteader
Jul 12, 2008
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SW Ontario, CANADA
big brown horse said:
Tall Blonds? :hu
I am a tall blonde, so is my dh, so are my dd and ds.

Sorry, couldn't resist. :hide I'll go bac k to lurking on this post--usually if I have nothing contructive to say, or argumentative, I just read.


But we all are tall blondes. :lol:

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