I'm so sorry about your loss. A friend of mine killed himself 22 years ago. It's pretty difficult, but be sure and take care of yourself, and don't hesitate to find someone to talk it through with when you need to.
I'm sure you know this but, there are support groups for people who have lost loved ones to suicide. Alcoholism and drug abuse runs in my family. Even though I don't drink to access alcoholism effects me because it effects the people I love. I made myself sick with worry and fear. But, I found help through Al-anon. I can't even tell you, what healing that brought me.
You have free will. You're not bound to follow a path you don't wish to take. Have hope. I'll be keeping you and your family members in my prayers tonight.
after all that bad news my aunt on my moms side had a stroke wednesday night. she had a stroke 10 years ago which paralyzed her left side. now this stroke has impaired her memory but they havent yet discovered if it has done any other damage.
my other aunt which is her sister was diagnosed with parkinsons
my boyfriends dad was put in te hospital for a bleeding liver and they dont forsee a donor probably because of his age because he doesnt drink