I was just looking back through this thread, and it seems that we are all responding to this one, somewhat offensive post by FC, that seems to suggest that we ss people are worry warts who "do not live our lives", and that we just need to spend money in order to "enjoy life a bit". I think we should let FC have a chance to defend herself, or further explain her point of view. It does sound very materialistic and anti-ss.
FarmerChick said:so worried about day to day, next week to next week, year to year expenses etc and the ecomony--THAT YOU DO NOT live your life?
just wondering how ya'll feel about spending money to enjoy life a bit vs. always saving, always worrying, always looking for free fun and all that mess. LOL
edited to say everyone's life circumstances will differ, but can ya part with a dime to pay to enjoy life a bit?????