Are you poor? I just gotta get this out....


Lovin' The Homestead
Oct 1, 2010
Reaction score
we are poor and hardworking. We have what we need and some left over for some of what we want. But we are definantly poor in most peoples eyes. I have great kids and until recently I had a great marriage. :th I hope it bounces back. we will see.

But I have a roof over my head, no savings and live paycheck to check. Our two cars are 11 years old. But they run and we are insured. We pay our bills. So for me, I'm content.

old fashioned

Almost Self-Reliant
Oct 10, 2009
Reaction score
Tacoma, Wa
We, like atlot of us on here, live paycheck to paycheck. There never seems to be enough to go around. We do pay our bills on time most of the time...we have held off to the last minute or were late a time or two in order to have groceries. We don't/won't have credit cards anymore and haven't for a few years. Our 2 vehicles are paid off and we have about one more year left to pay on a couple of small loans, then we'll only have the mortgage left and that will take a while.

Money is always tight around here & it seems as if there is never enough for those extra needs like shoes, clothes, school supplies/fees, car tabs, etc. etc. but somehow we've always made it thru, we've always managed to get those things. We are not financially rich by any stretch of the imagination. I think we are considered 'working class poor'.

For years I always thought I wanted more.....more money, better house, and some land. Not to keep up with the Jones's, but to further my SS dreams. Here lately I've been coming to the realization I don't really need it. Sure it would be nice if we did have a full freezer, full pantry, a hefty savings, enough livestock & land to provide for the future and didn't have money worries. But we have alot more than most. We have a roof over our heads, food to eat, and most of all each I'm good with that.


Lovin' The Homestead
Jul 26, 2011
Reaction score
I think the perceptions of poor and rich are very different. Because I moved over here from Germany and we now have a farm, I am considered rich. Dirty rich to be exact. People dont realize that I work 40+ hours a week at a job I hate and another 4-5hrs a day at the farm to make it all come together. They just see the end picture and say that I am rich. I dont consider myself rich since I hate every single day I have to go to work. I gained weight because I sit in a stupid office chair all day while being yelled at by managers who lack common courtesy and respect- instead of being in the fresh air and moving around, doing stuff. I barely have enough time to enjoy what I have. But I do it because it pays for everything I will eventually need to be self sufficient. Every paycheck I get pays off our farm a bit more, pays for a honey extractor for the bees, pays for lumber to build more chicken coops, gets me another step closer to being self sufficient. I do not own a cell phone or any of those gadgets and my computer is 11 years old. You cannot even get a mouse with an outlet to fit it anymore. I am thinking of discontinuing cable since I dont have the time to watch it anyways. We have new high mileage cars (My old one was falling apart and husband needed one for his business trips. He actually gets such good mileage that he makes money driving it) and a truck that was a necessity for the horses. We bought the two cars cash and took payments on the truck. I am 2 years ahead on the loan and will have it paid off by next year. So having horses is not helping things but that is a personal choice and I would still have to work to pay off the farm, utility bills, taxes, etc., whether I have them or not. I envy the people who can stay home all day , enjoy live, create products and make modest amounts of money. That is my plan too, it just takes some money and equipment to get everything started at first.


