Are you poor? I just gotta get this out....


Lovin' The Homestead
Sep 18, 2010
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Eastern Kansas
I don't know if "they" would classify us as working class poor or poverty class rich :D I own my own car because I paid off the loan, SO is paying off his loan. Between the two of us we gross earn roughly $55K a year, but between his car loan, our school loans, and the monthly or (in the case of feed 6weeks) bills we rarely have much if anything left over. It's actually kind of funny, but we don't have credit card debt, we don't have medical debt, but those school loans are killer! Plus, add in the fact that I've been putting 10% of my paycheck each pay period aside in a 401(K) and we definitly don't have alot of money and we generally live check to check. The only "luxuries" we have bills for is the internet and the cell phones and we have the cell phones because if something goes wrong on our commutes we can get call the other person. Plus we have my mother on our calling plan to help her out with her finances (although her being on there only adds around $10 a month :) ). I wouldn't say we are poor, instead I would say we need to sacrifice more to have the things we need or want to have.


Should be Sewing
Nov 19, 2008
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I have had money before and we are not making it like we used to and I am sure feeling it! We are definitely poor financially right now! But when I look at the ones that are spending like it is going out of style and taking all kinds of vacations I remind myself that with my CHOICES I should be debt 3 years or less! I see so many people that I know that are 10, 15, or more years older than me and they are in debt up to their eyeballs and can not afford to retire.
My kids are happy. They wish they could do more that costs money but on the other hand they had a GREAT time for just the price of dinner at the park at a park that has a (free) spraygrounds last night!
I refuse to allow my children to have ipods and ds's and to completely tune out and disconnect from the family. Even when we could afford them I did not allow them to have them.
I do feel that I am judged as being poor because our house is not the nicest one around and it needs a LOT of repairs and updates...but in a couple years I am going to OWN this outright and then we can update it as we can rather than stressing out about being in debt and having a pretty deck. Does that make sense? I also feel we are judged to because my kids are not allowed to wear certain clothing and I like a certain look on them. None of those 'cool' t-shirts that cost $20 a piece for a Sunday morning service...sorry.
I am trying to teach my children to start out debt free and STAY that way! But sometimes it is so hard when the pressure is on to have EVERYTHING and to have it NOW.
But poor...yeah right now our checking account is POOOOORRRRR!!!! But I am BLESSED!


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
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Mountains of WV
I guess I never even noticed any pressure to have more or show more prosperity. I've always pitied those who equated material wealth~or the appearance of it, at least~with personal worth. I knew from a very young age that those who need the appearance of wealth or prosperity are the most insecure people I'd ever met! They gauge how they are progressing through life by what people think or by what they imagine people are thinking. How sad is that?

Success is not measured by what you own, but by what owns you.

Do you devote your time and money to enriching your family with good family values, close personal relationships that cannot be shaken with a fluctuation of money or goods, and to strong character in the face of good times or bad? Or do you weeble through this life feeling anxious or insecure about a change of economy, job status, income flow or how you perceive others are doing in comparison to yourself?

If it's the former, I deem you a success. If the latter, I would say you need to learn to be content no matter what the circumstance life brings you....only this will sustain you through hard times. There will always be someone out there with a better job, bigger home, newer cars, fatter 401K. A person secure in their own personal self-worth will not even look over into the neighbor's yard to see these things, but will feel a swelling in their chest as they see their own home roll into sight when they return from work each evening~because that is where your success lives, if you are doing things right.


Lovin' The Homestead
Jan 2, 2011
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Wannabefree said:
FC, not people in general...FAMILY. TOTALLY different animal we're dealing with :lol: Not many even know our financial situation. I think my cousin meant well but just did not understand how stupid what she said sounded to me in the context of the situation. It was just a remark about getting a "real" job, rather than doing what I do around the home. It was SOoooooooo dumb. I don't care if my house payment was a day or 10 late. It got there, and I didn't have to drop my kids at a sitter, to go to a job I hate, to get it there. This is the SAME cousin who dreams of being a SAHM because I do it :th Some folks are never satisfied...ever, and sometimes I think they don't want those of us who are satisfied to STAY satisfied. Misery loves company. Thankfully, i rarely see this particular cousin because she is ALWAYS busy working :rolleyes:
Reminds me of the story of the corporate type who went on vacation to a fishing village.
Fisherman came in after being out on the boat for an hour and sold his fish. The tourist asked him why he didn't stay out longer? The fisherman asked "why"?
So you can get more fish to sell
So you can get more money
So you can get a bigger boat and get more fish and maybe someday get a fleet and have other people work for you and you can move to the big city and not have to work
So eventually you can retire and go to a village and fish when you want and spend the rest of the day doing whatever you want
The fisherman laughed and said "I do that now!"


