Baking Soda for a cold...WARNING>>>page 2 PLEASE READ!


Quilting Extraordinaire
Jul 19, 2008
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Northern Ontario Canada
Well I think it's all relative really...look at the warnings on any cought syrup you take and there are risks for that as well, so really, don't throw out the baby with the bathwater...but use caution is all, like everything else. I tell you, the baking soda DOES clear up a sore chest from congestion almost instantly, so there is alot of benefit, considering the risk.


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
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Mountains of WV
freemotion said:
Spree? Really, truly? :th Learn something new every day!!

That is some salad! :drool
:lol: I kid you not! Spree! Keep some handy and see if they don't work....Mom found this out purely by accident but she has used it since with great results. Much tastier than chalky ol' antacids, for sure!

We don't mess around with our salads....we put in all the deep green things we can....spinach in season (the store bought stuff rots too quickly), Mom likes kale in hers but I do not, we don't fool with carrots~she juices these each morning and drinks the juice.

The celery is mainly for the crunch and flavor, no great nutritive value there but we like anyway.

Mom likes purple cabbage also, but we both have been having tooth problems which makes the cabbage a little hard to chew.

We dice everything fine enough to be eaten with a large spoon and my salads are literally swimming in vinegar~watered down, as the full strength is a bit too strong for me. I also add a spoonful or so of pasta as well.

Folks make fun of our salads until they taste them...and then they call me up and tell me how they were dreaming of one of my salads the other day! :p


Almost Self-Reliant
Oct 7, 2008
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Up-the-Creek said:
My FIL used Baking soda for heartburn on a regular basis,...he passed away from a bleeding ulcer. I believe it can have more ill effects than its worth. IMHO that is.
I suspect that he never had his ulcer treated properly. Using baking soda to mask the symptoms of an infection! His doctor should have known better! Reflux disease (heartburn) and ulcers are often related!


Almost Self-Reliant
Oct 7, 2008
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Beekissed said:
freemotion said:
Beekissed said:
Whenever I get heartburn, I usually eat a large salad swimming in vinegar...fixes me right up. :D
Just to remind people, that is unpasteurized ACV, complete with good beasties.....good for man and beast! Right, Bee? :D Just in case some on this thread don't read about your sheeples!!
Actually, free, my mom and I have both found that adding vinegar to our gut...any kind of vinegar, not necessarily UP/ACV. ...when we have GERD really works wonders. Immediately! I've even found that I can eat a grapefruit and it does the same thing.

Mom likes ACV and I prefer red wine vinegar.

Mom has found that eating a Spree or SweetTart can also yield good results in a pinch.

My salads usually contain green peppers, romaine lettuce, celery, onions, broccoli, garlic salt, crushed red peppers, black pepper, olive oil, Parmesan cheese and a little tuna.

You would think that all those ingredients would add to the GERD, but the vinegar seems to take care of it double quick anyway.
Much of reflux is caused by fermentation in the stomach causing pressure by the gas it forms on the spincter at the top of the stomach. An acid environment does not cause fermentation. When acid is added things start to go in the right direction chemically. When I have had these issues in the past I prefer to use betane hydrochloric acid in capsules with neals. It is exactly what your stomach should be making.

Sodium bicarb is the worst thing you can take for reflux. You generally need more acid not less and bicarb will nutralize acid.

Ulcers are almost always caused by bacteria eating away at the lining of the gut. The bacteria are there because there has not been enough acid in the stomach to prevent colonization. Older people are prone to it as their stomach acid secretions weaken with age or poor diet.

In order to cure the ulcer disease you must kill the bacteria, reduce the acid in the stomach untill the ulcer is healed. Ozonated water will kill the bacteria very quickly. Previcid for only about 1 week is helpful till the bacteria is gone and the wound healed. Then you must start figuring out how to increase stomach acid during meal times. As I said betain HCL is one of the best things. Some people over time, after using this product regain the ability to produce their own stomach acid.

BTW, many people who have such stomach problems are low in thyroid hormone and are iodine defecient as a result of poor stomach function. Without good stomach acid iodine is not absorbed properly and hence thyroid function goes down. The first think to correct in thyroid hormone deficiency is poor stomach function


Almost Self-Reliant
Oct 7, 2008
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This is a very serious warning about using baking soda.

If too much baking soda is taken internally it can change your internal blood ph so radically that you can die.

This will not be an issue for short term usage as for colds or flu
but those who may venture to use for treating cancer should monitor their ph very carefully.

If you choose to explore this therapy that has proven success in some cases of cancer you should get Mark Sircus's book on the use of baking soda available on his website.

personally, if I got cancer it is what I would do first.


Power Conserver
Jan 31, 2010
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Ontario, Canada
I watched a few interesting videos about the baking soda cancer cure. A doctor had lung cancer and he knew he was going to die, but the BS cured him. It can't be used with all cancers though, but throat and stomach and vaginal cancers are the easiest to cure, if I do recall correctly.

If I came down with cancer, I would not do radiation or chemo. I would at 100% natural foods and try baking soda. I don't believe in modern medicine very much. Big Pharma wants us sick, wants us dying, to feed the money hungry system.

My hubby gets heartburn a few times a week, he was taking tums but I directed him towards baking soda and he said the results are the same but the BS works faster. I do not like this band-aid fix of his heartburn, I want to fix the root of this problem and eat healthier. When we get our garden going it will be easier. For the next couple months he can have his junk food and baking soda.