I worked very hard come up with the money to get my solar panels, my wash tub and ice box. I spent many years learning how to grow my own food and be self sufficient. The fact that i was able to survive comfortability, and fairly happy on less than $5,000 last year is a sign that i am wealthy in my own way. The ss way.
The "back to the land" movement failed because they all ran out to the woods, got naked, and started trying to grow food. Without any knowledge or hands-on experience; those communes were destined to fail. Add in psychedelic drugs and marijuana, and off-grid is a true disaster. Group living was another recipe for disaster. Two's company. Three's a crowd. Communism has failed worldwide, because its major tenants are contrary to human nature. The end result is always a dictatorship by the biggest, baddest, most evil dude who is supposed to be sharing all the peace and love. It's nice to dream of a world of equality, but such a world exists only on Star Trek.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 6, 2011
Reaction score
rural Abilene, KS, 67410 USA
Avalon1984 said:
I think the perceptions of poor and rich are very different. Because I moved over here from Germany and we now have a farm, I am considered rich. Dirty rich to be exact. People dont realize that I work 40+ hours a week at a job I hate and another 4-5hrs a day at the farm to make it all come together. They just see the end picture and say that I am rich. I dont consider myself rich since I hate every single day I have to go to work. I gained weight because I sit in a stupid office chair all day while being yelled at by managers who lack common courtesy and respect- instead of being in the fresh air and moving around, doing stuff. I barely have enough time to enjoy what I have. But I do it because it pays for everything I will eventually need to be self sufficient. Every paycheck I get pays off our farm a bit more, pays for a honey extractor for the bees, pays for lumber to build more chicken coops, gets me another step closer to being self sufficient. I do not own a cell phone or any of those gadgets and my computer is 11 years old. You cannot even get a mouse with an outlet to fit it anymore. I am thinking of discontinuing cable since I dont have the time to watch it anyways. We have new high mileage cars (My old one was falling apart and husband needed one for his business trips. He actually gets such good mileage that he makes money driving it) and a truck that was a necessity for the horses. We bought the two cars cash and took payments on the truck. I am 2 years ahead on the loan and will have it paid off by next year. So having horses is not helping things but that is a personal choice and I would still have to work to pay off the farm, utility bills, taxes, etc., whether I have them or not. I envy the people who can stay home all day , enjoy live, create products and make modest amounts of money. That is my plan too, it just takes some money and equipment to get everything started at first.
You're right, it's all about perspective. My father was considered the rich one in his family, too. The only thing he did was work a full time job and buy a little house for his wife and three girls.

As I said in my first post, we make a lot less money now, but feel a lot richer.


Lovin' The Homestead
Jul 26, 2011
Reaction score
Marianne said:
Avalon1984 said:
I think the perceptions of poor and rich are very different. Because I moved over here from Germany and we now have a farm, I am considered rich. Dirty rich to be exact. People dont realize that I work 40+ hours a week at a job I hate and another 4-5hrs a day at the farm to make it all come together. They just see the end picture and say that I am rich. I dont consider myself rich since I hate every single day I have to go to work. I gained weight because I sit in a stupid office chair all day while being yelled at by managers who lack common courtesy and respect- instead of being in the fresh air and moving around, doing stuff. I barely have enough time to enjoy what I have. But I do it because it pays for everything I will eventually need to be self sufficient. Every paycheck I get pays off our farm a bit more, pays for a honey extractor for the bees, pays for lumber to build more chicken coops, gets me another step closer to being self sufficient. I do not own a cell phone or any of those gadgets and my computer is 11 years old. You cannot even get a mouse with an outlet to fit it anymore. I am thinking of discontinuing cable since I dont have the time to watch it anyways. We have new high mileage cars (My old one was falling apart and husband needed one for his business trips. He actually gets such good mileage that he makes money driving it) and a truck that was a necessity for the horses. We bought the two cars cash and took payments on the truck. I am 2 years ahead on the loan and will have it paid off by next year. So having horses is not helping things but that is a personal choice and I would still have to work to pay off the farm, utility bills, taxes, etc., whether I have them or not. I envy the people who can stay home all day , enjoy live, create products and make modest amounts of money. That is my plan too, it just takes some money and equipment to get everything started at first.
You're right, it's all about perspective. My father was considered the rich one in his family, too. The only thing he did was work a full time job and buy a little house for his wife and three girls.

As I said in my first post, we make a lot less money now, but feel a lot richer.
I hear you Marianne. I consider it a temporary sacrifice until I get everything I need in order, get stuff paid off and then take it easy. I am younger than my hubby so before I do anything for myself I want to be self sufficient enough to allow him to get away from his job (which is terrible also). It just seems that every time I look around something else comes up that needs money. New barn roof, new horse trailer, new water lines, etc. I am hoping to catch up eventually.

italian honeybee

Sustainable Newbie
Jun 24, 2011
Reaction score
I have money to get by but my only child was murdered 18 years ago. So if you have your children and grandchildren to me you are filthy rich !!!!


Lovin' The Homestead
Nov 11, 2010
Reaction score
North Central Florida
italian honeybee said:
I have money to get by but my only child was murdered 18 years ago. So if you have your children and grandchildren to me you are filthy rich !!!!
So true. :hugs and :welcome

big brown horse

Hoof In Mouth
Apr 23, 2009
Reaction score
Puget Sound, WA
italian honeybee said:
I have money to get by but my only child was murdered 18 years ago. So if you have your children and grandchildren to me you are filthy rich !!!!
:( I'm so sorry. :hugs And I agree with you.

Welcome to the group. :)

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