Woodland Woman
Almost Self-Reliant
Prayed for you.
Thanks Woodland Woman. I appreciate all of you here on SS for your prayers because I am starting to feel the love. Thank you all.Woodland Woman said:Prayed for you.
Thanks Shiloh, in my few years of keeping chickens Ive always wanted a broody. Maybe the Aussie will pull thru. If she makes it till tommorow I need to mark her eggs.Shiloh Acres said:YW. My broodies have usually been silkies or other bantams, but I have had a few standards go broody. Most often they hid though, so I know less of their habits. Banties ofcourse are easier ... Once they start acting broody they will usually follow through, though sometimes not till after a few false starts. I had three silkies trying to go broody last month. One didn't become reliable till the chicks hatched and the two that weren't lucky enough to be on the eggs when they hatched have given up. Just as well -- I would rather not have a bunch of juvenile birds go through winter in the coop.
Best of luck with yours!