BarredBuff's Homesteading Shenanigans


El Presidente de Pollo
Dec 7, 2009
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So, I finished weeding, fertilizing, and mulching the lower winter squash. They are completely finished now. I got the watermelon re-planted too. Only three came up. This has been the year of replanting for some reason. I also harvested three nice cucumbers. Plenty more setting on and lots of blooms. Maybe Mom can whip up some churn pickles next week while I am gone.

In the morning, I should be able to get the tomatoes staked, weeded, and mulched. Mom is going to help me---so, we should be able to get it all done. Most of them don't look bad. Some of them look really nice despite all of the set backs.

I have laundry to bring in and fold. Today, it was super hot and they dried well. However, the washer didn't ring them up out well. They were sloppy going up on the line this morning.

I have another broody hen. It is one of my Buff Orpingtons, but not the one I tried to let set earlier in the season. I have her a nest set up and ready to go. I am going to move her tonight. I'm giving her 15 eggs and hoping for a little hatching success. I need some roosters to can up and some young hens to lay this winter.


Sustainability Master
Nov 13, 2010
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East Texas
I have mowed the weeds before...….LOL At least your plants are big and healthy now. I use cow panels to trellis my tomatoes on. They make it so easy.


Super Self-Sufficient
Jul 31, 2017
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I'm so glad you're feeling better, both for preaching and for camp. Ear infections can be tough to deal with, especially if you get dizzy. You've had way more rain than we've had so far this year! I have had enough, and mostly in the evenings. It's been a good year here so far.
Our blackberries and figs are growing really well. We plan on propagating more of each. I plan on digging up more fig suckers and selling them. They're already over 2 feet tall, and I cut them back twice already this spring.


El Presidente de Pollo
Dec 7, 2009
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It has been a hot minute since my last update. My life has been jam-packed as I get adjusted to teaching, and the work involved with it. Then, maintaining a homestead and preaching during the week too. I have been very busy since July. I have gotten settled into my job and have finished four weeks with students, and I have enjoyed it so far. It's a lot of work, and hard to get it all done. However, I am reaping the benefits of being paid well every two weeks and I enjoy that.

My garden did okay. I still have winter squash, lima beans, green beans, and sweet potatoes to harvest. My tomatoes were bad, but everything else did fair. I'm already thinking about next year. Each pay period, I am laying back three bales of straw so that I have plenty to mulch with next spring. I am trying to be as strategic as possible about it. I have lined up a good source of manure to use on the ground this fall or spring. If I can get my soil amended (and I will), I can mulch as soon as the plants are fairly small since I won't have to fertilize. This will cut a lot of the work out This fall, I have got to work on my blackberries, blueberries, and strawberries to prepare them for next spring. I have a running to do list in my head.

We also snagged a used, upright freezer and have been able to use that in our garage. I can store baked goods, butter, and meat a lot easier now without a walk to Gran's house. That was a great deal. I have been busy canning what produce and meat I do have. I canned 14 pints of pork shoulder a week ago. I plan to do a batch of chicken on Monday.


Then, I have some roosters that are almost ready to butcher. I am mainly waiting for the weather to cool down. It is hot and steamy here still. I am ready for frost! I'll can them up also, and any old hens past their prime.


The pantry is pretty full too. I am happy about that. I am ready for the cold days and dark nights.

My latest project is fixing our John Deere Gator. We have had it for years (since my parents divorced) and about seven years ago it got in bad shape. At the time, I had zero mechanical experience nor the means to fix it. Now, I have the means and a tad more experience. I'm working feverishly to get it back in shape. I need it to clear the garden, haul wood, and move manure since my time is sparse these days. So far, I have replaced the battery, and took the front half apart to drain the fuel tank. I have new filters, and a new thermostat that I have ordered. This will just get it back in a decent shape. I am sure I will find out another problem with it once I get the basics done. I'm excited about getting it back in shape though. I haven't invested too much money yet either. So, if this all the stuff I need--- it was done cheap.

In the mean time, I do all of my extensive cooking on the weekends. Today, I made two loaves of bread (the best looking white bread I have ever made) and a cheesecake. I plan on making rolls, honey wheat bread, and pimento cheese at some point before I go back to work on Tuesday. It really helps with saving money on lunch and breakfast.

So, life is going well. I am thankful to God for all of his tender mercies, and blessings. I know that everything I enjoy are gifts from my Father and I am so thankful. If you're a born again Christian, I do ask that you pray for me as I go through life. I have a few things that need a special touch from God.


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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Great to hear from you! But, I understand why you haven't been here lately - you've been busy! You are definitely a hard worker. Must feel really good to look into that pantry and see that you have what you need. Hope you get the Gator going - I betcha you can. :)


Rest in Peace 1980-2020
Aug 17, 2013
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You have been busy, but it sounds like life is great for you at the moment and that is wonderful to hear!

Love seeing those pantry shelves so full of produce and that bread.. :drool Your future wife is going to be a very lucky lady!

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