Baking Soda for a cold...WARNING>>>page 2 PLEASE READ!


Food Guru
Jan 1, 2009
Reaction score
Southwick, MA
OK, this is a simple version, and by all means not medical advice. Now that the disclaimer part is over.....:p

The stomach is lined with specialized cells called goblet cells. They are unique in that they can change their role as needed. They produce mucous to protect the stomach lining from erosion, and they produce acid for digestion. If more of one type or the other is needed, some will switch roles as needed.

Today's foods do some strange things to our digestion. If you eat only denatured foods (all cooked or canned foods, for instance) the acid tends to not mix in and do its job. (Now remember, I cook and can, so......I try to always have something raw or preferably something fermented with any cooked meal. Raw veggies draw in the digestive juices, cooked foods repel the digestive juices.) So your stomach will think there is a need for more acid since things aren't digesting, and will produce more. Hello, indigestion, acid reflux, GERD!

So you start to take Tums or other antacids....baking soda was what was used pre-Tums. These neutralize the more of the goblet cells become acid producing, in an attempt to get the food digested.

Then you have GERD every day and the doc prescribes an acid-blocker, which shuts off the goblet cells. Eeek. So instead of that steak you just ate being worked on by acid, it sits in a neutral, watery stomach and doesn't break down much at all.

You likely now also have very few goblet cells that are working as mucous producers, so the lining of your stomach is left without the protection it needs. Ulcers.

Some ulcers can also be caused by certain types of bacteria, too.

But pretty soon, your digestive system starts shutting down in earnest, and you need meds to get it moving again. You start getting all kinds of symptoms that don't fit into any neat categories.....dysbiosis, or leaky gut syndrome. Your food is rotting and poisoning you. Think steak in 98.6 degrees for a day or two....or three....or four.

This is actually getting quite common......naturopaths tend to pick it up a lot more than MD's, sadly. Schools of naturopathic or homeopathic medicine are not influenced by big pharma, though. So the education is more wellness-oriented, usually.


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
Reaction score
Mountains of WV
Whenever I get heartburn, I usually eat a large salad swimming in vinegar...fixes me right up. :D


Should be Sewing
Nov 19, 2008
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I was looking at the box of baking soda and it said something like 170 or 180 mg of sodium in just an 1/8 of a teaspoon! And one of the things recommeded taking like six 1/2 teaspoons a day I believe! Whoa doggie! With my previous blood pressure problems that seems like stroke amounts!
I will stick with my elderberry elixir for colds!


Food Guru
Jan 1, 2009
Reaction score
Southwick, MA
Beekissed said:
Whenever I get heartburn, I usually eat a large salad swimming in vinegar...fixes me right up. :D
Just to remind people, that is unpasteurized ACV, complete with good beasties.....good for man and beast! Right, Bee? :D Just in case some on this thread don't read about your sheeples!!


Food Guru
Jan 1, 2009
Reaction score
Southwick, MA
abiefae, try to use live culture foods when you are looking for that sour taste, or other fermented foods like yogurt, kefir, miso (don't kill it by heating) and any fermented products.

We had fermented dill pickles with our cooked meal tonight. I tend to not really want cold foods when I've been outside, but a little fermented condiment is great. Mom had onion dip made with drained kefir for lunch. Both folks are starting to do better with their acid reflux, but still have a ways to go....

I make my salad dressings with kefir for creamy ones and raw ACV and fermented herbs for my Italian-style dressing. A perfect compliment to a cooked meal is a little salad dressed with this.

Mom had severe stomach pain yesterday afternoon and I wanted to give her what I would take....kefir, kombucha, sauerkraut, etc. She wouldn't, didn't think it would help, but she did let me give her a little kombucha, powdered digestive enzymes in water, and 150% Aloe Vera juice with the caustic elements removed. She went from doubled over to fine in about a half hour.

I did watch her, though, and would not have hesitated to put her in the car for a trip to the doctor if it didn't go away, or at least significantly reduce, within an hour. She prefers natural remedies, but still, she did change my diaper and wipe my nose.... :rolleyes:


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
Reaction score
Mountains of WV
freemotion said:
Beekissed said:
Whenever I get heartburn, I usually eat a large salad swimming in vinegar...fixes me right up. :D
Just to remind people, that is unpasteurized ACV, complete with good beasties.....good for man and beast! Right, Bee? :D Just in case some on this thread don't read about your sheeples!!
Actually, free, my mom and I have both found that adding vinegar to our gut...any kind of vinegar, not necessarily UP/ACV. ...when we have GERD really works wonders. Immediately! I've even found that I can eat a grapefruit and it does the same thing.

Mom likes ACV and I prefer red wine vinegar.

Mom has found that eating a Spree or SweetTart can also yield good results in a pinch.

My salads usually contain green peppers, romaine lettuce, celery, onions, broccoli, garlic salt, crushed red peppers, black pepper, olive oil, Parmesan cheese and a little tuna.

You would think that all those ingredients would add to the GERD, but the vinegar seems to take care of it double quick anyway.