At home births and midwives


Almost Self-Reliant
Jun 11, 2010
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Lafourche Parish, LA
I am as SS as mosta you will find, but I'm not ready to take that step. I am a nurse and that old saying,"Knowledge is bliss" is true. For the most part, a home birth would be fine and if I ever have to go that route, fine, but between pain, danger, need of a skilled person, I'd go the hospital route.
I mean, what to do when I'm the one with the knowledge, but I'm the one that needs the help? My great-great grandmother was my parish's midwife and there are still a lot of people around that she delivered who talk of her. Its cool to be her descendant. I hear interesting stories about her work. Being a nurse working with the elderly, gives me opportunities to meet people that had to deliver @ home.
I hope to never have to deliver a baby, but if I'm called in for an emergency, what am I going to do??? Refuse? Of course not. Don't get me wrong....I'm open to the suggestion and I've done some strange things by many people's standards. I'm still popping out a baby ever few years, even though I'm pretty old for a momma. It doesn't terrify me. Guess I'd do it, but only if I think I won't make it to hospital.


Power Conserver
Jun 17, 2011
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Lehigh Acres, Florida
My first baby was born in Aus back in 1977 and the drugs they gave me (without asking permission) were just was like smoking weed (not that I knew what that felt like till years later LOL) where each contraction was ssslllloooowwwwed down and it went on forever. Then the! Stitches and 7 days later I get out of hospital. It was a normal birth for crying out loud!

Second son was born in the states in CA with a midwife at home birth..what a contrast! We went to all the classes and learned how to relax and breath. We learned that it was a good thing to eat nutitious food during labor if you felt like it....after all you need the energy to "labor" right? I got to walk around during labor and was not tied to a bed with intraveinus tubes and things went rather quickly :D
My DH#2 was at work that day and I called him rather late (braxton hicks for 2 weeks previously) saying "I thought I was in labor" the contractions were still irregular but continued on throughout the day, so I knew it was real this time. He drove home in 1/2 hr flat for a 45 min drive...raced in the house in time to "save" me out of the shower! I couldnt seem to step out LOL then after I was all set he raced off to the supermarket to get nice food for everyone! Midwife arrived with her assistant just moments after DH got back with the food and admonished me for laying down in the bed......and aftr a huge contraction I sorta yelled at her that I had been walking for hours and had only just layed down :hit
OH! she said...ok then...lets check....Hmmmm! .....ok you ready to push now? :ep 5 mins later (3 pushes) baby was out...45 mins later we sitting up in bed with baby in the middle drinking champagne and eating shrimp cocktails :lol: The first thing I said was "can we do this again?" :lol:
Baby #3 was DD who was born in KY....same thing..braxton hicks for weeks beforehand so when I woke up on her due date in the middl of the night I went downstairs and paced for a couple of hours....went back up and woke DH who got the other 2 woken up and dressed ready to go to the sitters. Home births were not allowed in KY so we made sure we had a doctor who would at least do a few of the things we asked. Contractions stopped I went back to bed and told everyone..sorry false alarm LOL 6am it all started back up so off to the hospital we went...she was born an hour later and just as well because 1. tied to bed with monitor. 2. intravienous. 3. inteference by doctor with breaking waters. WHY cant they just let nature take it's course?
My son has had 3 babies by 3 different GF and each and every one of them had to have a C section! Whats up with that?


Lovin' The Homestead
Jul 19, 2008
Reaction score
Greencastle, IN
My plan is a homebirth with this baby. We have an appointment with the midwife Nov. 30. My husband still isn't 100% on board but I told him that I was the one carrying the baby and this is what I want. I watched the best DVD this week. It is called The Business of Being Born. I think everyone should watch it. It was great.

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