Are you poor? I just gotta get this out....


Super Self-Sufficient
Jul 21, 2008
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Wifezilla said:
I don't think you can assume anything about how people are dressed.
I think you can. When some kid with his hat on backwards walks by with his pants sagging and his underwear hanging out, you an assume he isn't seriously looking for a job and exercises poor judgement.
heck that is a trend now and has been for a no you can't assume that.....but if are hanging out in a dark alley and crazy eye dude comes, it doesn't matter what he is wearing, you are screwed.........:lol:

how many of those 'he was such a nice neighbor and dressed so well'--ended up as a serial killer :rolleyes:


Power Conserver
Apr 30, 2011
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LOL that's true- if some crazy eyed guy in a dark alley was wearing a tuxedo I would still back off.


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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Ya'll are funny. This weird bald guy at the gas station this afternoon was watcing me. I was checking my pulse while I pumped gas, because it was high(allergy attack), and he looked over and asked me "Do I make your heart rate rise?" I just grinned and winked at him and said "ya sure do!" :tongue People are SO weird. He laughed, and went on about his day. I thought it was kinda funny. My neighbor friend though, would have gotten all offended and/or afraid he was going to snatch her and rape her and would have been watching out for him for weeks to make sure he wasn't stalking her :rolleyes: Difference of perception. Baggy saggy pants don't bother me, but crack kills...if ya can't keep it covered... :old At least it isn't bare and all hanging out. I have seen grown women AT CHURCH with more boobage hanging out the front of their blouse than I ever even care to tote around personally, their choice though. So, the way folks are dressed, doesn't really matter to me. I dress nice, casual, comfortable, and clean...well at least in public I am generally very clean, here there is too much poo and dirt to stay very clean :lol: so long as there is no indecent, it doesn't bother me.


Jun 27, 2011
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When we had our house in FL we tried to look poor. It made us less of a target in our neighborhood. The outside of our home looked presentable and was set far back from the road but nothing special at all. Dogs outside in the fenced in back yard. We were the only ones on our street not robbed! We intend to follow this same idea as we make our home in MS.


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 15, 2008
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SE Indiana
As per the original post...yes, we are "financially" poor. We live paycheck to paycheck....been married 31 years this October, and have NEVER taken a "real" vacation...we drive older trucks, 90's models....and...we don't have the "TOYS" that a lot of other farms have. Are we unhappy?? Not in the least. Our own son told me...."Mom, why do you work so hard on those gardens, when you can go buy it cheaper?" Well, for a few reasons...first, I want fresh CLEAN food and don't want to "glow in the dark" And the exercise is an added bonus...also, I know when and if TSHTF....we should be OK. We still go buy things...personal, I have the knowledge to do it on my own, when I need to. My sisters are always going here and there...Hawaii...Disney World...Cancun... I go to the feed store....and Save-A Lot grocery :p They have "toys" One has a camper at a lake, for weekends...however they are always telling us how much they spend on it...the other has 4 wheelers for their 2 girls...rail buggy' turn's ( she has 2) and a Kabota tractor. ( She is the sister giving me her "old" 8 N tractor) However, BOTH of them ask me for my home pickled beets, or cheese, and they both ask me to raise meat chickens for them, ( I wont) They have the money...I have the peace of mind..and peace. They both complain about their jobs, or co workers...I brag about the antics of the farm animals. :D Poor is each persons perception...we are poor in the money sense, but rich in contentment. They are rich in money, and poor in peace. Hubby and I are happy with out lifestyle...and THATS what matters to us.


Super Self-Sufficient
Aug 7, 2011
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justusnak said:
As per the original post...yes, we are "financially" poor. We live paycheck to paycheck....been married 31 years this October, and have NEVER taken a "real" vacation...we drive older trucks, 90's models....and...we don't have the "TOYS" that a lot of other farms have. Are we unhappy?? Not in the least. Our own son told me...."Mom, why do you work so hard on those gardens, when you can go buy it cheaper?" Well, for a few reasons...first, I want fresh CLEAN food and don't want to "glow in the dark" And the exercise is an added bonus...also, I know when and if TSHTF....we should be OK. We still go buy things...personal, I have the knowledge to do it on my own, when I need to. My sisters are always going here and there...Hawaii...Disney World...Cancun... I go to the feed store....and Save-A Lot grocery :p They have "toys" One has a camper at a lake, for weekends...however they are always telling us how much they spend on it...the other has 4 wheelers for their 2 girls...rail buggy' turn's ( she has 2) and a Kabota tractor. ( She is the sister giving me her "old" 8 N tractor) However, BOTH of them ask me for my home pickled beets, or cheese, and they both ask me to raise meat chickens for them, ( I wont) They have the money...I have the peace of mind..and peace. They both complain about their jobs, or co workers...I brag about the antics of the farm animals. :D Poor is each persons perception...we are poor in the money sense, but rich in contentment. They are rich in money, and poor in peace. Hubby and I are happy with out lifestyle...and THATS what matters to us.


Power Conserver
Apr 30, 2011
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I think it is perception and knowing what you want out of life that makes the difference. If I had never taken a real vacation in 31 years I would be depressed beyond belief. I love seeing new places, trying new things, tasting new foods, learning about other cultures. When my world gets too small, I get claustrophobic. It was extremely important to me to expose my child to the world as well because I didn't want her to grow up thinking that we lived in the center of the universe. We don't. There is a whole wide world out there. I think travel really broadens you, so for ME it is important. For others, not so much. And as far as I know, having a job and making money doesn't stop you from gardening or canning. I have done both, and made quilts too. And at one time raised livestock. You can sit as much as you want in each world. I am sure some of my professional friends thought I was little weird when I was leaving work in the middle of the day to go home and give shots to a sick goat...but your world is what you make it to be. People seek the lifestyle that makes them happy. I think the problem is, we look at each other's lifestyles and think "I could never be happy living that way" and so we conclude that the other can't possibly be happy. The poor think the rich aren't happy and the rich think the poor aren't happy and we should all just mind our business.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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If you look at the amount of money my hubby makes-we're rich. But, due to poor financial decisions, we're poor. W/the amount he makes, we should be able to have our own farm, but we can't get one. We're working now on paying off bills, and in 3 years, we should be able to breathe a bit easier. But, it wouldn't change how I do things.


Super Self-Sufficient
Jul 21, 2008
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snapshot said:
When we had our house in FL we tried to look poor. It made us less of a target in our neighborhood. The outside of our home looked presentable and was set far back from the road but nothing special at all. Dogs outside in the fenced in back yard. We were the only ones on our street not robbed! We intend to follow this same idea as we make our home in MS.
it is a shame tho that a person has to disguise themselves living in their area. But I can sure understand why one would.

but ya know my Dad always said, if you shop for a new car, go dressed as poor as you can. You don't want them to even think you have a dime to your name HA HA