Lovin' The Homestead
Jan 2, 2011
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OrganicKale said:
I think the problem is, we look at each other's lifestyles and think "I could never be happy living that way" and so we conclude that the other can't possibly be happy. The poor think the rich aren't happy and the rich think the poor aren't happy and we should all just mind our business.


Either i have all the money in the world, and no time to enjoy it, or i have all the time in the world, and no money to enjoy it. I try to just be content with whatever i get hit with.


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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AnnaRaven said:
Wannabefree said:
FC, not people in general...FAMILY. TOTALLY different animal we're dealing with :lol: Not many even know our financial situation. I think my cousin meant well but just did not understand how stupid what she said sounded to me in the context of the situation. It was just a remark about getting a "real" job, rather than doing what I do around the home. It was SOoooooooo dumb. I don't care if my house payment was a day or 10 late. It got there, and I didn't have to drop my kids at a sitter, to go to a job I hate, to get it there. This is the SAME cousin who dreams of being a SAHM because I do it :th Some folks are never satisfied...ever, and sometimes I think they don't want those of us who are satisfied to STAY satisfied. Misery loves company. Thankfully, i rarely see this particular cousin because she is ALWAYS busy working :rolleyes:
Reminds me of the story of the corporate type who went on vacation to a fishing village.
Fisherman came in after being out on the boat for an hour and sold his fish. The tourist asked him why he didn't stay out longer? The fisherman asked "why"?
So you can get more fish to sell
So you can get more money
So you can get a bigger boat and get more fish and maybe someday get a fleet and have other people work for you and you can move to the big city and not have to work
So eventually you can retire and go to a village and fish when you want and spend the rest of the day doing whatever you want
The fisherman laughed and said "I do that now!"
:lol: I love that!!


Cold is on the Right, Hot is on The Left
Sep 12, 2008
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AnnaRaven said:
Wannabefree said:
FC, not people in general...FAMILY. TOTALLY different animal we're dealing with :lol: Not many even know our financial situation. I think my cousin meant well but just did not understand how stupid what she said sounded to me in the context of the situation. It was just a remark about getting a "real" job, rather than doing what I do around the home. It was SOoooooooo dumb. I don't care if my house payment was a day or 10 late. It got there, and I didn't have to drop my kids at a sitter, to go to a job I hate, to get it there. This is the SAME cousin who dreams of being a SAHM because I do it :th Some folks are never satisfied...ever, and sometimes I think they don't want those of us who are satisfied to STAY satisfied. Misery loves company. Thankfully, i rarely see this particular cousin because she is ALWAYS busy working :rolleyes:
Reminds me of the story of the corporate type who went on vacation to a fishing village.
Fisherman came in after being out on the boat for an hour and sold his fish. The tourist asked him why he didn't stay out longer? The fisherman asked "why"?
So you can get more fish to sell
So you can get more money
So you can get a bigger boat and get more fish and maybe someday get a fleet and have other people work for you and you can move to the big city and not have to work
So eventually you can retire and go to a village and fish when you want and spend the rest of the day doing whatever you want
The fisherman laughed and said "I do that now!"
LOVE it!


I love that fisherman. Thats about the way i see my life right now. I might be poor, but i chose free time over money. And as long as i got tv and internet, i'm a happy camper.


Lovin' The Homestead
Dec 14, 2009
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We are the poorest family in the whole clan(various countries included),but we are pretty happy with what we have.Would be great if we had a bit more so dh could work less.Even if we had more money we would not spend like some relatives that buy $200 gucci glasses and $300 armani watches.What is up with that? I joked that I could buy so much topsoil and mulch with that money.

My uncles wife likes to call us the *poor ones up north*.Yes we are but she is poor when it comes to family,because there is no love in their home.The kids go home for money not to help them and they are old and could use a lot of help!I feel sad for my uncle.He tries but you can't buy that love.

Weird thing is that the relatives with the great houses and lots of money are always fighting for more.Constantly jealous if they think someone else got more than the *fair* share.They act all happy and smiling,but they seem bitter and angry at the slightest thing.

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